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Monday 9th October, 2000 ~ We are very purrrrr-oud to have won two more very prestigious awards, thank-you Catanna and Monday.

Thank you for inviting us to tour your beautiful and inspiring cyberhome.
We are very happy to present you  with not one, but two awards! First, in recognition of your concern for the welfare of feral cats we're sending you our Sites With Heart Award.
And because your website is a such a fun place for cats and cat lovers, we'd also like to give you our Heavenly Cat Site Award.
We've also added the Cat Action Trust to our list of animal welfare organizations at
Keep up the great work!
peaceful purrs,
CatAnna & Monday the meditative cat


Sunday 8th October, 2000 ~ Woah! Look here! Today we recieved 2 more awards!
Thanks to Judy, Cheech, AlleyCat AL, Nicolascage, and Puffer! Go visit their site here
I am extra specially proud of my next award as it comes from another ragdoll on the web!!! There are 3 raggies living in their house getting up to all kinds of mischief! Go visit Bear, Sabrina and Beau here. Its a very informative site and you can even get yourself some free graphics!
Today we added some new Links


Wednesday 4th October, 2000 ~ Yey!!! Today we won our first award ... Thank you Lucille. Here is a copy of the email we recieved:

"Dearest Jupiter,
You are very, very cute and you seem to already have the skills of Laying a Guilt Trip on your Humans down-pat-- very impressive! We are happy to present you with Kitty's Jell-o Award!
We will add you to our list of Jell-o Award Recipients pronto.
We can't wait to see more of you...
Thanks for stopping by, and ENJOY YOUR JELL-O!
Lucille, Stan, Benjamin, Daniel and Zoie, the d*g Lucille's Place -