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Chapter 14-----A New Journey

Names of characters in this chapter:
Shizumaru, Rimururu, Galford, Hoahmaru, Charlotte, Hanzo, Genjuro, Kazuki, Shogun, Shabu-Shabu, Cella




" The end is near........." whispers a woman voice...

 Shizumaru : ".....??"




 Shizumaru : "Who are you?" whispers Shizu....

 Shizumaru : "That voice...have we met...?"

"You don't need to know who I am...but you need to know who you are."

 Shizumaru : "....???"

"Hisame Shizumaru...the end is near..."

 Shizumaru : "What're you talking about it?"

"Find the 'hope' from this world, Rain Prince....awaken her....."

 Shizumaru : "The hope..?" whispers Shizu, "how am I suppose to find her?"


 Shizumaru : "PLEASE, ANSWER ME!!"


"...Fate will guide you..."




Shizumaru : ".....!!!"

Shizu opens his eyes. Another dream? Damn...he dreams too much. Could that dream be real? Was the woman really communicating to him?

"You're awake." said a girl voice...........

It's Rimururu........

Rimururu : "Are you feeling better now?"

Shizumaru : "Where am I..?"

Rimururu : "Back in Lord Shabu-Shabu's place.."

Shizumaru : "Ohh.."

Rimururu : "You were so pale and weak after last the storm. It's as if you saw a DEMON.." whispers Rimururu

Rimururu : "Please, always comes first."

Shizumaru : "..I'm fine."

Shizu sits up............

(?????????) : "RED-HEAD!!!!!!!! YOU WOKE UP!!! That's good!!!" shouts a man voice........

It's Lord Shabu-Shabu.........

Shizumaru : "My name is Shizumaru....."

Lord Shabu-Shabu : "Yea, whatever............ANYWAY, you saved my daughter Cella..!! I thank you!!! HERE'S YOUR REWARD."

He hands Shizumaru the money........

Lord Shabu-Shabu : "It's $100000, not a penny less nor a penny more..!!"

Hoahmaru : "WHOA..!!!! YOU SHOULD'VE HIRED ME!!!! I could've bought SAKE WITH THAT..!!!!

Hoahmaru : SAKE AND SAKE AND MORE SAKE!!!" Freaks Hoahmaru, "Hmm..speaking of sake..where the hell did I put my sake bag again..?"

Hoahmaru went to the search for his sake bag...........

Shizumaru : "......."

Shizumaru looks at the money. He can feel the weight of the coins in his heavy, so much. He deserve that money.....

Kazuki : "HEY KID!!! So what're you gonna do with all that money?" smiles Kazuki

Galford : "Ha ha ha...probably go and get drunk and have some fun!!" laughs Galford

Shizumaru : "......"

Shizumaru didn't laugh nor smile at all. He's depressed..............

He hands the money back to Lord Shabu-Shabu......

Shizumaru : "I don't want it."


"???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!" They all freak out.......

Lord Shabu-Shabu : "Wha..what?? It's $100000..!! Your reward. Didn't you said you need cash?"

Galford : "Shizumaru..!! That's A LOT of money. And I mean A LOT."


Shizumaru saw Cella...standing behind Lord Shabu-Shabu.

She is quite pretty....


Galford : "..That brat??? Are you sure.??" whispers Galford, "Why did he kidnap you anyways?"

Cella : "I don't know.........he asked me for some kind of TREASURE.....I don't remember what it is he was asking...but it must be very valuable to him. He even ask me questions....I don't remember the questions either...he was asking who I am and if I'm the girl he's searching for....then he hit me, and I fainted."  Then she hesitates, "..when I woke up, I was all tied up. Then Shizumaru came and rescued me.."

Lord Shabu-Shabu : "IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW!!! TAKE THE REWARD....AND YOU CAN HAVE MY DAUGHTER.!!!" smiles the old man

Shizumaru : "I said I don't want your money........and I don't want your daughter.."

Lord Shabu-Shabu : "Then what do you want?"

Shizumaru : "...."

Shizu lowers his head........

Shizumaru : "..It doesn't matter now.."

Then he stands up, and takes his katana and umbrella.........

Shizumaru : "Akane have NOTHING to do with this...and she's captured because me and Shogun. Because of this mission.."

Then he walks away.........


Kazuki : "But you don't even know where she is..!! None of us knows where that prophet bastard took her."


Shizumaru doesn't cares...he took his weapons.......

And walks out of the house............


He passes by Hoahmaru.....

Hoahmaru : "Hey kid!! Where ya going???" said Hoahmaru, drinking his sake.......

Shizu didn't reply to him. He just left without a word............

Hanzo : "...He may be able to lead me to the prophet...." whispers Hanzo, and disappears into the shadows....

Jubei : "That bastard have my daughter. I must save her.." said Jubei, and left, following Shizu.....

Rimururu : "SHIZUMARU..WAIT FOR ME!!!" Shouts Rimururu, and went after him.......

Galford : "RIMURURU..!!! HOLD UP!!! Damn..!!!" shouts Galford, "I promised Nakoruru to take care of her...she'll kill me if her sister get hurt." Then he looks at Poppy, "[SIGHS] WELL, C'MON POPPY. I guess we'll have to tag along with red-head for awhile again."

"[Whine]" Poppy whines....

Then they went after Rimururu.......

Kazuki : "Whoa, that was fun." smiles Kazuki, " anyways, I have to go and find my sis Hazuki.....hopefully I won't get lost in this town.....I join you later....."

Then he left.......


Genjuro didn't say anything. then he whispers to a maid.....

Genjuro : "[Whispering]...]"

Maid : "Oh..!!"

Maid : "It's THAT way, and around the corner, you'll find it."

Genjuro : "......."

Genjuro walks away without thanking her.....

Hoahmaru : "GENJURO WATCH OUT..!!" Shouts Hoahmaru....


Genjuro hits the wall..!!!

Genjuro : "@#$%..!!!!" Genjuro is pissed off.....

He hit the wall next to the exit. After cursing at the wall, he left.....

Charlotte : "Where is he going?"

Maid : "To the eye doctor..."

Hoahmaru : "......hmm.." Hoahmaru hesitates, "...I get it now.." then he smiles..


Charlotte : "HOAHMARU..!! You drink too much!!" shouts Charlotte

And takes the sake from him........

Charlotte : "Shogun must be after the prophet too. And Shizumaru will be in danger. We must go and help him out."

Hoahmaru : "BUT..BUT.!!!"

 Charlotte : "He was your apprentice, Hoahmaru."

Hoahmaru : "BUT..!!"

Charlotte : "And Akane did save our lives."

Hoahmaru: "BUT...CHARLOTTE..!!!"

Charlotte : "If you not going, I AM.......and I'm taking ALL your sake with me....."

Hoahmaru : "WHAT???!! NO NO NO NO..!! NOT MY SAKE..!!!" Freaks Hoahmaru, "OK OK!!! I'LL HELP..!!! DAMN!!!"

Then he grabs his sword........

Hoahmaru : "Besides..!! That kid needs a hero around like me to save his butt, heh??"

Charlotte: "Yea whatever...." smiles Charlotte, then she took his sake bag, "we're leaving now, Mr.Shabu-Shabu."

Then she walks away....

Hoahmaru : "CHARLOTTE.!! C'MON..!! GIVE IT BACK..!!!" freaks Hoahmaru...and runs after her...


He comes back.............

Hoahmaru : "C YA, OLD MAN!!!!"

Then he runs after her again................



Lord Shabu-Shabu : "..........weird." whispers Shabu, surprised..

Cella : "Hmm...." Cella hesitates, "...Shizumaru..."



Shizumaru is by himself. He doesn't know where he's going, He doesn't care. He just have one thing in his mind right to save Akane. Shogun must be after the prophet too. that means they'll meet again.
And perhaps, fight again....

But now, he doesn't even know where he should start looking. The forest? The town? Where? He didn't find any traces or clues of the prophet. What does the prophet want from Akane? What's the treasure he's asking for....? And last night, he saw the glow of the prophet's eyes. The eyes. The glow. Shizumaru doesn't know how to describe it..but he has never seen such eyes before. Not his opponents, not his allies, not any creature.

....It's UNHUMAN...

When he saw his eyes, he can "hear" the screams of women, men, and pain.....
...The suffering...
As if he saw demons and spirits in the prophet's eyes in just one glance... ...the hatred...the pain....everything.

Shizu hates to admit it...but he was scared. It scares the hell out of him. He never felt like this before.... that prophet couldn't be human. He just disappeared into the shadows....Shizu saw it with his own eyes!! And Akane was taken with him. As soon as the prophet disappeared, so did the rain and thunder. What's going on? What does he want from Akane? She's just a girl. Can't he find another girl to mess with......

Rimururu : "SHIZUMARUUU..!!!!!! WAIT UP!!!!!!" shouts Rimururu

Shizumaru stops, and turns around............

Shizumaru : "...[Sighs] not again......"

Shizumaru : Why won't you leave me alone?"

Rimururu : "...Because....." whispers Rimururu, "ANYWAY!!! I can't just let you go like that..!! It's too dangerous."

Galford : "YEA, THAT'S RIGHT........if she's going with you, that means I'll be tagging along too. And Poppy."

"[BARK]" barks Poppy.....

Jubei : "And me." said Jubei, walking towards them.........

Hanzo : "...." Hanzo appears from the shadows...

Shizumaru : "............DAMN......this couldn't get any worse.." whispers Shizu....

Hoahmaru : "HEY KID!!!!" shouts Hoahmaru

Shizumaru : " does gets worse.." whispers Shizu

Charlotte : "We're going with you.........Shogun will be there too. I know he's up to something..."

Shizumaru : "That's it? That's all, right???"

(?????????) : "SHIZUMARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A girl jumped and grabs him...!!!

Shizumaru : "WHATTA??!!!" Shizu freaks out.......

It's Cella...........


Shizumaru : "CELLA??!!"

Shizumaru : "Cella..!!! you shouldn't be here..." said Shizu, pulling her away from him.......

Cella : "I KNOW!!! I can't fight or anything...I might even be in your way.."

Then she hugs him VERY TIGHT...........






Shizumaru : "................what did you say..?" whispers Shizu....

Rimururu : "...GRRR.." Rimururu is getting really pissed off...her face is getting all red.....

Shizumaru : "Get off me...!!" shouts Shizu....

He pushes her away.......

Shizumaru : "GO HOME, CELLA..!!!"

Then he walks away...........

Cella : "WAIT FOR ME, MY LOVE!!" smiles Cella, and follows him...

Galford : "Didn't I tell ya she's annoying?" said Galford, to Jubei, "especially she's in love.."

Rimururu : "....GRRR.." Rimururu's face is all blushed up...

Hoahmaru : "Hey Rimururu, you ok?"

Rimururu : "I'M FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouts Rimururu...

Then she follows Shizu........

Hoahmaru : ".....?" blinks Hoahmaru.




Chapter 15...........Another New Ally.............
