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The Costume Party

By Allegra

Hunter looked up and across his desk, through the bouquet of fall coloured flowers, under the connected paper bats hanging from the lamp and over a jack-o-lantern to find McCall giving him a pleading look. "Do you think you have enough decorations here McCall?" he asked, adding, "I heard the store is unable to restock before Halloween."
McCall narrowed her eyes and gave him the you-are-not-being-funny look. "Forget it," she said.
"What? You wanted to ask me something, so ask." Said Hunter getting annoyed. He would never understand why women did that.
"I was hoping you would do me a favour."
"And what would that be?" Asked Hunter removing the black and orange bats from the lamp.
"You know Christine from Robbery?" Hunter nodded. "Well, she invited me to a costume party that the singles group she belongs to is hosting. It’s one of those ones where no one is suppose to know who anyone else is."
Hunter interrupted wanting to get to the point, " so what do you need me to do, give out your candy?"
"No, I just want you to come with me."
Confused Hunter said, "but Christine is going with you."
"Yes, but She’ll probably find some guy as soon as we get there and I’ll be alone all night. If you’re there then I’ll have someone to talk with. So what do ya say?"
Hunter eyed McCall giving her the impression that he was going to agree. Then he got up, pushed his chair in, pulled his jacket from the back of it and came around the desks to stand in front of McCall. "You want ME to put on a costume?"
"Yes," she answered.
Hunter bent down putting a hand on each of the chairs armrests. He leaned close to McCall causing her to lean back and whispered, "I think you’ve been eating too much candy. The sugar is making you delusional."
As Hunter walked out of the precinct McCall yelled after him, "Is that a ‘NO’?"

Two nights later McCall found herself leaning against the wall of a gymnasium in a thrown together costume. Just as she had suspected Christine found a guy within the first half hour of them arriving. McCall was debating weither or not to stay when she noticed a guy across the room, dressed as a football player, smiling at her. Oh how she just wanted to leave, these situations always made her uncomfortable. But, she had put so much time and effort into her costume that she thought it would be a shame to only wear it for an hour. McCall finally decided that she would drive over to Hunter’s and let him laugh at her for a while, plus she would get to see all the dressed up kids on the way. Before she could make her escape the guy was standing next to her, drink in hand. "Where are you going off to so fast?" Mr. Football handed her the drink and began talking.

McCall looked at her watch. Mr. Football had been talking non-stop for twenty-five minutes. She then looked at the table and saw almost as many empty glasses as minutes. Looking back up at Mr. Football and feeling a little tipsy, McCall realized she hadn’t heard a word the poor guy had said. Starting to walk away, she turned and said, "I’m going to the ladies room." Instead she went for the exit. Looking back one more time to make sure Mr. Football wasn’t watching she darted out the door and into the arms of... a Knight. Apologies were quick and McCall walked off into the cool darkness as the Knight watched.

Finding a bench part way into a neighbourhood park McCall sat down and began to laugh. Soon after the Knight joined her. "Are you okay?" He asked.
She put her hand to her mouth trying to control the escaping laughter. "Yeah, I just had a little to much orange punch and the friend I came with is nowhere to be found and I just spent the last half hour with a guy so busy talking about himself that he didn’t even notice I’d left."
"Those singles dances are always like that. There’s a reason those people are still single." Said the Knight.
"So, why were you going?" Asked McCall.
"Same reason as you, I went for a friend."
There was an awkward silence and the Knight said quietly, "I like your costume very much tonight."
"Thanks, I really just threw it together at the last minute." McCall was dressed as an Angel with a flowing white dress, her hair held back with a headband, which was holding her halo and had a mask of white feathers and sparkles covering her eyes. "Yours is pretty amazing too." She said.
"Thanks, it’s a rental. It was the only thing they had left. My friend didn’t give me much notice. I opted for the silver mask instead of the helmet thinking it would be cooler but I think I may have been better off with the helmet."
"Where is your friend?"
The Knight was busy looking at the beautiful woman sitting next to him and he couldn’t help but think there was something familiar about her. "She’s inside, probably having a really bad time. Are you hungry?"

The Knight and the Angel walked down to an all night coffee shop. From the window they watched the children running from house to house. They talked and talked, each of them careful not to give too much away. Though they were both dying to know the others true identity they were also enjoying the anonymity. Noticing the number of kids had significantly dwindled and not wanting to loose the company of this woman, the Knight suggested that they go to his house for a nightcap. McCall didn’t want the night to end either and accepted.

Still wearing their masks, the Knight suggested McCall sit out by the pool while he got them drinks from inside. A few minutes after he came out all the house and patio lights suddenly went out. Then there was laughter from the side of the house. "Huh, Happy Halloween," Yelled the Knight, then said to McCall, "too many kids, that is exactly why I don’t live in this neighbourhood."
"Isn’t this your house?" asked McCall extremely confused.
"No, it’s a friends, I’m house sitting."
"The same friend from the costume party?"
"No, that friend would never have time for a pool." The Knight continued off of McCall’s inquiring look, "she doesn’t exactly have a nine to five job." There was another silence, this one not as awkward as the last. They were growing comfortable with one another. Out of nowhere the Knight proclaimed, "I’m going to take a swim. The lights are off and I’m really getting hot in this costume. Besides Halloween is almost over, we are allowed to know who the other is at midnight right?"
"That’s my understanding." Said McCall struggling to see the time on her watch. It was almost midnight. "I’ll tell you what," she continued the alcohol she consumed earlier still having enough effect to give her courage. "Turn you back and let me get in first." The Knight obliged and turned around. It took all his will power to not turn around while the gorgeous woman took off her costume and got into the pool. But he waited and let his imagination run wild till he heard the water rippling. At the other end of the pool all he could make out was a silhouette. He quietly walked around a tree and took off his costume. Slowly he slipped into the pool behind the woman. With her back to him he put his hands on her shoulders, "I’ve wanted to do this all night," turning her around he kissed her and she kissed him back. Slowly they pulled away from one another...
"HUNTER!!" "MCCALL!!" They yelled in unison.

The kiss had completely taken her breath away and now McCall was in total shock.
After a couple minutes of heavy breathing and debating over what to say and do next Hunter put his hands back on McCall’s shoulders. Looking into her eyes he said, "I lied, I’ve wanted to do this for six years!" He pulled McCall to him and they kissed once again and once again McCall kissed him back. This time however they didn’t stop.


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