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Pounds lost since July 3, 2001:


Pounds remaining until 135 pound goal:




The food journals below contain every ounce of food that I have put into my mouth since I started Weight Watchers. The reason I'm posting these are so you can have an idea of how much food and the wide variety of food allowed on this program.

Personal Note:
I appreciate your concern, but please don't email me and ask where my fruits and vegetables are. I'm fully aware that I should eat more of them, I just don't like them. I consider any day that I include them into my diet a good day.  However, since the new year has arrived, I am trying to make a greater effort to not only eat them, but also to enjoy them. :)

2002 Food Journals

January February March
April May June
July August September
October November December


2001 Food Journals

I am currently working on the 2001 Food Journals.
I will post each month as I complete it.

July August September
October November December


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