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Alhazrad's Burning Vomit (Necromancy/Conjuration)
Range: 10ft + 2ft/lvl		Casting time: 2
Duration: instant		Level: 2
Save: 1/2 dmg
Area of effect: one target
This spell allows the caster to retch forth a stream of acidic, green sludge at a single target. This sludge causes 1d4+1 dmg/2 lvls of the caster. The target may make a save vs. breath weapon for half damage. The shear revoltion towards this that a target affected by this spell would experience is enough to force them to make a con check to avoid retching themselves for the remainder of the round.

Carapace (Necromancy/Abjuration)
Range: Caster			Casting time: 2
Duration: 1 turn/lvl		Level: 2
Save: none
Area of effect: caster
This spell encases the caster in an armour of bone and cartilage, lowering his ac by 3. The armour bonds to the caster to such an extent that further spell casting is unhindered.

Spikes (Necromancy/Conjuration)
Range: 0 / 3yds			Casting time: 3
Duration: 1 turn/lvl		Level: 2
Save: none
Area of effect: caster
This spell causes long spikes of a bone like material to burst forth through the casters skin, dealing 1d8 points of damage to the caster. There is 1 spike per level of the caster. Each spike will lower the casters armour class by 1 and can be used to gore and impale opponents for 1d6 dmg per spike which hits. These spikes may also be launched forth from the casters body, dealing 2 dmg to him. For each spike launched, a role to hit must be made by the caster to determine the outcome of the launch (hit/miss) each spike which successfully hits a target deals 1d8+1 points of dmg. Spikes count as +1 weapons for purposes of attacking creatures with resistances to mundane weapons.

Acid Sweat (Necromancy/Alteration)
Range: 0			Casting time: 3
Duration: 3rds/lvl		Level: 2
Save: none
Area of effect: caster
By means of this spell, the casters body (or select parts of body) is coated in a substance similar to sulfuric acid. The substance does not harm the caster but an enemy attacking the caster will sustain 1d4+1 dmg from acid splash with each successful hit. When attacking under the influence of this spell, the caster receives a bonus +1(/lvl of caster) dmg on his successful attacks.