-All mah fave peeps!-
Rachel-BFF 4 ever!Your my bestest friend.How else would we get into all those awsome parties?lol.Ha,party girls forever!

Kelli-Ya know you have sex way too much!LOL.Shoppin sista!You have the best style!

Chloe-CuTiEz 4 lIfE!LoL!I luuv your new look!Shoulder lenght hair is so cute on ya!Luv the blonde highlites!

Sara-Hey HunNie!Ohmigosh!Your hair styles are awsome!I swear your gonna be on STYLE network on glow sumday!

Anita-Dancin sistas!We are such blondes!Your like my second bff!Anyways good luck with your new *sex life* at clubs!ha!but first,pop outta the tanning bed!i need to do that too!:)

-we(counting me and peeps up) are the sexy six!hehe-as we think!-

My other cool peeps...
Marci-When will You Eva LEARN-LOL.PLaya's are hotties but they use ya gurl!Anywayz luv the new hair do!

Rich-I luv you much!:)Even though were over,I still luv ya-since your the one who coulda got me pregnant but we had no worries about that!;)

Scott-Hey sexy!lol.Thanks for helpin me with my homework even though we both get 2.863's!Keep on truckin!Your my bff's b/f!

Kyle-Gosh,you really need to date me not Chloerz!JK.Tell rich i want him back!Your suuch a swwwweetie!!

Those are my lameass shoutouts too all my peeps!hehe.
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