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The official home of Jacqueline Collen on the web

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Good Characteristics

  • Fun-loving
  • Lovable
  • Happy
  • Giving
  • Talkative
  • Optimistic

Bad Characteristics:
  • Scatter-brained
  • Easily distracted
  • Spend-thrift
  • Foolish

You're a free-spirit if your Number's THREE. You just hate being tied down by responsibilities or boring day-to-day chores. You love people and they're number one in your book, and people will love you too 'cause you're funny, charming and imaginative. This means you're really good at working in a team.

You're also very good at communicating - and that's where your talent lies either in writing or talking. But you can probably turn your hand to anything if you want to, though whether you'll stick to it is another question altogether. When the going gets tough, you get going - in the other direction.

A career as a writer, artist or actor will appeal to you because it gives you an audience that you can work! Or there's teaching and selling, those jobs mean you're out there chatting with people - and you love that.

Famous Number Threes

Music: B*witched's Lindsay, Gary Barlow, Kylie Minogue

Acting: Acting: Jim Carrey, Ben Affleck, Winona Ryder

Kate Moss