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Chapter 22-----Final Destination



The underworld is a terrifying sight.......

Blood and corpses everywhere, rotting away slowly.......

All you can hear is the silent wind and the thunder flashing in the dark purple sky...

If there's dead body around here, so this was a world fill a life before Kojiro existed?

Rimururu : "...There it is! " said Rimururu, and points at that..thing not far away....

They all rush to see if it is Kojiro.....

Shizumaru : "......"

Shizumaru looks up, surprised, and walks slowly to join his comrades.......






It's a huge egg! It's clinging on to the rocks and the other dead bodies around it....

There's something inside, beating......


Kazuki : "...Is this...."

Shogun looks at it............

Shogun : " Just like the legend.."

Shizumaru : "......"

Shizu didn't say anything.......

Hoahmaru : "Oh? So that's it? THAT'S THE MIGHTY KOJIRO???" blinks Hoahmaru....

Hoahmaru : " HA! I thought it would be a big bad monster! "

Jubei : " Don't underestimate it, Hoahmaru." said Jubei, and gets ready to fight.......

Jubei : " This egg is what seals Kojiro inside and weakens him... but it will break any minute since the power of the Sacred Sages are gone. let's kill him now before it kills us..."

Charlotte : "Right." nods Charlotte......

And they all take their weapons out.........












The egg cracks!

The shell begins to break and melt away.....


Shizumaru : "...[Gasps]" gasps Shizu, very surprised....

They all back off......






More and more lightning appears.........





A pair of  red eyes opens...... it shows great anger..

Shizumaru : "........" Shizu trembles a little, but holds his ground.........

It's Kojiro.......

He looks like a human, except he's all pale, a long tail, and a pair of black wings......


He stretches his black wings.....and swings his tail around......

He looks around..........

He can see a bunch of mortal humans with swords and katanas in their hands.. their faces showing fear..

Then Kojiro saw Shizumaru..




Kojiro : "....Shizumaru........" Kojiro whispers, in a gentle man's voice......

Kojiro : " I knew you would come.."

Shizumaru aims his sword at Kojiro......

Kojiro : ".......You want to...fight me?"

Then he slowly lands on the ground fill with blood, then he walks toward him.....


Everyone backs off except Shizu............

Shizumaru : "Kojiro.." whispers Shizu, trembles a little......

Kojiro : "..It's been a long time since I have seen another human... another demon of my kind.."

Kojiro : "..Too long.."

Shizumaru : " Why me Kojiro?! WHY DID YOU CHOOSE ME TO BE YOUR MESSENGER?! I want to be normal! I WANT TO SMILE, I WANT TO FEEL EMOTIONS BUT........"

Then Shizu shouted....

Shizumaru : " I'M NOT YOU! I DON'T WANT TO BE THE MESSENGER! I want to be a human. Why do you have to destroy my life?! I want to feel..."

Kojiro : " You're a demon, fool."

Shizumaru : "........."

Kojiro : " I was a human myself before.."

Kojiro : " And this place. It was once a world fill with life.."

Then he said.......

Kojiro : " I was one of the Sacred Sages..."

Shizumaru : "??!!!"

Kojiro : " In the beginning of time, the first humans were the Sacred Sages. I was one of them.....and the world was once peaceful and nothing but life everywhere."

Kojiro : "But my powers as a Sacred Sage grew stronger and stronger mysteriously.... way beyond my control. So they sealed me away...FOREVER.."

Then Kojiro looks at his hands....

His nails have grown into his skin and sharp as razors, his hand was very pale.......

Kojiro : "..I was sealed away for my powers...for something I didn't want and never planned to have for the rest of my life.."

Then his eyes shows anger.....

Kojiro : "...Years gone by, no one came and help me. No one understood my feelings....all they think of me is a threat to the world. When I have done NOTHING...... yet."

Kojiro points at the dead bodies around them...........

Kojiro : " My powers gave me the advantage to do what I want. I don't know how and why I got these powers....but it just grew inside of me. And my feelings and emotions disappears day by day... my body begins to change and my skin....but I0 didn't care anymore... the only thing i can feel inside of me was anger. True hatred that I never felt when I was a human being..."

Then he continues......

Kojiro : " These bodies..all of them. I killed them all. My revenge on them....every single living thing in this world... all of them rot slowly and feel my pain even in their deaths.."

He continues........

Kojiro : "..But the Sacred Sages escaped. They escaped into another world, and sealed me in here. Many of the Sages were killed trying to seal me away but not all. So for centuries...thousands of years...I was trapped inside of this world, waiting to be freed by my messenger, my blood descendant.

Kojiro : " Each day my anger grew even more...more and only terminate ALL Sacred Sages. Wipe them out from the face of all worlds and to come to your world...and do what it's destined to happen.."

Rimururu : "...So you're saying..."

Rimururu : " Our world...its destiny is to..DIE? To become just like this place..?? Filled with rotting corpses?? "

Kojiro : " Your world is weak...."

Kojiro : " Only the strong survives...The weak must die.."

Shizumaru : " No..."

Kojiro : " You are strong, Shizumaru."

Kojiro : " Return to me, your creator. We shall rule both worlds together and bring the world's destiny now!"

Shizumaru : "......"

Shizu lowers his head.......

Kojiro : " You don't have to be alone anymore, my son..."

Kojiro : " These humans...THEY'RE WEAK! They are selfish... they all deserve what they get."

Shizumaru : "....!!!!"

Shizu gasps....His headache came back!!

It hurts so much...

His body...inside of him....he knows he's changing right now...

He falls on his knees... and tries to catch his breathe.......

Kojiro : " Your powers are calling for you."

Kojiro : " Accept your fate."

Rimururu : "Shizumaru..!!" gasps Rimururu.....

Shizumaru : "......!!!!"

Shizu's eyes turn dark-red...... then a pair of black wings begins to grow from his back... his hair begins to grow longer and spikier.. his teeth turns into fangs..

Shizumaru : ".....RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" screams Shizu, and stretches his wings apart.........




"GODDAMN YOU!!" shouts Jubei, and attacks Kojiro.......

But missed....

Where did Kojiro go?

Jubei : "??!!"

Jubei turns around, and sees the enemy.....

He attacks again..

But Kojiro disappeared again.......

Kojiro : "Ha ha.."

Then he appears behind Jubei's back, and hit Jubei's head with its tail..




Jubei : "AAAAAAHH..!!"

Jubei spits out blood......

It almost crushed his skull........

Galford : "GO POPPY!!" shouts Galford.....



"SONGETSUZAN!!!" shouts Hoahmaru, and attacks.......


But missed............

Kojiro appears again......


Kojiro : " Fools. KILL THEM, SHIZUMARU."


They all turn to Shizu..who's still kneeling on the ground gasping for air..........

Charlotte : "...Shizumaru..?" whispers Charlotte..


"[GROWL!!]" Poppy growls fiercely at Shizu...

Rimururu : "........"

Rimururu looks at him, then she slowly walks toward him.......

Jubei : " NO RIMURURU!!" Shouts Jubei, and grabs her..


"[GROWL!]" Poppy dashes off without Galford's command and attacks Shizu..!!

Poppy didn't even hesitate and runs straight toward Shizumaru, his fangs showing and growling fiercely...

Shizumaru slowly raises his head and turns to Poppy...







Poppy trips and falls head-on to the ground without touching Shizu...

It lays on the ground, Wounded. Blood all over its fur..




They all freak out...


Galford : "POPPY!!" shouts Galford, and runs to his dog's side....



Everyone is speechless..


Jubei : "..GODDAMNIT!" shouts Jubei and attacks Shizu..

But Rimururu runs up to him and get in his way....


Jubei : " He's NOT Shizumaru anymore !!! He has changed to a demon just like Kojiro and Zankuro !!."

Rimururu : "BUT....!!"

Jubei : "WAKE UP RIMURURU!! He's not going to changed to a human again! If we don't kill him, HE'LL KILL US!"

He pushes her out of the way.......Hanzo and Genjuro joins Jubei, and attacks Shizumaru...

Kazuki, Charlotte, and Hoahmaru was about to join in too.......

Rimururu : "WAIT!"

Rimururu stops them.......

Rimururu : "NOT YOU GUYS TOO...! We..we can't fight Shizumaru! He's our friend!"

Kazuki : "...I'm sorry, Rimururu." said Kazuki, and joins Jubei....

Rimururu : "..WAIT KAZUKI!!" shouts Rimururu but too late......

Then she cries to Charlotte and Hoahmaru.....

Rimururu : " Please not you two too! Hoahmaru-san, you were Shizu's master! How can you kill your own apprentice?!!!"

Hoahmaru : "..Uhh Rimururu.."

Charlotte : "Jubei's got a point."

Charlotte : " Shizu..he's not himself anymore. And will never be again. He's on Kojiro's side now...and he is our friend but we have to save the world too. I wish there's other ways than to fight him but... I'm sorry, Rimururu."

Hoahmaru : "Yea." said Hoahmaru, scratching his head.......

Hoahmaru : " I promise I will make this as painless as possible okay?"

Then they left to join Jubei......

Rimururu : "...No..!!" cries Rimururu...

But too late...

She stays back and watches them with Shogun.




Jubei tries to hit Shizu, but he blocked it all with his sword...

Genjuro attacks and swings his blade at Shizu...

But missed.......


Then Kazuki and Charlotte tries to hit him but no use.........

They all back off...


"YYYAAAAAHHH!!!" Jubei runs toward Shizu, and swings his swords at Shizu's head.....






Shizu holds onto the swords with his bare hands...

Jubei : ".....Grr.."

Jubei uses all his strength to hit Shizu with his swords....

Shizumaru : "......."

Shizu's eyes are emotionless. He moved his hands on the sword a little tighter.......


The swords breaks into pieces!


Then Shizu flies RIGHT IN FRONT of Jubei.....

Jubei froze.......

Shizumaru : "..."

Shizu's eyes shows a little anger....




His sword went right through Jubei's shoulder..

Jubei : "......Aahh..."

Jubei didn't move at all...

Shizu removes his sword from him...

Then Jubei collapses to the ground.......

"AAAHH DAMN YOU!!" shouts Kazuki, and attacks.....


But Shizumaru missed them all without any problems........

Then he grabs Kazuki's arm, and......




Kazuki : "!!!"

Kazuki backs off, holding in the pain........

Shizu flies toward him and attacks......




Galford saved him...



"NOW!" shouts Charlotte, and uses her best attack against Shizu.....

Then Genjuro.......

Then Hanzo.....

Everyone jumps on Shizu except Rimururu and Shogun.


"AAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!" shouts Kazuki, and uses his fire attack.......




There's dust everywhere...

Everything starts to get clear now.......

Hoahmaru : "Whatta...." whispers Hoahmaru, trying to catch his breathe.....


Shizumaru is still standing there, harmless only a few little cuts here and there....

But nothing more..

Then he flies straight toward to Genjuro and punch him right into the stomach...

Genjuro got hit so bad...he collapses to the ground.......

Hanzo tries to attack........

But to no avail, Shizumaru gave him a kick and made Hanzo fly up and crashes in a boulder.....


Jubei sess his chance when Shizu's back is facing him.............

Jubei : "AAAAHH!!!"

Jubei headlocks Shizu (since his swords are broken. Sounds like wrestling huh? LOL)..

Jubei : " Heh" J

ubei grins when Shizu struggles to get out from the headlock.....

Shizumaru : "........"

Shizu stops....

Then suddenly he disappears!!!

Jubei : "??!!" Jubei gasps......

Then Shizu appears again..........

Charlotte : "BEHIND YOU JUBEI!!" shouts Charlotte....



Jubei turns around..


Too late..





Jubei got hit.....


Jubei stood there.......


Then he collapses to the ground.......

Hoahmaru : "YOU BASTARD!!"



It only hurts Shizu a little..

Hoahmaru : "GODDAMN YOU!"

Hoahmaru attacks Shizu like a crazed maniac.....

But he missed them all.......

Hoahmaru : " WHY WON'T YOU JUST....STAY..STILL!!!!" shouts Hoahmaru

He swings his sword down at Shizu.........




Blood splatter to the ground..


It's Shizu's.

Hoahmaru hits Shizu's scar......

And it started to bleed again....

But he didn't care...

It's like he lost all pain and feelings....

Shizumaru took his umbrella out and attacks Hoahmaru...

Then Charlotte..

Then Galford..

After everyone was down on their knees or laying on the ground wounded, Shizu stops.

Then the blood of his friends rains on his face and all....

He didn't even smile, nor blink.......

Rimururu : "....."

Rimururu is shocked...............

She runs up to Charlotte....

Her armor is all cracked and broken............

Rimururu : "CHARLOTTE..!! Wake up!!!"

Then she went to Galford's side........

Rimururu : "GALFORD!!"

But no replies.................

Rimururu : "...."

Rimururu started to cry...........

Kojiro : " Weaklings."

Kojiro : " You there! Yes, you little girl. You think tears will save your life now? Your friends deserved what they get, every human deserve what they get! They put me away for years for a crime I never they shall all feel my pain...their descendants and their descendants and for generations!"

Rimururu : ".....But Shizumaru isn't you."

Rimururu : " We aren't the same people who sealed you away years ago. They were our ancestors..not us."

Then she said........

Rimururu : " I'm deeply sorry if our ancestors have done such horrible things to you...and maybe they deserve to be punished for what they did to you. But..."

Rimururu : " NOW IS NOW. Now is the future. We didn't do anything to you...the children in our world...they are innocent. and..and....."

Then she went up to Shizumaru.......

Rimururu : "..Shizumaru, please...please I know you can still hear me.."

Shizumaru just stares at her, with no expressions in his face......

Rimururu : " Please..stop this."

Rimururu : " You are not Kojiro. You are his have nothing to do with this. It's your choice to do what you want..not Kojiro.."

Then she cries.............

Rimururu : "and..and don't you remmeber what you said? you want to save the world, you want to accomplish this task that Akane risked her life to seal away the evil and save our world from doom."


Shizu didn't reply............

Rimururu : "YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT!" shouts Rimururu......

Rimururu : " You can't just forget about our journey together..all of find the rich guy's daughter, to rescue Akane.. you can't just forget all what we have gone through! I know you can still hear me Shizumaru... please, stop this! "


"...." Shizu didn't do anything

Kojiro : " Haha. He can't hear you."

Kojiro : "A demon will always be a demon, no matter how hard one will try and hide its true identity. Finish her off, my son."


Shizu aims his sword at Rimururu.....

Rimururu : "YOU ARE NOT A DEMON, Shizu. You are not Kojiro."

Rimururu : " You're not a bad demon. Only you can control who you really are...only you can feel what you want to feel..."


"...." Shizu hesitates.........

Rimururu : " Please Shizumaru..."  whispers Rimururu, with her eyes closed, praying..... praying?

Shizu is having flashbacks.... he remembers there was this girl praying at the altar.....

He remembers how she turn and look at him, smiling......

And his friends... Rimururu, Kazuki, Galford..everyone fighting with him side by side.........


"......" Shizu froze. and trembles a little..


Kojiro : "KILL HER." said Kojiro....


Then Shizu blinks and aims the sword higher, ready to stab her.............

Suddenly, something fell out from his pocket..


It's Akane's pendant......



He picks up the pendant from the ground.......


Rimururu : " It was Akane's pendant, remember? The loved.."




 Whispers Shizu......

Then he starts to gain consciousness........


Then Shizu's face begin to show a confused expression.......

".. Friends.. our world... Sacred Sages.."

Then he looks at Rimururu...

"My friend, Rimururu."


Rimururu : "...[GASP] yes..! it's me, Shizu." smiles Rimururu, as tears roll down from her eyes.....




He whispers......and shakes his head a little,

" Huh? "
He saw blood on his hands.

Then he looks around...


Hoahmaru and the others are all bleeding and wounded seriously........


Shizu backs off, very shocked,


Kojiro : " They deserve it......."

Kojiro : " We are the same, Shizumaru. We're both being judged by people like them... like her. Kill her now."


Shizu holds onto his sword..

Kojiro : " You've been judged and being alone all your life.."

Kojiro : " You don't have to be alone anymore. You can be with me, your own blood, your own kind. You are a warrior..and the STRONG SURVIVES, THE WEAK DIES.."



Shizu lowers his head, and hesitates

Then he disappears..

And appears in front of Kojiro and stabs Kojiro..



Kojiro : "....."

Kojiro falls on his knees........

Shizumaru : "..I'm sorry......father.."

He pulls out his sword from Kojiro's body as green blood slowly drips from his sword......

Shogun walks up to Kojiro...and grins a little.........

Rimururu : "Shizumaru !!" smiles Rimururu

Shizumaru turns around and runs up to her, and gave her a hug.........

Shizumaru : " Are you ok? "

Rimururu : "..I'm alright." smiles Rimururu.......

Rimururu : " But our friends...."

Shizumaru : " I know.....We must bring them to the doctor as soon as we can...."

Then he turns to Rimururu........

Shizumaru : " I'm so sorry, Rimururu.....But I want you to do one thing for me before we go back to our world.."

Rimururu : "...What is it ?"

Shizumaru : "..I want you to..........What????"

Shizu gasps...........

He quickly pulls out his sword and turns around.........

All Rimururu sees is Kojiro on the ground...lifeless

Rimururu : " What's wrong...."

Shizumaru : "..Kojiro is still..."

He sees Shogun standing in front of Kojiro's body...............

Shizumaru : "..SHOGUN!! GET AWAY FROM THERE!!"

Shogun : " HA...HA....HA..." Shogun laughs........




Shogun touches Kojiro's body....

Kojiro melts into a weird liquid and slowly covers Shogun's body.......

Shogun : " Yes....yess.."

His voice starts to change deeper and deeper........

Shogun : " plan to unite with Kojiro....the power..ha..ha.."

Rimururu : "[GASPS]" gasps Rimururu......

Shogun begins to turn into a huge pale demon, with only 1 wing on its left side..

His eyes turning from black to dark green.......

Shizumaru : "...."

Shizu took the last look at the pendant, then he puts it in his pocket..

Then he gives his sword to Rimururu......

Shizumaru : " This sword is strong enough to kill Shogun....but it won't be easy because Kojiro and him are combined together..."

Rimururu : "..What should we do?"

And she took his sword....

Shizumaru : " Now it's time for you to full fill that promise..."

Rimururu : " But..!! Then it will go through you..!! I won't do it!!"

Shizumaru : "JUST DO IT!!"

Shizumaru : " It's either this or everyone dies!"

Rimururu : "......"

Shizumaru : "[Smile]"

He smiles......

Shizumaru : " I'll be ok. Don't worry about me. It's time for all this to end.."

Then he backs off slowly..smiling at her.......

Then he turns to face Shogun, and gets serious...........

Shizu closes his eyes, and disappears.....

Then suddenly he appears behind Shogun's back, and hold onto Shogun's arms..

Rimururu walks up to them...her hands trembling........




Shogun tries to shake Shizu off, but can't.....


Shizumaru : "..Grr....DO IT!!!!!" shouts Shizu.....

Shizumaru : " I can't hold on much longer...DO IT RIMURURU !!"

Rimururu : " I....I.."

Shizumaru : "RIMURURU!!!"

Rimururu : "..I can't..!!!! I love you so much !!!!!!! Shizumaru..I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!.."

Shizumaru : "......"

Shizumaru didn't say anything............

Shizumaru : "..Rimururu, if you love me, let me go...

Shizumaru : " This is the only way you can set me free.."

Rimururu : "......"

Rimururu lowers her head.........



Shogun roars louder...

Shizumaru : "Rimururu.."

Rimururu : "....Goodbye, Shizumaru..."

And stabs Shogun with Shizu's sword......

But Shogun's chest is covered with some armor..!!!

Rimururu : "...Aaahh!!"

Rimururu pushes the sword harder into his chest.........




Roars Shogun, crying in pain.....


Shouts Rimururu, pushing the sword even deeper and deeper........




Shizu spits blood out from his mouth..


Shogun finally shakes off Shizumaru from his back..


Shizu falls on the ground.....
Rimururu backs off.........



Kojiro's voice in the background



" AAHHH!!!!!!"

The prophet begins to disintegrate into thin air........


Shizu opens his eyes a little........

His dark glow in his eyes disappeared..

Then he smiles...........


And closes his eyes again.......







Chapter 23.................Another New Beginning..........
