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Chapter 1-----The Demon Child; Hisame Shizumaru

Names of characters in this chapter:
Shizumaru, Zankuro, Hanzo, Julia



At the year 17XX, a small village somewhere in Japan.... People lives peacefully. Men works as their wives takes care of their kids, and do the cooking. Little children runs around and plays and chases chickens and sheeps....

Not far away, a woman is sitting in the rocking chair, near the sun. She's quite beautiful...holding a baby in her arms, as she sings for her son to sleep... "he's so adorable..if only his father was here." said another woman, staring at the baby, "have you given a name to him yet?"
"..." the woman hesitates, "hmm..not really. it's hard to decide...his red eyes are like his father's...a warrior. his red hair is like the sun..." "He's a DEMON CHILD." said a voice. A ninja appears. It's Hanzo, "Unlike other children, he will not bring joy to all...but pain and suffering. and DEATH." Then he disappears.....

The sun is setting, and it's going to night soon....dark clouds gather as if rain will come soon too...

Tonight will be another night as usual.....

Or is it??

A beautiful woman is standing there. Her name's Julia. She's wearing a pendant. Inside the pendant, if you look VERY close, you can see some strange aura the northern lights. She opens her eyes, and hold onto her pendant.....knowing something will happen.....

[LOUD THUNDER] it's midnight. and it's raining VERY HARD. thunder shocks the land as rain pours everywhere. there's blood in the a river of blood. there are dead CORPSES EVERYWHERE....
men, women, little children...all DEAD...or killed...

Some of them have their heads cut off....some of them lost their body....whoever the killer is, he/she did not hesitate to kill...

[raining] there's silence everywhere. Everyone is dead in the village, nothing but blood and corpses. The screaming of the villagers echoes...

[drip] [drip] blood slowly drips from a samurai blade.....a tall and strong man with red fiery eyes and white hair is holding the blade. the killer. Or the all feared Zankuro

  : "....fools." whispers Zankuro......

Staring at the corpses. he looks around, "damn...!! She's not here....but I will find her. She can't hide forever....even if I have to kill 10000 more people!!"

[baby crying] Zankuro stops, and listens. A cry of an infant. He went to the place where the infant is...... he saw a woman holding a baby in her arms, protecting him.
"Please...don't..." whispers the woman, laying on the ground, very scared, "please..I beg you....don't hurt my baby.."Zankuro stare at her, then..

[SLASH] kills her in one hit.
[LOUD baby cry] the baby cries even louder...blood covers his small face. Zankuro is about to kill the infant too, then he stopped....
he stares at the baby, and backs off....trembles, "...those EYES..!! That glow in his eyes...!!"
Then Zankuro backs off....and runs away....

[rain continues] Julia comes out. she was hiding. She walks up to the baby, and bring the baby to another village....
She puts the baby in front of a Monk Monastery, then she whispers to the baby as she clean off the blood off his face, "...poor child. you lost your family and village..and you won't remember a thing what have happened. You will live happily with other children in this village, and enjoy life to the fullest." then she smiles at the baby, as the baby smiles back holding her pendant, " are no longer a demon are Hisame Shizumaru, Crimson Rain Silence..or the Rain Prince."
Then she left the baby in front of the Monastery's door...and disappears. "Hmm..who is it?" the Monk opens the door, and found baby Shizumaru there.. he looks around.....if it is anybody's baby. Then he took Shizumaru in....and closes the door.



Chapter 2.....To Scare a Samurai...
