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Surrey Docks Farm

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Urban Farming is one of Sovereignty's 10 Agricultural Principles. Allotments, community gardens and city farms are part of that vision. Here Hilary Peters tells how she started Surrey Docks Farm in 1975 and says, "I want it and other city farms, to make farming and food production part of the curriculum, so that every child has the opportunity to learn about farm animals, to practice crafts connected with them and to have actual contact with live animals ... I want to see every school child adopt a farm animal, learn about it, and have contact with it. I want everyone to have the opportunity to produce some of their own food."
Farm Life
Hi our names are Kim and Jess. We are the farm dogs and we are here to tell you a little more about our farm. The entire site is only 2 acres, densely used. There are fields for grazing, a vegetable patch along the river, a herb garden, a compost area, a duck pond, a wild life patch, a yurt, a willow walk housing the bee hives, an orchard with geese, and sculpture everywhere. Kevin the sculptor does extremely inventive work with local children collecting grot off the beach and making re-cycled wonders - mainly portraits of the farm's animals. At the heart of London it gives those who would not normally have the chance to, the opportunity to see, touch and most definitely smell the animals! The farm is a small thriving community of both animals and people (those are the ones who look after us). A lot goes on at our farm. Come rain or shine there is always something going on whether it be goat milking, donkey rides or honey making. We love it when people come to see us (especially when they bring us dog treats)!

How to get here

The nearest Train or Tube station is Canada Waters in Rotherhithe with a walk or short bus ride from there. Buses also run from Peckham and surrounding areas into Surrey Quays. Our exact address and telephone number can be found on the Information Link in the title bar.

Other Links

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Provident Society Ltd

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