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Blue Illusions

Hey well look who's back again... yup I'm back to where I started. So long and goodbye to my wonderful hostess Kristy at That domain is no more so I had to move back to Angelfire. I want to thank her for being such a nice hostess and all the best in her new domain. In the meantime, I'm trying to get this site organised the way it was. I got this new layout and it'll do until I make something of my own. Some of the links may not be working - I just need some time to sort it all out. I've decided that this site will be for my purposes only, I'm not going to be hosting stories anymore or accepting requests for reviews etc. since nobody really sends them in. I also deleted all the hosted stories. If anyody really misses any of the stories that were here, email me and I can send you a copy.


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Layout downloadet from
Brushes from Honeypott Brushes