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Date: April 10th,2006

The time is here, ThOw took the #1 spot on the US 2v2 Combat ladder from NNEX squad. The match was a really easy one to take after the ladder Admin threw out a dispute that they had over a stupid server issue. I really don't understand how these guys had the top spot. Anyway, we have it now, and we are going to try to keep it for awhile. Nice job everyone for all the hard work :)

ThOw lost a tuff match Tusday night against ENE for #2 spot.Good games ENE, hope to do it again soon.

Our US-2v2 is climbing the 2v2 combat ladder with great expectations. We have our goals set on being in the top 10 soon.

ThOw defeats Team AnneX 7 to 2, should have been 7 to 1, I missed once :)

Date: Mar 17th,2005


We have done it again squad...We are in the top 10 in the 4v4 US on TWL.

If you ever thought a Christian would be anything like the clan that is called -=Of God-=, please look a little more for some real Christains. People like this -=Of God-= clan, or as I say (A cult) is just the Devil trying to pull you from God!!

Please check our foums for Ventrilo backup. You can download our version form our ftp server on the forums. I will post all the passwords under squad stuff on our forums. Make sure you just add this as another acct, do not delete your main acct.

Date: Mar 12th,2005

If anyone of you would like to know the progress that we have ever worked on in trying to help in the catching of cheaters in the AA community, here it is. One of our members has put his time and effort into helping ....He is one of our admins, 8InchFangs. He has my vote. His accomplishments have been executed very well as we seen when we had a new recruit try to join ThOw. Not only did he catch this player cheating but he also had a list of cheaters he has caught on one of our ThOw servers. He is a moderator in AON ( ......We hope to see him help keep ThOw and AA clean of chearters .....You can go read up on him and AONs progress on the dedicated time they have put into all of this....Web-site is : AON

Date: Mar 10th,2005

ThOw III is down for a few wks...Motherboard caught fire ....Be back up asap

We are recruiting soldiers and team captains for our ThOw Euro-Squad. Just click on the recruit link at the top of this main page. While you are there, please look our rules over as we are trying to maintain a higher level of players that want to be dedicated . All Euro matches are played on GMT time, on TWL.

Please check our forums under TWL match, for all the outcomes on our US and Euro TWL matches


Thank you for visiting ThOw's webPage !! Please come back and visit again.
To all our US troops all over the world who are fighting for FREEDOM, DOMACRACY, and for the fight against terrorism, we back you and support you all the way. God bless you!!!

Contact ThOw

Come play at one of our servers! * * * *
ThOw Euro Official-

Copyright © ThOw | Webmaster
TWL rung 2v2

Euro Squad Combat:
14th place.
Wins: 8
Loss: 5

US Squad Combat:
1st place.
Wins: 12
Loss: 2

TWL rung 4v4

US Squad:
N/A place.
Wins: N/A
Loss: N/A

Euro Squad:
N/A place.
Wins: N/A
Loss: N/A

TWL rung 6v6

US Squad:
N/A place.
Wins: N/A
Loss: N/A

Euro Squad:
N/A place.
Wins: N/A
Loss: N/A