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. . . A m a z i n g . . .

Shake that ass baby, shake that ass!

Hmmmm... "little horney there?!"

Look Look Look... I can do it like my big brother!!!!

A little too much to drink, huh?!


Opss ... !

. . . I N S T I N C T . . .

Many times true ! :) hehe

When you first read this, what does it say--A Bird In The Bush?  If you read this more carefully you will find that it says A Bird In The The Bush!!! If you caught it the first time, good for you, but I bet you you did not catch it this time!!!

When you first look at this illusion, does there appear to be fuzz where the white lines intersect? There is nothing there!  Now, I want you to get two sheets of paper.  Then I want you to cover the entire grid except for four black boxes, and one intersection (helps if you do this in a corner of the grid).  Now, where did the fuzz go?

This is the Bunny/Duck illusion.  At first glance, what do you see?  Now give it some time, but do not focus on one certain area, and then ask yourself; what do I really see? Now, look again.  You might be surprised!!!!!!

Count the black dots in this grid!!!!

Look at the black dot for about 30 seconds and you will see how the blur around will start to minimize

I have heard this illusion called the dancing elephant and several other things.  I want you to look at the elephants feet and legs.  How many are actually there?

Where does this triangle end???  Man, this one could get ugly!!!!

How many prongs are on the fork above.  Are you sure about that? Take a closer look!

This illusion is the opposite of the  previous one!  What do you see? Examine both illusions closely and  I guarantee you will be amazed!

At first glance, what do you see--Could it be the word "liar" or is it something more.  I would definitely give this one a second look!

Are the horizontal lines parallel to each other??? Are they straight?? You bet they are!

This is probably the hardest illusion that I have ever seen, and I have to say it is one of my personal favorites!!!   do not get discouraged if you can't see both sides right away!   Give it time!  When you first look at this, do you see and old man with ivy leaves around him, or do you see a couple kissing?  Be patient and give it some time!! You will eventually see it

Do the purple lines appear to be bent?  What's going on here????

What is going on here?  Is this man playing a sax, or is there something more here? I think I would take a closer look at this!!!

Can you see death or love??? Skull or Couple?

Is this a Spiral??? Well, not quite! These are individual circles! No spiral!

Do you see some squares or rectangles?  Really, this is nothing more than a bunch of lines going in every which direction, but the way our mind interprets these lines are totally different!!

How many ways can you view this cube?  Is the blue side outside the box or is it inside? Is it on the back of the box of is it on the side?  Keep these questions in mind as you look.  Now examine this cube closely, and let the light blue side guide you!  Now, look again!  

This is probably the most famous illusion of all time!  Almost everyone has seen it! What do you see at your first glance of this illusion!  Do you see an old lady, or do you see a young women?  They are both there!!

Go down the steps, but don't turn around and go up again





Do you see 2 people kissing or a fat cute baby?

Weird !!!!!!!!!!