Name : Rotted Zombie
Level 1  70HP   5xp gained,   4qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d10, Magic None 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Nothing
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : A Zombie with rotted flesh, Players can usually smell them, before seeing them. Found Usually near a Graveyard/Gravesite or Swamp.
Name : Skeleton
Level 2  130HP   13xp gained,   9qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d50, Magic None 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Malice Sword, Bones, Skull
Steal : Nothing
Appearance : A Skeleton holding a Malice Sword, Most likely a Player would hear them walking around, almost like a rattling sound, before they see them. Found Usually near a Graveyard/Gravesite.
Name : Plague Dragon
Level 7  780HP   31xp gained,   11qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d60, Magic d16
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Dark Gem, Dragon Talon, Dragon Tooth
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : A Rotted Dragon corpse, re-animated. Bones may show through partial holes through the skin. Found in Graveyard / Swamp.
Name : Skull Wraith
Level 13  1313HP   131xp gained,   313qc dropped
Combo +1  Critical +1  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack 2d113, Magic 2d22 
Absorb 13DMG
Drop : Ruby Skull (Key Item, Use only Once per Door) 
Steal : Skull Helm, Skull Hammer
Appearance : A Wraith that has a Skull showing for a head, usually a Guardian for Doorways in the Palace of Chaos, or any other Door Lock constructed by Nadir.