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Copyright © 2005 - Laura Mowrey - All Rights Reserved

Here is some handy information to keep close by. You never know when you might need it!

Confused about using syringes? Did you know that cc and ml mean
the same thing? I use the 1 cc insulin syringes to administer all
my shots and oral medications. If you stick to this size, learning will be easier.
You can purchase these syringes at most drugstores, from your Vet, or online,
both with or without the needles.

This is a 1 cc or 1 ml syringe.
Any dose you may use this type of syringe for will automatically begin with a 0.0-something or a .0-something.
(Example: 0.01, or .01, all the way up to 0.09 or .09) unless your dose is a full
1cc or 1ml, which would be the entire syringe, or 1.00cc or ml.
If your dose is over 1.00, you need a larger syringe.
So, if your possum needs .02 or a 0.02 of a syringe, don't worry, they mean the same!


This is a 1cc (or 1 ml) syringe that has 0.05 (or .05) worth of fluid drawn up into it.

This is a 1cc (or 1 ml syringe that has 0.20 (or .20) worth of fluid drawn up into it.

Here is one way Pat, a rehabber from SC, has of explaining how to figure out dosages:
For those not familar with a 1cc syringe, think of that syringe as equal to one
dollar,(or 100 lines)and each little line is equal to one penny. Lets say a one
pound opossum needs a dose of 0.2 of
something.....(or 20 cents worth). You'd count 20 lines up from the tip.
The first mark is zero, do not worry about what is in the tip of the syringe, it is
waste and is not counted because it doesn't come out anyway.


Weight Equivalents:

1 lb = .454 kg = 454gm = 16 oz
1 kg = 2.2 lbs = 1000 gms
1 gr. = 64.8 mg.
1 mg = 1000 mcg (ug)
1 mcg = 1000 ng (nanograms)
1 oz = 28.4 gms
1 gm = 1000 mg = 15 gr
0.05 gm = 50 mg = 3/4 gr
0.03 gm = 30 mg = 1/2 gr
0.015 gm = 15 mg = 1/4 gr
0.001 gm = 1 mg = 1/80 gr

Volume Equivalents:

1gal = 4qts = 8pts = 128 fl oz = 3.785L = 3785ml
1qt = 2pts = 32 fl oz = 946ml
1pt. = 2L = 16 fl oz = 473ml
1c = 8 fl oz = 240ml = 16Tb (tablespoons)
1Tb = 15ml = 3tsp (teaspoon)
1tsp = 5ml
4L = 1.057 gal
2gtts (drops) = 0.1ml

Useful Abbreviations:

a.c. - before meals
p.c. - after meals
PO - by mouth
IM - intramuscular
SQ,SC or Sub-q - subcutaneous (under the skin)
IV - intravenous
susp. - suspension
gtts - drops
gm - gram
mg - milligram
ug or mcg - microgram
gr - grain
cc - cubic centimeter
ml - milliliter
tab - tablet
Tbsp - tablespoon
tsp - teaspoon
h or hr - hour
SID - once a day
BID - twice a day
TID - three times a day
q4h - every 4 hours
h.s. - at bedtime
prn - as needed

Virginia Opossum Normals:

Opossum Society of the United States

Body Temperature: 94-97 degrees F
Pulse: 90-160 bpm
Respiration Rate: 12-24 breaths/minute


Complete Blood count (CBC):

PCV 28 - 47 (%)
RBC 3.3 - 5.9 10/mm
Hb 8.3 - 16.2 (gm%)
MCV 64.7 - 102.9 u
MCH 22.5 - 35.9 (nug)
MCHC 28 - 43 (%)
WBC 14 - 22.9 10/mm
Neut. 12 - 67 (%)
Lymph. 13 - 67.5 (%)
Mono. 0 - 2 (%)
Baso. 0 - 2 (%)
Eosin. 2 -15 (%)

Serum Chemistry:

TP 5.6 - 8 (gm%)
Albumin 0.2 - 0.9 (gm%)
Glob. 3.7 - 7.1 (gm%)
Bun 23 - 60 (mg%)
Gluc. 99 - 145 (mg%)
Uric Acid 0.9 - 2.2 (mg%)
Total Bili. 0.3 - 0.8 (mg%)
Chol. 80 - 151 (mg%)
Ca 9.6 - 11.2 (mg%)
P 4.6 - 8.2 (mg%)
Alk. Phos. 13 - 35 (K-A units)
SGOT 250 (ku)
Na 143 - 155 (mEq/L)
K 4.1 - 6.1 (mEq/L)
Cl 100 - 108 (mEq/L)

Blood collection sites:
Lateral and ventral tail veins, brachiocephalic vein,
cephalic vein, jugular vein, pouch vein, clipped toenail.

Common medical conditions:
MBD (dietary induced), Cardiomyopathy, "Crispy Ear", Cannibalism
(not common, usually due to improper or insufficient diet, overcrowding or stress)


There are many different antibiotics used for different medical conditions.
The two most frequently used are: Amoxicillan and Baytril.
Baytril is most commonly used for adult opossums. This drug can stunt the growth of a baby
opossum so do not use it unless Amoxicillan fails and it is absolutely necessary.

It is crucial that you use Nystatin in conjuncture with antibiotics to prevent yeast infections!
Some rehabbers prefer to use acidophillous, but whichever you choose, make certain you use
The NOS recommends the following dosage:
Nystatin 1000,000 U/ml PO 25,000 U/1b. every 12 hours for 3-5 days or more as needed.


There are many different antibiotics used I will address two of the most common
antibiotics used: Amoxicillan and Baytril.

First off, it is crucial that you use Nystatin in conjuncture with antibiotics to
prevent yeast infections! Some rehabbers prefer to use acidophillous, but
whichever you choose, make certain you use something.

Dose: 10/1lb Strength: 50mg/ml for 7-14 days.

The following info gives you the correct dose of Amoxicillan
based on the opossums weight: (See important info under dose chart):

30grams - 0.01cc
50 grams - 0.02cc
70 grams - 0.03cc
90 grams - 0.04cc
110 grams - 0.05cc
130 grams - 0.06cc
150 grams - 0.07cc
180 grams - 0.08cc
200 grams - 0.09cc
220 grams - 0.1cc
250 grams - 0.11cc
275 grams - 0.12cc
300 grams - 0.13cc
325 grams - 0.14cc
350 grams - 0.15cc
375 grams - 0.16cc
400 grams - 0.18cc
425 grams - 0.19cc
1 pound - 0.2cc
2 pounds - 0.4cc
3 pounds - 0.6cc
4 pounds - 0.8cc
5 pounds - 1.0cc
6 pounds - 1.2cc
7 pounds - 1.4cc
8 pounds - 1.6cc


Mix 1 part amoxicillan to 9 parts distilled water, To do this, you can pull .1cc
amoxicillan into a 1 cc syringe. The draw up distilled water to the top (1.0 mark).
Now squirt all this into a small cup and stir throughly until mixed
well, then give your babies whatever dose is called for, given their
weight and physical condition of this diluted mixture.
Now, to calculate the dose. If the babies arrived warm and pink and out of a mother
who was untraumatized in the area of her pouch, and not injured in any way, you
would give the low end dose of diluted amoxicillan. If they came in cold, in
shock or traumatized, or perhaps had been nursing off a dead mother, you will
want to go to the high end dose of diluted amoxicillan.
Here is the way to calculate what dose is needed:

Weight of possum X low end dose (.011) divided by amoxicillan strength (50mg/ml bottle for
example) = (your answer goes here) X 10 = final dose:

LOW END DOSE EXAMPLE: 30 gram possum X .011 low end dose divided by 50 = .0660 X 10 = .066 dose.

Weight of possum X high end dose (.044) divided by amoxicillan strength (50mg/ml bottle for
example) = (your answer goes here) X 10 = final dose:

HIGH END DOSE EXAMPLE: 30 gram possum X .044 (high end dose) divided by 50 = X 10 = .264 dose.

****If you happen to have a bottle of higher strength amoxicillan, such as one that is
250mg/ml, you can dilute it down as follows:
1/4 tsp amoxi powder to 3ml distilled water (or for a larger amount):
3/4 tsp amoxi powder to 4.5ml distilled water


Clavamox is 1 ml (cc) for every 10 lbs. So it's a tenth of a ml (cc) for each pound. (.10 per
pound and .05 for a half pound baby) Any baby under a half pound, I'd just give
a tiny drop. Amoxicillan is good but Clavamox works great for abscesses and ear infections.


Diluting Baytril for SQ injection:

SQ Baytril can cause skin ulcerations at injection site and should always be diluted prior to injection. Usual dilution is 1:2 (1cc Baytril to 2cc Lactated Ringers Solution).
For very small animals or dosing dilute 1:10 (0.5cc Baytril to 5cc Lactated Ringers Solution). Always use separate sterile needles when drawing from vial and ringer bag.

•Label vial with name, strength, prepared date and expiration date.
ted Baytril is good for 14 days. See FIGURE 2:

•Swab Baytril vial with Novasan or Ethanol to disinfect the surface.
Draw 1cc with new needle. See FIGURE 3:

•Swab dilution vial to disinfect the surface.
Inject into vial. See FIGURE 4:

•Swab injection port on Lactated Ringers Solution bag to disinfect the surface
and draw 2cc. Note: remove blue cap from other port unlike in FIGURE 5:

•Swab dilution vial again to disinfect. Inject into vial. See FIGURE 4 Make sure to inject diluted dosages.
age for 1:2 dilution is 7.56 mg/ml Dosage for 1:10 dilution is 2.06mg/ml.

Baytril (Flouroquinolones) are not recommended for use in animals which are pregnant, nursing or juveniles under 4mo of age
to the risk of cartilage abnormalities. For these Baytril should only be used if other antibiotics have failed,
ection is severe, or the benefit outweighs the risk.
*** If the solution turns cloudy before the 14 days is up, discard immediately ***

(Info and images for the above information on diluting Baytril for
injection compliments of: Jasmine Brewster Fletcher Glaze)

Baytril Dosing Chart:

This is a broader spectrum antibiotic and should be used if Amoxicillan is not treating the problem.
Use injectable with adults. Baytril can stunt the growth of baby opossums, so use only if absolutely necessary.
*** Baytril can cause sores/scabing at injection sites so make sure you use small
needles (26 to 30 gauge)and follow the criteria listed above.
***Check injection site shortly afterwards to check for bleeding.
If the possum is bleeding, Vitamin K therapy is indicated.

Strength: 22.7 mg/ml Dose: 1mg/lb sub-q (under the skin)

200 grams - 0.02 cc
300 grams - 0.03cc
1 pounds - 0.04cc
1.5 pounds - 0.06cc
2 pounds - 0.09cc
2.5 pounds - 0.11cc
3 pounds - 0.13cc
3.5 pounds - 0.15cc
4 pounds - 0.18cc
4.5 pounds - 0.2cc
5 pounds - 0.22cc
5.5 pounds - 0.24cc
6 pounds - 0.26cc
6.5 pounds - 0.28cc
7 pounds - 0.3cc
7.5 pounds - 0.33cc
8 pounds - 0.35cc
8.5 pounds - 0.37cc
9 pounds - 0.39cc
9.5 pounds - 0.41cc

(Removal of a fatty tumor)