Jo's Bio

Full name: Joanne (Jo) O'Meara

Birthdate: April 29, 1979

Birthplace: Romford in Essex, England

Astrological sign: Taurus

Nicknames: "Um, too rude to explain."

Height: 5' 4"

Eye and hair color: Blue/blonde

S Club 7 color: Indigo

Distinguishing features: Several tattoos, and a pierced bellybutton.

Likes: Her dog named Pepsi, West Ham, onion rings, buying bottles of perfume, and keeping Bradley in order.

Dislikes: Picking mascara off her eyelashes, being really grumpy in the morning, and not getting the winning line at Bingo.

Endangered animal that she supports to protect: Asian Elephant

Fact: In her pre-S Club life, Jo was in a European band called 2-4 Family who had a bit of chart success in Germany.

Fact: Before S Club, Jo had been in an early version of the now-defunct girl group Solid HarmoniE, who had a few hits in 1999.

Fact: Before S Club, Jo worked alongside another then-unknown UK singer named Kele LeRoc in a country and western restaurant.

Fact: Jo is a huge Michael Jackson fan.

Fact: To Jo, the sexiest part of a man is his teeth. "I find teeth really sexy. I don't know why and they don't have to be perfect. It's really a mad thing to find sexy but it's just a certain look I go for."