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3 April, 2002

Rapids vs. D.C. United und USA vs. Mexico

the Rapids beat the SHIT out of D.C. tonight. it was great. chung took a shot in the third minute, but he missed by not even a foot. the first half was like that a lot, the Rapids threatened D.C. numerous times, attacking hard and aggressive. Henderson scord his second goal late in the first half...and scored his third goal from an assist from chung. Henderson was great this game, the greatest that i've seen him play. the Rapids had a great defense, and were fast paced for most of that time anyways. my brother and i stayed for the first half of the United States vs. Mexico game. from what we saw, it wasn't as exciting as the Rapids game, but it wasn't bad either. Mexico threatened the USA a lot in the first half, as did the USA, from what i remember. when i got home, i saw the United States score, and beat Mexico...yay!!! i was happy about that, although i'm not very partial to the USA. heh, but it was fun all in all, this is a shitty article, but it was a great night


before the big match



nice Spenny pic!!! you can thank my bro for that one. he did it with a regular ol' camera.

this guy rocks...

USA fans on the left, Mexico fans on the right

fans waiting outside before game (most of them are Mexican, figures...bleh)

American color guard poeple...or whatever you call them

USA and Mexico color guard

USA - Mexico entering the field

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