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Chapter 5-----No Longer a Kid...

Names of characters in this chapter:

New character:
Rimururu, Earthquake


As time moves on, Shizu learns as much as he can from Hoahmaru. At the age of 14 or 15, they went separate ways, and never seen each other again. Both have its own journey to take....Shizu knows he have to find Zankuro and kill him. But what about Hoahmaru?  The last words before Hoahmaru left was, "c ya kid..!!" That's all. Then he's gone somewhere and never returned. 

Will they meet again? 

They met several times after they depart searching for Zankuro.... they fought against each other too. but nothing much serious. At the end.

Hoahmaru always leave with his sake and gone like the wind. Shizu also met this Samurai, Genjuro on the way. Genjuro and Hoahmaru must know each other...maybe friends? Thought Shizu. Who knows. Hoahmaru never told him anything bout his life except that he loves Japanese girls and sake. SAKE. Like EVERY DAY, that drunk man is always drinking SAKE. Shizu can't stand that smell of stinks.

Shizu finally found Zankuro...and defeated him. Avenged his parents. But strange...when he defeated Zankuro, he doesn't feel happy. Nor sad. Zankuro was a tough opponent...but how could a kid like Shizu beat him just like that? Many Samurai older and stronger than Shizu was killed or lost by Zankuro. Maybe Shizu have improved. MAYBE...

Time moves on without stopping, Shizu continues his journey. Don't know where he's heading, don't care where he's heading. He just wander around Japan searching for new opponents to fight. His life is now similiar to Hoahmaru....a loner.

A rebel. The usual schedule of the day: wake up, fight, eat, fight some more, fight again, take a break, fight even more, sleep, fight again. But he doesn't mind....only one thing he just never understand. Why was he called a demon child?

Is he really a demon? If not, where are the demons? And where they come from....? Each day as he grows, he feel his skills are much stronger than normally...feel much stranger..

[silence] [wind blowing]

There are dead bodies everywhere. Blood. Corpses of


The whole world is full of dead corpses...all life DEAD. Dark clouds block the sunlight from entering the earth...the world is nothing but DARKNESS.

"...." a man stood there in the middle of the corpses. He looks at dead bodies...then his hands. It's COVERED IN BLOOD....




There's light everywhere...

Not far away, a young woman is praying in her knees.... A pair of wings on her back. She has her eyes closed....

Then she turns her head, opens her eyes, and smiles....


"...!!!!" He opens his red eyes. He was dreaming...

He sits up, and shakes his head, "....the same dream again..."


He heard somebody fighting nearby..

"hmm..." He gets up......

It's Shizumaru. But he's different now....He's all grown. He's no longer the little innocent weak 10 year old kid. He is now 17, strong and tall, handsome too. But wears the same clothes. His red hair have grown much spikier and a bit longer, his eyes are a bit much adult now (not like those BIG eyes like a weird squirrel), more mature.

Shizumaru was sleeping in the streets......AGAIN. He doesn't mind. He never stay in place long, has no money for an inn. As long as he has his katana and umbrella with him and his life, what else matters?




Shizumaru : "..hmm...fighting so early?" whispers Shizu, and takes his stuff with him to go and see...

A bunch of people are watching two warriors fighting....A fat Ninja named Earthquake and he's fighting some samurai.....


Samurai : "AAAAAAAAAHH..!!!" the Samuria falls on the ground, wounded. Then he ran away....

Earthquake : "HA HA HA..!!!! LOSER!!!!!" laughs Earthquake, his laugh is so loud that it shakes the windows a bit...

Earthquake : , "WHO'S NEXT?????!!!!!" His breath stinks up one is standing near him......

No one wants to fight him....



Shizumaru appears in the crowd...

Earthquake : "AAAAAAAAAAAARRGGGGHH!!!!!!! @#$%!!!!!!!!! I'LL PAY FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS..!!!!!!"

Shizumaru : "I'll take the offer." said a voice. It's Shizu. He steps out from the crowd...his katana in his sheath in his back, and his umbrella in his hand..

Earthquake : "Huh??" Earthquake can't believe what's he's seeing. He stares at Shizu.

Earthquake is like THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING TO SHIZU..!!! He has to look up in order to see Earthquake's face.

Earthquake : "HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA YOU'RE KIDDING, RIGHT??!!!! HAHAHAHA" laughs Earthquake, his laughs freaks everyone out...

Shizumaru : "No." said Shizu, serious. He never jokes, "If I win, I get the five hundred dollars, got it?"

Earthquake : "OF COURSE!!!!! I KEEP MY WORD!!!!!!!!!" laughs Earthquake, "I'll promise you I won't hurt you....MUCH!!!" ready to fight..

Shizumaru : "...." Shizu don't care, ready to fight...


"AAAAAAAAAAARRGGGHH..!!!!" Earthquake attacks Shizu with his
weapon......striking STRAIGHT AT HIM.

But Missed............


Earthquake's weapon hit the ground....making a HUGE hole in the ground.

Shizu jumped away just in time, attacks Earthquake......pull out his Katana and STRIKE...


 There's blood on the ground.

Earthquake : "AAAAAAAHH..!!!" Earthquake backs off, a huge cut in his face, "@#$% YOU!!!!" He attacks again and again and again...



Shizu got hit..!! But he doesn't care. Earthquake attacks nonstop, giving him no chance to attack but defend ONLY....but if Shizu doesn't do anything, he will lose the battle for sure....
then Shizu attacks.........


And knocked Earthquake down..!!


The whole ground shakes when he fall down...!!! The people freaks out and runs.

Earthquake throws his five hundred dollars to Shizu, and runs away....

Shizumaru : "Gomen Nasai (sorry..)" whispers Shizu, and was about to take the money....but somebody stole his money...

Shizumaru : "WHATTA..??!!!" Shizu is surprised, then he saw who it is, "It's you?"

It's Rimururu. She's much more mature now, just like her sister Nakoruru.........

Rimururu : "Hello, Shizumaru. Still fighting for money?"

Rimururu and Shizu have been friends ever since Zankuro is gone. Rimururu loves to tag along where Shizu is going whenever she got time... and that sometimes piss him off.  Shizu smiles, and takes the money back..

Shizumaru : "...And for entertainment." and put his money into his pocket, "what're you doing here? Aren't you going on one of your "nature" adventures?"

Rimururu : "Well...yes.." whispers Rimururu, "but it's just a big coincidence that i meet you here again THAT'S ALL..!!! It's not as if i'm following you or anything..!!"

Shizumaru : ".....Hmm..yea...right.." grins Shizu, "Anyway, LATER." and he walks away...

Rimururu freaks out......

Rimururu : "..HEY HEY...WAIT..!!" She runs after him, "WHERE..YA GOING?"

Shizumaru : "Somewhere that's not here."

Rimururu : "..uhmm..are you heading to any forests or woods?"

Shizumaru : "No."

Rimururu : ".....!!!" Rimururu panics, and turns red, "WHY NOT..??!!!"

Shizu stops and turns to her

Shizumaru : "CUZ every time I pass through a forest I MEET YOU AGAIN." Then he hesitates, "Haha..what the hell. I meet you EVERYWHERE I GO. Coincidence? I think not..."

Then he walks away............ "Go on your journey, Rimururu. if you follow me, you'll be in danger."

Rimururu : "...BUT..BUT...SHIZUMARU..!!!" freaks Rimururu, and follows him, "..I HAVE TO GO WITH YOU CUZ...!!! CUZ..!!"

Shizumaru : "Cuz..?"

Rimururu : "CUZ..!!!! I.....I....!!!"



There's a scream...!! It's inside that Mansion..

Shizumaru : "??!!"   Shizu heard the scream, "STAY HERE RIMURURU..!!" Then he ran inside..

Rimururu : "BIT...BUT...!" Freaks Rimururu, "...SHIZUMARU...!!!" And she went after him......




Chapter 6.........The Hunter Hunted...
