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The Think Tank

My show is a little bit hard to describe. To put it VERY broadly, The Think Tank is a "singer-songwriter" program; to get a bit more in-depth, the singer-songwriters (and bands) on my show fall into many categories... most often 'pop', 'indie-rock', 'folk', and 'alt-country'. I guess the closest thing to a format would be what is known as "triple-A", although that's not really what I'm going for.

What I DO want is to spotlight great lyrics. That's where the name "think tank" comes in. There is a definite emphasis on lyrics on my program -- songs with "messages" (whether social, political, spiritual), or even just songs that don't necessarily have messages but are generally well-delivered in terms of words.

(By the way, I didn't come up with the show title. I'm terrible at that sort of thing. Somebody on a Vigilantes of Love mailing list suggested it. The name basically fits, though it somewhat indicates a public affairs-type program. I've had a few calls about that! But the Think Tank is unquestionably a music show.)

The Think Tank isn't ALL about the lyrics, though, either. I have an equal appreciation for melodies and harmonies, a la Brian Wilson and the Beatles; a guy I know once said he thought the "perfect pop song could save you", and I think that's very much true. What's especially cool is finding/spotlighting artists that combine both good 'poppy' music with thought-provoking words! (Is there a name for that? I just like to think of it as "smart, independent pop.")

Anyway, I suppose the best way to get a sense of what I do, and what I'm going for, is to look at my playlists. And if you're a regular KAOS listener -- or just want to be -- here are a few other programs that I think you might enjoy if you like the Think Tank:

God's Misfits (Sunday 6 a.m., soon to be Sunday 10 pm [Feb. 2005])- It's a bit louder than my show, but you'll also hear similar artists like Buddy Miller, Denison Witmer, Steve Earle, Bruce Cockburn, and the Lost Dogs. (no "covert evangelism" or whatever, just intelligent artists making intelligent music, sometimes with a quote-unquote Christian perspective!)

One Chord to Another (Monday 11 p.m.)- Even more "power-pop" than my show, with lots of XTC, TMBG, the Beach Boys, and other great stuff like the New Pornographers, Jens Lekman, etc. etc.

Shrug Festival (Tuesday 11 p.m.)- Paul Shrug is a music EXPERT and plays music you might hear on the Think Tank along with a lot of music you probably won't hear, well, anywhere else.

Free Things Are Cool (Wednesday 9 p.m.)- Long-standing KAOS show with an indie-rock emphasis; some of that, you might also hear on my program.

I'm Not Here to Make Friends (Thursday 9 p.m.)- A delightfully eclectic program where you're likely to hear the Dropkick Murphys and Elvis within ten minutes. And several artists Melissa features have also made their way onto my show!

Retroactive (Saturday 10 a.m.)- And just like with my show, you'll hear the likes of Marshall Crenshaw, Nick Lowe, Graham Parker, Gram Parsons, and Patty Griffin along with music unique to JJ's program.

Again, those are just a few of KAOS's programs that are at least somewhat similar to mine in terms of music; I encourage you to check out each and every show, including those that have nothing in common with the Think Tank!

Finally, if you have any suggestions for improvement, or maybe artists you would like to hear on the show, please feel free to email me at (or sign the guestbook here.) I'll take all feedback into consideration.

Thank you, and goodnight.

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