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It was almost eleven. Amy could hardly stand it. Finally, after 20 minutes of hesitating, Amy dialed. It rang once before it was picked up.

“Michael?” Amy asked before he could say anything.

“Yeah, Hey Amy.” He was smiling, thinking of her face. “I miss you.” He said.

“Well, I need to talk to you about something. You know Nick?” She asked.

“Yeah, the blonde.” He replied.

“I went on a date with him tonight. But, it wasn’t like a date with you. It made me happy, but I wanted it to be you at my door tonight. I wanted it to be you I kissed before it was all over.”

“What are you saying?” He asked. A touch of curiosity heightened the pitch of his voice slightly.

“Can we be like, exclusive? Just you and me? I don’t want to be dating anybody but you right now.” Amy said.

“Well, that will break the hearts of all of my adoring girlfriends…” He laughed. “You know it Amy.” Amy sighed and thought for a second. There was a moment of comfortable silence before she spoke again.

“I kissed him.” She said.

“You told me that.” He replied, sarcastically.

“I wanted it to be you. But, I kissed him, because I wasn’t sure how far I wanted that relationship to go, so, I kissed him. It wasn’t like kissing you.” She giggled. “I like kissing you.”

“I’d hope so, Amy.” Michael said. Amy sighed in relief. Michael laughed. “I’m glad you are so comfortable talking about this.” He said.

“Of course, Michael. You know, Nick is still one of my best friends; I have known him forever. He isn’t going to be out of the picture. I’m sorry.” Amy explained.

“I won’t mangle him too badly, you are mine, and he has to know that.”

“He doesn’t know yet. We just ended with a kiss, and I walked inside. To him, the date ended fine, but he doesn’t know what I was thinking.”

“He will get over it.” Michael said.

“Thanks for understanding.” Amy smiled and Michael could tell by her voice. “It’s late, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye.” Michael said and hung up. Amy hung up too. I love you she thought.

Nick was just climbing in bed when his phone rang. He checked the caller ID and immediately answered.

“Hey, Amy.” He said

“Hey. I have something I need to talk to you about.” She said.


“Well, Nick, I had a really nice time tonight. I really did, but, well, I know you don’t want to hear this, but after our date, I called Michael and asked him if he and I could go steady. He said yeah.” She heard nick’s breathing get slightly heavier.

“I really can’t see you as more than a friend.” She said, Nick continued his silent treatment.

“It’s late Nick, I’m going to get some rest, bye.” She said and hung up. Nick threw down his phone and trudged to the fridge. He grabbed a beer and began plotting against the new couple. He squeezed the two rings in his hand tightly.

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