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Chapter 20-----Fire vs Ice




The rain continues...........

Shizumaru puts his sword away, and goes back into the temple where the others are..............

Galford : "..So I understand now.."

Galford : " So you're saying that Shizu was the bad guy all along? "

Hoahmaru : " I knew something was wrong with him."

Hoahmaru : " But I never expect him to be the big bad demon....OUCH!!! "

Charlotte pokes his butt with her weapon....................

Charlotte : " Don't say that everyone! Shizumaru is our friend."

Kazuki : " I'm sorry to say it but......." scratching his head..........

Kazuki : " That kid had never been friendly to us or anything, always avoiding us. I tried to be nice but...I don't think he cares if we care about him."

Rimururu : "......"

Rimururu lowers her head...............

Rimururu : "...Can't be that bad, right? He can't be that bad.."

Hoahmaru : "C'mon Rimururu. Face it! He's been avoiding you too since you met him."






"Love Who?" said a voice..........


It's Shizumaru...........

They all freaked out..........................

Rimururu : ".....NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!" Freaks Rimururu......

Her face turns red, and covers Hoahmaru's mouth.........


Hoahmaru pushes her away..............

Hoahmaru : "...Damn, woman."


Shizumaru didn't say anything.........

He walks up to the altar, and continues without facing them...........

Shizumaru : "...I thought about it...I have made a decision.."

Then he turns around....................

Shizumaru : "...I want to challenge Kojiro."




They all blinks.......


Hoahmaru : "Are you ok, Shizu?"

Jubei : "Kojiro is the heart of all evil.."

Jubei : " Your powers are only a small part from him. How can you ever think of defeating him ??"

Shizumaru : "But...but I want to try."

Shizumaru : " I know I can do it, Jubei !!  I know I can defeat him.... even if I have to turn into the demon..."

Galford : " Going to Kojiro is like kamikaze, dude."

Shizumaru : "....I DON'T CARE ANYMORE ABOUT THAT!" shouts Shizu.......

Shizumaru : "I can feel it....I can feel I'm turning into a monster soon..but before I lose control of myself, I want to change destiny. I want to stop Kojiro!! Even if I have to die for it..."


Then he turns to Ukyo, Hoahmaru, Galford, Rimururu and the others.......................


Shizumaru : "...But I can't do it alone.."

Then for the first time in his life..........

He bows his head and says........

Shizumaru : "....PLEASE...I need your help.."






Rimururu : ".......Shizumaru....."

Shizumaru : "...It's going to be dangerous, and there's a chance all of us might die.."

Shizumaru : " But Kojiro is coming. I can feel it...we have to stop him before it's too late... but it's your choice if you want to come with me. Thank you for everything else you've all done for me so far..."


He bows again.....




Hoahmaru : "..Oh shit. He's nice." whispers Hoahmaru..................

Hoahmaru : ".....OH WELL!!!! Since my job here is done.....SAKE TIME!!!!!"

He walks away in joy.......


Charlotte went after Hoahmaru, and pulls him back by his ear..................

Charlotte : " are NOT.."

Rimururu : "......I'll help you, Shizumaru." smiles Rimururu......

Galford : " Count me in." smiles Galford........

Poppy barks, "[BARK!]"


Charlotte smiles while she's pulling Hoahmaru's ear............................

Charlotte : " Me and Hoahmaru will help too. It'll be our pleasure RIGHT HOAHMARU?!"

Hoahmaru : "....OUCH OUCH OUCH!!! YEA YEA..!!" freaks Hoahmaru.........


Ukyo : "All this for nothing?"

Ukyo : " And I thought the prophet might know where my cure is.... but it's all a wild goose chase."

Then he left..............


Cella : "..........[sighs]....Ukyo-san....He's WAY hotter than Shizu and he's not a demon..." whispers Cella

Cella : "WAIT FOR ME!!!"

And she went after Ukyo...........



Kazuki : "I'll help!! Since I got nothing else to do but run from Sogetsu. Oh well."

Hanzo : "Ambrosia was controlled by Kojiro... he shall pay for what he have done to my son."

Jubei : "....He took Akane away from me. Even though she's not my real daughter, she was in my heart....."

Genjuro : "........."

Genjuro didn't say a thing...... He gets up..and was about to leave.......


Shizumaru : "Genjuro.."

Shizumaru : "..Please, will you help me?"

Genjuro : "......Pathetic." whispers Genjuro.......

He didn't even face Shizu..........

Genjuro : " You're samurai, boy! Have you forgotten your pride and honor as a samurai? These people..they are just stupid already especially Hoahmaru who's already out of his mind. But now you too? Tsh..and I thought I admired you, boy..."

Shizumaru : "..............."


Genjuro walks away..........................



He hits the wall of the temple..........


".........?" they all freak out......

Genjuro shakes his head...........

Genjuro : "I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! I was testing how strong the wall is."

Then he continues...




And he tripped down from the stairs...

Genjuro : "...@#$%.."

Genjuro murmurs to himself.......

Shizumaru didn't say anything. He went up to Genjuro.....and gives him a hand...

Shizumaru : " Here."

Genjuro : "........"

Genjuro saw his hand, and pushed it away..........


Then he gets up.... but trips again...............




Genjuro : "DAMNIT! WHAT PLACE IS THIS?!" shouts Genjuro.......very pissed off then he gets up again... Ignoring Shizu......

Genjuro : "..!!!!!!"

He's tripping..!


Genjuro : "?"

Shizu caught Genjuro's arm before he fell again.......

Shizumaru : " Everyone needs a hand now and then sometimes." said Shizu, and grins a little.........

Shizumaru : "..Including samurais."

Then he pulls Genjuro up.........

Genjuro : ".........."

Shizumaru : " Something is wrong with your eyes, Genjuro."

Shizumaru : " You can't fight alone. If you tag along with us, you might be able to learn how I use my senses to fight and defend for yourself.."

Genjuro : "......."

Genjuro lowers his head................

Ok, first he went with these crazy punks to a stupid @#$% journey to find this princess then for the Sacred Sage. What's the point?! He already hates it the first day he join these fools to fight.

Now if he joins them'll be worse cuz now we got one more nice guy around which totally sucks for him (ya know how Genjuro is, be the big-bad-boy and all)......

Then he said......

Genjuro : "..I didn't say I'm not coming."

Genjuro : " You'll never survive without me around, kid! but I'll .... .[cough]. HELP .[cough]. This ONCE. After this, you go your way and I go mine. Then I shall continue my fight against Hoahmaru..."

Shizumaru : "ARIGATO!" smiles Shizu........

Shizumaru : "...Kojiro...he's sealed not very far from here at the North. That's where he will be freed..."

Then he leads them........






While on their way to Kojiro, Rimururu is walking a little behind than usual.....

Shizu slows down to talk to her..

Shizumaru : "Rimururu, what's wrong?"

Rimururu : "?!"

She blinks...........

Rimururu : "GOMEN! I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention I...."

Shizumaru : "Hey it's ok!" grins Shizu....

Shizumaru : "Is something bothering you?"

Rimururu : "....."

She lowers her head.......

Wow........Shizu cares......He has never NEVER stopped and asked her that. He has never done that to anyone......

Shizumaru : "Rimururuuuuuuuuuuu..." said Shizu, waving in front of her.....

Rimururu : "?!...I'm sorry!...I...!!"

Shizumaru : " Is it thought I never cared?"

Rimururu : "......"

Shizumaru : " Yea...I was acting like a total jerk back then.."

Shizumaru : " I didn't care anyone but myself...but I want to change that. After Akane was gone..I realized how much I missed out...that I never admit to any of my feelings. If only I admit my feelings earlier........."

Then he shakes his head.......

Shizumaru : " We're friends right? And I'll never hurt you in any ways."

Rimururu : ".....feelings.." she whispers.....

Rimururu : "..Shizu, I have something to tell you..."

Shizumaru : "..Me too."

Rimururu : "........." she gasps, and blushes.....

Then she continues.........

Rimururu : "...Shizu, I...I....."



"HOLD IT." said a voice


It's Sogetsu. He's very pissed off..............

Kazuki : "Aww..not now Sogetsu!!"

Sogetsu : "THIS IS IT."


Shizumaru : "..Grrrr.."

Shizu wants to help, but Kazuki stops him.........

Kazuki : "..It's my battle. I must finish it."

And he went up to Sogetsu........


Everyone backs off...........

Sogetsu : "[BREATH].......KAZUKI..." whispers Sogetsu..........

Kazuki : "Please stop, brother."

Kazuki : "I don't want to fight you.."


Then he lifts his arms high up into the sky.............





He slowly turns into a Leviathan, a dragon-like water god.
He's HUGE!!! About 5 times of Kazuki when it stands straight up.......

Kazuki gasps.......


Hoahmaru : " Holy shit...." whispers Hoahmaru, looking up...........


Leviathan : "SSSSSSSSSS........" Leviathan softly hisses.....then it calls up its water element attack..




Kazuki : "????!!"

Kazuki loses his balance. The ground beneath him shakes more and more..!




Then in a sudden, the ground breaks and tons of water hits Kazuki REALLY HARD and fast like razors...



It cuts his chest and legs......

Charlotte : "KAZUKI!!" shouts Charlotte......

But Shizumaru won't let her go help............

Kazuki falls on his hurts so much. It's like a HUGE slash went through your chest.......


Leviathan : "SSSSSSSSSSSS......"

The Leviathan raises its head high up...and attacks..!!

Kazuki quickly jumps away before it got him.. and counterattack....

Kazuki : "???? WHAT THE @#$%?!"

It won't work! His katana went right through the enemy like liquid........


The Leviathan grabs Kazuki by the tail, and swings him around like crazy, squeezing him REAL tight..........

Kazuki : "......!!!!!" Kazuki gasps.......


He screams in pain. He struggles to get out but can't..........


The Leviathan squeezes him even tighter...



You can hear some of his bones crack.........

Kazuki : "....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.....!!!! AAAAAAAHH......!!!!!" screams Kazuki

Rimururu : "..[GASPS] NOOO!!" gasps Rimururu.......

Galford : "GODDAMN IT..!!"

Galford : "I'M HELPING HIM!"

Shizumaru : "No, Galford!" said Shizu but too late.....

Galford : "GO POPPY!!" shouts Galford, as he takes his katana out...


"[GROWL]" Poppy run and attacks Leviathan.....


But the dog ran right through it!!

Galford : "LET HIM GO YOU BASTARD!!" shouts Galford, and starts to attack...


[Splash] [Splash]


No use...........

It all just went through Leviathan's body like liquid.. (hey, it's body is made out of water)


The Leviathan sees Galford and throws Kazuki at him..!!


They fall to the ground.. Poppy runs to Galford's side and growls...........


Shizumaru : "...."

Shizu watches, he wanted to help too..but he must keep his friend's word to back off from this fight........


Kazuki struggles to get up..there's blood on his chest..and faces Leviathan..........

Kazuki : "...Leave my friends alone..." he whispers......



The Leviathan : "SSSSSSSSS......"

The Leviathan swing its tail at Kazuki...........




"SSSSSSSS!!!!!" The Leviathan screams in pain..


Kazuki is very pissed off......

The fire in his sword and his body burns with anger...

then he attacks Leviathan with his sword.......







The fire in his sword is burning so hot that when it goes through Leviathan's body, it harms the Leviathan. Steam begins to appear more and more...

Kazuki : "............"

Kazuki's eyes turn into a fiery rage, and a ball of fire slowly appears and grows bigger and bigger in his hands...........


"......GRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" shouts Kazuki, and hits the ground with both of his hands.......



The earth crackles and fire and lava aims straight at Leviathan............


Leviathan shakes around like crazy, trying to escape from the heat, but it's so hot, it's too much for it. then it finally collapses to the ground....



Leviathan's body begin to turn into steam and gas...until nothing was left.........

Kazuki : "......" Kazuki calms down..




Everything is back to normal..........

Rimururu : "YOU DID IT, KAZUKI!!" smiles Rimururu, and runs to his side..........

Kazuki helps Galford up..............

Jubei : "...So this is the end of Sogetsu.."

Rimururu : "YOU WERE GREAT KAZUKI-SAN!" smiles Rimururu

Rimururu : " How did you do that?! Wow!"

Kazuki : "..I don't know.."

Kazuki : " It's like my powers just kicked in...and I kinda lost control of what I was doing and killed the Leviathan.."

Then he whispers......
Kazuki : "..Kinda like.."

Shizumaru : "........Like a monster?"

Kazuki : "..Yea, I guess." said Kazuki, scratching his head.........

Hoahmaru : " Hmm.." said Hoahmaru, looking at the steam.....

Hoahmaru : "...Wow..what a way to go, huh?"





It's night time....

Everyone gathers around the camp fire............

Jubei : "......Tomorrow we will meet Kojiro.." whispers Jubei, and throws more fire wood into the fire......

Charlotte : "..And most of us might not make it.."

Shizumaru : "....."

Shizu didn't say anything, just staring at the fire.........

Hoahmaru : BUT HEY!" smiles Hoahmaru.....

Hoahmaru : "Don't think like that! We made it so far..we can defeat Kojiro! And after that..."

He pulls out his sake bag..............

Hoahmaru : "..PARTY!!! SAKE FOR EVERYONE!!"


They all laugh, except Shizu........

He just grins a little..........




When everyone went to sleep...

Shizumaru is still awake.

The only noise he can hear besides crickets are snores from Hoahmaru...

He just lays there, and looks at the stars...

This may be the last time he'll see these stars...


"Shizumaru?" whispers a girl voice.


He sits up..........

It's Rimururu..........

She sits beside him.........

Rimururu : "...Tomorrow is the last day.."

Shizumaru : "..Yea.." whispers Shizu

Then he continues in a serious tone.........

Shizumaru : "..Rimururu, I want you to promise me something."


She nods.....


He continues.......

Shizumaru : "...If i should ever turn into a demon, if I should ever want to kill you or anyone...YOU MUST KILL ME."

Rimururu : "...!!!!! No..!"

Shizumaru : "Please promise me that."

Shizumaru : "I..I don't know what will happen..I don't know who I would kill..even my own friends..."

Shizumaru : " Please... I can feel it. I'm going to turn into the demon soon... I don't know when and what will happen next, but I know I will lose control of myself and I might even end up being on Kojiro's side.."

Then he whispers........

Shizumaru : "...I could've saved Akane...but..but I couldn't control myself. My body wants to stay and let the prophet kill her..."

Shizu takes out Akane's pendant....and stares at it...

Then he turns to Rimururu.........

Shizumaru : "..I..I CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN! Not to the world. These innocent people... but if I shall ever turn into a monster before I can defeat Kojiro... you know what to do."

Rimururu : "........" Rimururu stares at him......

Shizumaru : "..You're my friend, Rimururu..I trust you."

Shizumaru : "..And I want you to do that for me no matter what, ALL RIGHT?!"

Rimururu : "......"

She lowers her head..............

Rimururu : "..Yea..we're friends...I'll do it.."

Shizumaru : "..Arigato." whispers Shizu, and continues looking at the stars.......


Rimururu wanted to cry...but she didn't.

She begins to understand now....

Shizumaru loves Akane. Not her. And even after Akane is gone..he's being loyal to her....

Who wouldn't be loyal to the one they love?

She sighs, and watches the stars with Shizu together...

But look at the bright side...

She can get close to him for the last night of their lifes..........



Chapter 21............................The Underworld.........
