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Pounds lost since July 3, 2001:


Pounds remaining until 135 pound goal:




Click on each image for a closer look.

me1.gif (81622 bytes)

 This is me at my highest weight.
It was taken the day I signed up at Weight Watchers.

Date: July 2, 2001
Weight: 277.4

me2.gif (67879 bytes)

 Here I am after losing 13.8 pounds!

Date: August 8, 2001
Weight: 263.6

me3.gif (78972 bytes)

Here I am after losing 23 pounds!

Date: September 5, 2001
Weight: 254.4

me4.gif (92771 bytes)

 Here I am after losing 30.4 pounds!
I also made my 10% goal that day. :)

Date: October 10, 2001
Weight: 247.0

me5.gif (82863 bytes) Here I am the day I made my 40 pound mark!

Date: November 14, 2001
Weight: 237.4

me6.gif (63992 bytes)  I finally made it! 50 pounds gone!!!
I was starting to think I'd never see that number! :)

Date: January 16, 2002
Weight = 227.4

 comparepics.gif (72196 bytes)
These are comparison pictures of
almost 60 pounds lost. (click on the picture)

 Most Recent Picture

This is a close-up of me. ;)

More pictures coming soon!

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