Name : Slime
Level 1  5HP   2xp gained,   1qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d2, Magic None 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Nothing
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : A Teal Green Jelly Substance, it moves around like a slug.
Name : ClaySlime
Level 1  5HP   4xp gained,   10qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d4, Magic None 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Clay
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : A Light Brownish Substance, it's not as sticky as a normal stime, Vulnerable to Fire. Found usually in caves.
Name : Aquatic Slime
Level 1  10HP   5xp gained,   0qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d5, Magic None 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Water Gem
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : Clear Blue Slime, found around bodies of water. .
Name : Moss Slime
Level 1  15HP   5xp gained,   0qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d7, Magic None 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Moss
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : A Two-Tone slime, the bottom is a rich brown, loid soil, and the top it almost furry like moss, These eat Moss, and are most commonly found in a Forest .
Name : Jelly Slime
Level 1  28HP   1xp gained,   3qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d6, Magic None 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Grape Jam, Strawberry Jelly.
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : These appear in two colors, Dark Purple, and Red with seeds, These Slimes can actually be eaten after being killed to replenish 36hp, These are rare to show up, but there have been sightings all about the Questing World.
Name : Blood Slime
Level 1  55HP   10xp gained,   0qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d20, Magic d15 
Drain Ability
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Sometimes Drops Blüd Sword
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : A Dark Crimson color, these Slimes reak of blood, they are Commonly found near graveyards, or grave sites, their Drain Ability makes them quite deadly. (Drain - Whatever damage it causes, heals itself for that exact amount.)
Name : Gravel Slime
Level 1  60HP   10xp gained,   10qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d26, Magic None 
Absorb 10DMG
Drop :  Nothing
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : Partly a Translucent beige, with several rocks in it, this slime is usually strong against Weapon attacks, but fairly weak to Magic. Fount in Mountain/Cliff areas.
Name : Acid Slime
Level 1  94HP   15xp gained,   0qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d50, Magic None 
Absorb 20DMG Magic Absorb None
Drop :  Nothing
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : A yellowish/olive slime, it will burn or melt most weapons. Found near run down Labs, or in an Airship's Ruins. Very Weak to Fire.
Name : Shadow Slime
Level 2  105HP   15xp gained,   5qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d35, Magic d10 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Nothing
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : A Jet Black Slime, it can form an upper body with arms and a faceless head, it slithers towards it's prey. Found in dark secluded areas. Weak to Light/Holy attacks.
Name : Oil Slime
Level 3  350HP   21xp gained,   0qc dropped
Combo +1  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d64, Magic d12 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Oil, Fire Gem
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : A Glossy black Slime, made of Oil, this is by far one of the most deadliest slimes, for it uses cunning against its prey. Tactics :
1. If the OilSlime manages to Fling Oil on any Players before it is set on fire, it can do twice the damage after being set on fire (2d64)
2. Normally the OilSlime cannot cast magic, but if a Player sets one on fire the OilSlime's attack changes from d64 to d64+12.
Name : Neo Slime
Level 3  340HP   23xp gained,   18qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d72, Magic None 
Absorb 10DMG
Drop :  Bolt, Steel Ore, Silver Ore.
Steal :  Metal Gem, Mythril. 
Appearance : A Dark metallic Slime, it's duability allows it to Absorb 10 damage. Strangly this one has been found near a Cavern's Entrance.
Name : Nevo Slime
Level 5  560HP   25xp gained,   75qc dropped
Combo +1  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack 2d56, Magic is Nulled 
Absorb 11DMG
Drop :  Metal Gem, Gene Gem
Steal :  Silver Ore, Mythril Ore.
Appearance : A Shiny Silver Slime, it can form into 2 sets to Double its damage, but it counts as 1 Enemy. Immune to Magic. Found in AirShip Ruins, or Notharr.
Name : GoldSlime
Level 35  35HP   32xp gained,   200qc dropped
Combo +1  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack 2d100, Magic None 
Absorb -Special-
Drop :  Nothing
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : This is a Gold Slime, it is very special, you must hit it 35 times in order to kill it, having a a combo of 2 or more lets you get in extra hits, After being killed in crumbles into 200qc.