Love Me Or Leave Me- A Backstreet Girl Production

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Love Me Or Leave Me:

A Backstreet Girl Production

Last updated 03/27/00

I'm going to add as much as I can to this site. E-mail me with any ideas you might have. You're probably wondering about the title of this website, huh? Love Me Or Leave Me- A Backstreet Girl Production. I just did it on impulse, but I've been thinking about it a little. A Backstreet Girl Production is just something I made up, because I liked the way it sounded. And because I am a huge Backstreet Boys fan.

But as for the Love Me Or Leave Me part, that's a bit complicated. I guess it is saying 'Hey, you either love me, or get out of my life, because I don't need no playa.' LoL. Kind of a feminism thing. Stand up for women. Or it could mean 'Love my site or hate it. If you hate it, just leave it.' That's plausible, too. Have I bored you enough with this? Okay then. This is what I am making so far-

Sexual Tension <--- This is my one and only Backstreet Boys fanfiction, called Sexual Tension. Please read it, and e-mail me with your thoughts!

Status: Incomplete

Vicky's Backstreet Fanfiction <--- Visit my friend Vicky's fanfic site! She works hard; give her some feedback on her stories.

All About Me <---The title pretty much says it all

My Thoughts On Britney Spears <---The title says it all

Ashalie's Quotes <--- My collection of wise quotes

Ashalie's Movie Theater <--- A not-yet completed page about movies

Kick Ass Links <---A few links to different celeb fan/hate/fun pages. *I have something special in there for those of you who HATE people like Leonardo DiCaprio, Furby, Barney, and Britney Spears...links to a website that will let you kill them..hehe..I'm evil.

Guys, please sign my guestbook, down near the bottom of the page. I know people have been coming to my site, and I love all you guys who signed. But there are still more of you who are NOT signing! Come on! Please...the least you could do is leave feedback in the guest book about "Sexual Tension", my fanfic, located in the Backstreet Boy section...thanks!

E-mail me at !!!!

Don't forget to sign my guestbook!

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Please don't steal stuff from my site. You can take pictures and things, but don't take things like my fanfic, and don't make your site a mirror of mine. Be original! I know you can do it!