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If you have any poetry or quotes you would like me to put up on my page then please e-mail me with the quote and/or poetry and who wrote it at I hope you have enjoyed my page.

This is a site I am going to send to my congressman about the beaches. Please check it out, if nothing else for the pictures.

A cool site with animations... check it out.

My other page, just a bit different than this one.


I want to thank the various people that I have gathered quotes from off of ICQ, mIRC, and many many other places.

"I know you can hear me... but I'm not sure you're listening... I hear what you're saying... but still there is something missing... whether I go, whether I stay... right now depends on what you say..."
-- Martina McMride

"Now tell me, Mother Earth, what went wrong... in the heart of everyone, do you remember how it had begun, in the twilight of the sun?"
-- Lazarus Vezpers

"No one holds command over me. No man. No god. No prince. What is a claime of age for ones who are immortal? What is a claime of power for ones who defy death? Call your damnable hunt. We shall see who I drag screaming to hell with me."
-- Gunter Dorn

"There was an ache in the heart on such perfect days, a longing that they could last forever stitched against knowledge that tomorrow would be different, that in life few promises were ever given."
-- Terry Brooks

"We have been outkast people and as such have found it nessesary to be stronger than anyother."
-- Terry Brooks

"Here there is only madness."
-- Terry Brooks

"Tell me why. Don't ask me why."
-- Dean Koontz

"The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it."
-- Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf

"The lie cannot become the truth, the personality cannot become your soul."
-- Anotomous

"I heard many things in hell; how, then, am I mad?"
-- Edgar Allen Poe

"When he is late for dinner and I know he must be either having an affair or lying dead in the street, I always hope he's dead."
-- Judith Viorst

"The planet itself will be vaporized when the sun self-destructs. But even in the void of deep space, between solar systems, in that profound vacuum that will not transmit sound, there is nevertheless light and darkness, cold, motion, shape, and the awful panorama of eternity."
-- Dean Koontz

"The greatest curse of humanity's high intelligence is that, in most members of the species, it leads to a yearning to be more than they are."
-- Dean Koontz

"The relationship between a diner and a waitress is the ideal relationship, because it is brief, formal, generally conducted with a high deree of politeness, and requires no baring of the heart."
-- Dean Koontz

"Foolish men make messes, and it's usually the women of the world that have to clean them up later on."
-- Stephen King

"In the cards as in life, there is a woman between two men. That's their power."
-- Stephen King

"Alot of finding out happened like this, completely by accident. You were just going along, minding your own business, and all at once the past sideswiped you."
-- Stephen King

"People are like diamonds, they have many sides."
-- Stephen King

"No shit Sherlock, what was your first clue?"
-- Stephen King

"What you don't know you can't tell. Or be made to tell."
-- Stephen King

"Love is strange; a strange pain in the ass."
-- Stephen King

"Steady on. Enough is enough, so just steady on. Control yourself."
-- Stephen King

"We almost always see where our best interest lies, but sometimes what we see means very little compared to what we feel."
-- Stephen King

"You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants."
-- Stephen King

"If I die in combat zone, bag me up and send me home. If I die in a state of sin; close Your eyes and take me in."
-- Stephen King


This is a poem I wrote. I hope you have enjoyed this site. If so please click on the link below my picture. There is more of my poetry and a few song lyrics, not written by myself. Enjoy!

I try to speak
But my lips move with no sound escaping
I try again and again
Finally a voice lurches past my lips
I don't recognize the voice
I speak again with nothing to say
The same shaky, unknown voice blurts out
Who's voice is this
Who's dreadful, pain-filled, voice is this
I look down and realize i'm in someone else's clothes >
Am I in the same body
Suddenly I turn around and go to the mirror
Yes, my body, the same discusting body
Am I changing the way a catapillar changes into a butterfly
Maybe so
But I'm not changing into something as beautiful as a butterfly
Do I have the same heart
I must
I recognize the painful, grieving sickness that my heart is filled with
Dread, pain, no more love
It's all gone, none left
Nobody's here to save my heart, mind, body
I'm not sure howmuch longer I can handle this
My last companion has died
My love is lost
I can't handle this change
I don't want it
But guess my next action
Razor blades
The vein in my wrists are calling out to the razor gods
I have to give in
I have no reason to live
I can't do any good
I refuse to do any evil
As my skin seporates there's no blood
I now know what this change is and I don't want it
I look across and throughout my room
Ah ha!
I found my chair
I broke it into several peices
Perfect, a nice sharp stick from the chair
This will surely put me out of my suffering
I take the wood into both my hands and think for a breaths moment
Time to go
I shove the wooden stick into my chest
I can feel it going through my heart
It feels wonderful
I laugh and my heart sings
It's time to re-unite with my love
I say bye and finally I recognize my voice
The voice of death

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