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What is the V.I.P. site all about?

It's hot. We have exclusive photos, Newsletters, articles, contests.


Why do you charge for the site?

We'd love to do it all for free, but running a fan club cost money and someone has to pay our fan club staff for their Dr. Pepper fueled, work sessions.


Can Non-American's Join?

Of course, but you'll need to send a cashier's check drawn in US funds.


When can I get on the site?

As soon as your check or money order clears, we'll immediately e-mail you your password and you can start surfing the coolest spot in cyberspace.


Who is running the website?

The V.I.P. section is run by the staff members of the Official fan club who graciously dontate their time in between school work and generally trying to have a little fun every now and then.