Name : Sand Shark
Level 1  30HP   8xp gained,   10qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d20, Magic None 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  2 Jewels, Earth Gem
Steal :  Nothing
Appearance : This is just the Skeleton of a Shark, is swims through Sand, there's usually some sort of treasure gathered in its belly. Found only near Sand.
Name : Sea Shark
Level 1  60HP   20xp gained,   5qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d30, Magic d10 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Water Gem
Steal : Shark Tooth
Appearance : A Shark found in a Sea, However it can jump out of the water and use its fins to walk like a Seal.
Name : Lava Shark
Level 1  100HP   20xp gained,   10qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d30, Magic d15 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Earth Gem, Fire Gem
Steal :  Magma Gem
Appearance : A Shark's Skeleton made of volcanic rock, it's blood is lava. Weak to Water/Ice. Found only in Lava.
Name : Snow Shark
Level 2  220HP   25xp gained,   10qc dropped
Combo +0  Critical +0  
Counter None, Charge None  
Attack d60, Magic d30 
Absorb 0DMG
Drop :  Water Gem, Wind Gem
Steal : Ice Gem
Appearance : This Shark is made of crystal and ice, it swims through snow, Weak to Fire, Extremely Weak to Magma. Found only near Snow.