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Copyright © 2005 - Laura Mowrey - All Rights Reserved

It is important to note that homeopathy is considered safe to use in conjunction with
conventional treatments, however, be very cautious mixing herbal
treatments with conventional medications as it could result in mild to
dangerous side effects.


The world of Homeopathy is huge, but below is a listing of some of
the most commonly used homeopathics.

The following info was copied from: Holistic Animal

Using Homeopathic drops! - animals that don't like/except drops inside their mouth
then dose pet on top of head and gently rub in for a couple of seconds.

Using Homeopathic pillules/pellets! - try not to handle too much, and massage side of
mouth with tiny pill so it sits inside gum to dissolve in the pouch of pets

The Homeopathic Remedies below are some basic pet medicines for home use:

Aconite 200C at first onset or sudden - fear, shock, fever, pain, changing to other
remedies later, if this does not abort further illness.

Arnica 200C or 1M for shock with injury / bruising / bleeding / surgery.
Hypericum 200C is for any injury involving nerve damage, especially pain in the feet.
I always mix Arnica with rescue remedy (flower essences) together into the one
bottle. This remedy is very useful for
pre-surgery & post-surgery conditions - dosing a day before surgery
and several days afterwards will help recovery and reduce any risk of bleeding
and shock to the body.

Ruta grav 30Caids injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments, where there is bruising over bone.

Calendula cream or diluted herb to apply to fir quick healing of cuts and skin
abrasions quickly, and Hypericum can be added for pain.

Rhus Tox 30C helps rheumatism and arthritis when the pet seems better after moving
around, dose twice daily or whenever required.

Bryonia Alb 30C is opposite - for pain that worsens with movement.

Apis 30C can be used where there is redness and swelling, as in bee stings or inflamed
joints. A Dose of Apis 200C - as a prevention, if allergic to Bee Stings.

Sudden acute pain or fever may respond to Chamomilla 30C, or Belladonna 200C
including mouth and toothache pain. Generally one dose needed to see relief in most cases.

Animals that are on harsh Cancer therapy- Chemo or radiation therapy - Cadmium Sulp
30C + Ipecac 30C (anti-nausea, fatigue, vomiting) Use Morin Juice daily as
well, cleanses body of chemical radiation.

Colic use Colocythis 30C. *See each Herb for their healing properties.

Ear Warts - Mix Herbal tincture of Calendula, Echinacea, Hypericum into a
natural cream base and use when required.

Acute Cystitis - ( bladder infection /FUS ):
Use Homeopathic - Cantharis 30C (signs of infection when straining to go to the
toilet, little fluid or blood in urine, urinating inside house - ( which is usually
letting the owner know that something is wrong with them) Dose every 10
minutes if need be.
Chronic Cystitis - The cat that has repeated cystitis which causes a chronic
problem, use the Causticum 30C, especially good for the older animals.
Repeated attacks can be related to commercial biscuits and food allergies.
(chemicals in food or any Yeast products etc)

Chronic Cystitis Cat - Dog - Use Homeopathic Sarsaparilla 30C. Dose once a
day for 10 days. Note: the cause of cystitis in cats is caused from the chemicals in Commercial dry
cat biscuits.

Slippery Elm Bark The powdered bark is a soothing treatment for internal
inflammation. Can sprinkle some onto meals or add honey or water and make liquid
and feed into mouth.

Arnica 1M - For pre-post surgery pets, dose once before surgery, then 3 x daily dose
for another week, or two once daily if necessary.

Ask the vet or vet nurse if they could apply the Arnica 1M after surgery every 2
hours while coming out of the anesthesia (this will reduce shock and ease
the pets anxiety).
NOTE:You will probably need to supply/loan the bottle to them.
Malnutrition Kittens or Cats - Homeopathic Silica 200C.

Hormonal Imbalances - Folliculinum, Ovarian, or Estrogen. Use one of these
until aggravation or until symptoms corrected. (e.g. dripping/incontinence
after spaying etc.or male cats displaying alot of aggressiveness/angry or skin
problems at back part of body) ..See your animal or human holistic practitioner
about individual dosages. Combine also the herbal remedies as well for healing and
balancing adrenal gland and bladder control.

Ear infection - which is hot/red/swollen appearance - Belladonna 30C. (also change
diet to a natural one)

Male Cats or Dogs who spray after neutering, usually soon afterwards- use Staphisagria 30C.

Animals that are stress with traveling a vehicle - Homeopathic Aconite 30C

Weaning a young animal from parents - Homeopathic Slippery Elm.

Any Animal that has Heatstroke , Sudden onset of Seizure, sudden illness with
associated fever- bait poisoning Use Belladonna 30C.
NOTE: With pet poisoning give Belladonna 30C (fever / abort fits), then silicea 18M
(detox) potency, plus Bach Rescue Remedy (shock) every 15 minutes and take
pet to the emergency animal hospital.
When pet is recovering after a few days of fasting(which is a must) give pet Slippery
Elm Powder mixed with liquid water and syringe some into mouth to heal
burnt membrane and intestines etc.

Clearing, unblocking effect of the chemical Steroid/Cortisone - Nux Vomica 30C Give One
Dose before commencing any natural treatment of healing is vital for all
animals. Use Nux Vomica 10M for unknown chemical poisonings. (Detox on Liver)
For a animal who is feeling unwell & restless & hungry, but doesn't eat. - also
for gastritis and food upsets(with diarrehae.vomiting) - Arsenicum Alb 30C
or 200C.

For a Pet who has heatstroke, fever, fits, or hysteria - Belladonna 30C or 200C - Dose
when ever required. If acute, dose every 15 minutes, then taper off.

For a Pet in collapse state, due to shock, wheezing, or any sort of breathing
problems - Carbo Veg 200C Every 15 minutes.

Aids the heart and regulate. - Cactus 30C.

Possible Internal Bleeding from a car accident - Veratrum Alb 200C alternate with
Carbo Veg 200C (if dying or collapsed)

For a Pet who has lost a lot of fluids from long time or excessive - Vomiting,
diarrhea, bleeding - China 6C Detoxifier for the Liver in animals who
drag their bottom along ground (sometimes their annul glands are
block/infected and need emptying) - Homeopathic Nux Vomica 30C or 200C....
Dosage: 3 drops 3/4 times daily. 2 weeks. plus a low potency Vitamin B-complex tablet
(crushed into daily meals).

Highly strung, unruly and destructive pet. Scullcap 200C Dose Daily for 12 Days.

Spasmodic attacks of hysteria - Cuprum met 200C(along with herbal treatment)

Genetically hyper animals - Kali.Phos 6X Dose 2 daily until symptoms are positive.
Leg trembles, stiffness in back legs and getting up. Give 3 x times a day for 10
days and repeat every four to six months when necessary. Homeopathic Conium Mac 30C.

Older animals, particularly cats, treatment for chronic intestinal nephritis. - Plumbum
6C - 4 x daily.

Discharges of any type - Homeopathic Pulsatilla 30C.

Joint Problems/arthritis - Homeopathic Rhus Tox 30C when pet is sore after resting &
then moving again.
Whole Body is affected and stiff - Actea Racemosa 30C.
Small joints affected e.g....Neck, feet- Caulophyllum 30C.
Hip Dysplasia, joint or bone disease - Homeopathic Silicea 30C (detox)
Add Alfalfa herb & Evening Primrose Oil to daily evening meals.
Add large doses of Ascorbate Acid (vit C) to their daily meals.
Sprains / tendons / ligaments - Homeopathic Ruta Grav 30C - along with herbal treatment.
For Chronic sprains. That are recurrent after prolonged rest periods - Strontium
Carb 30C Dose daily for 7 days. Swelling of joints & joint fluid and
lymphatic drainer - Apis Mell 6X & Kali Carb 6C.

Open Wounds and abrasions - Calendula Off 30C.

Injuries / trauma / pain/ surgery - Homeopathic Arnica 200C or 1M (shock or
bleeding) given orally or top 7 drops on top of head every 2 hours for 3 doses, then
3 x daily. Pain and calmative Herbal Valerian drops (for pain) inside lip or
with some food. (dog -7drops) (cat/small dog - 2 drops).

Sebaceous glands or cysts between toes etc, give Hepar Sulp 30C daily for seven days.
Plus adding Vitamin A & D (Cod Liver Oil) Example- Med Dog: 1 teaspoon to meals daily.

For genetically hyper animals, as well as for those with psychological disturbances:
Kali.Phos 6X (tissue salts) 3 x daily.

Pets ill-disposed towards strangers and which frets through being parted from
owner - Capsicum 10M. Dose twice daily 12 hours apart.
If ineffective try Aconite 1m(fear), Ignatia 10M(previous abuse). Arg Nit 10M
(fear of anything new).

Sensitivity & sudden shock to loud noises like fireworks, thunder etc. - Phosphorus
1M and Electricity 30C. Dose 3 times daily for 3 days. The every four
weeks before expected fireworks or thunder storms.

There are many other types of alternative medicine we can use to help our animal
friends. Below are listings that cover additional information on homeopathy,
accupressure, T-Touch, Flower Remedies and more.


Alternative Medicine
Links to Alternative Medicine Sites.


Natural Animal Health

Alternatives For Animals


Bach Flower Remedies 1

Bach Flower Remedies 2

Flower Essence Descriptions


T Touch



Accupressure For Animals

Animal Accupressure

Animal Accupressure Descriptions


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes
healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the
idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what
causes us to be alive.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement
that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually
every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also
works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to
relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Animal Healing Institute
Reiki, Essences and more.

Reiki and Animals 1

Reiki for Animals 2

Reiki for Animals 3

Reiki for Animals 4

Reiki for Animals Book


The use of essential oils (extracts or essences) from flowers, herbs, and
trees to promote health and well-being.

Aromatherapy for Animals 1

Aromatherapy for Animals 2

Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals


Chromotherapy, sometimes called colour therapy or colourology, is an alternative
medicine method. It is claimed that a therapist trained in chromotherapy can use
colour and light to balance energy wherever our bodies are lacking, be it
physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental.

Color Therapy 1

Color Therapy 2


Dates back to Incan, Egyptian, Mayan, Atlantean, and Lemurian Civilizations. In
this healing practice, quartz crystals, and other stones and crystals are placed on
and around the body to stimulate and sensitize subtle vibrational patterns,
release energy blockages, and harmonize vibrational frequencies. Crystals are used
to draw and amplify light and color to the body's aura, thus raising its
vibrational frequency, and facilitate healing.

Crystal Therapies for Animals 1

Crystal Therapies for Animals 2


Herbs for Animals 1

Herbs for Animals 2

Herbs for Animals 3

Herbs for Animals 4

An excellent book on herbal uses for animals is called: "Herbs for Pets" by Mary
L. Wulff-Tilford and Gregory L. Tilford. It is put out by Bowtie press,
ISBN #1-889540-46-3. I have used my copy many times!

You can also find many great books on all aspects of alternative medicine on, in both used and brand new condition.