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Welcome! Searched everywhere for Christian ringtones but could not find any? Well you've found one! Thats right! Ringtones 4 Christ offers all that and more. Stick around and find that special song for your cell phone!

Updated 6:17:03:VJ
WHOA! Was that a long break or what?! No one goes here anyways! But...I really need to work on this site. lol. Well, let me talk to you about the next few things that I will be putting up. First, it is summer, and it's all about the fun in the sun! woot woot! Second, that means at times I will have no life, and that means, I work on the site. Third, I will be focusing on creating updated and new version ringtones for the site. Hopefully that will be done by the end of the summer. But, you know, I'm a busy guy. So, just watch me go!

Updated 2:23:03:Virgil Junior
Hey hey hey! Well, as you can see, I made some basic changes to the layout. Made a new animation and copyrite notice. The ringtones are stallin but I'm doing mah best. So...have fun!

Updated 1:5:03:V. Ro
Whats up everybody. VJ here. Ugh, heres something new. Today I made the popringtones page, so you can check that out by clicking ringtones to the right and clicking the pop ringtones picture! There's only one but hey, it's an advancement. Anyways, I'm running a little behind on ringtones and stuff, but hey. They're hard to make...gimme time. lol. Lots of it. hehe. Alright, see ya.

Updated 1:2:03:V. Ro
Whats up! Well I'm glad to start this site off with a new year. The advancments of this sites will be booming! [Lately it hasen't been cuz I have been so busy!] Anyway. I just added a option page that is linked to the "ringtone" link to the left, and you may pick whatever type of ringtones you desire. [There's only the main ringtones for now! lol] Ok. Happy new year to all!!! See ya!

Updated 12:24:02:V. Ro.
Hello, long time no see. I haven't really updated this site in a very long time. [Sorta lazy...but I happened to get around to it a day before Christmas. lol.] But anyways, it's Christmas Eve and yesterday, which was like and hour ago, I went to the mall, got mah presents, wrapped them up myself, and then put them under the tree. So, yah. Pretty corny, but it was fun. [ok..enough of my life story]. I pretty much added one ringtone and one wallpaper to the site. No new layout was made because I was lazy. I was supposed to make a Christmas layout, but it's too late. hehe. I am going to take the rest of December off, and I'll come back in January with new layout, new ringtones, and new wallpaper! [] Merry Christmas!

Updated 12:1:02:V. Ro.
Well's the first update of December. Yes! Christmas time is almost here! I luv December. hehe. But anyways, at the bottom there's a little animation you can glance at. It's this girl from Charmed that has the power to freeze time [God can do that also...but better]. I thought it is pretty cool. AND SCROLL DOWN TO SEE MY ADVERTISMENT! haha. It's funny. Anyways, I'll have in five more songs by Wednesday or Thursday depending on how I feel. haa. j/k. I hope you all are enjoying it so far. Lates!

Updated 11:29:02:V. Ro.
OK GUYS! I put in the chatterbox down below, because the shout outz was not such a great turn out. Obviously. but anyways, I hope you guys have fun with that. I'm not gonna post up anymore ringtones until I have five done. I'm currently working on one. haha. Did you guys see my ad down below? Hope you guys shop there. A whole lotta good stuff's ova there! hehe.

Updated 11:29::02:V. Ro
Hey hey hey! yah. The finishing touches are made on the site...I just have to fix a few things here and there but it's pretty much TADA. So umm...I put one more Ringtone on the ringtone page and one more wallpaper on the wallpaper page. Expect more wallpaper then ringtones because it's far faster to make wallpaper then ringtones...even though this is a ringtone site. I should change the name huh? lol. YAH RIGHT! But yah. This is for His glory's also for fun! haha. Anyways, heres an advertisement! Whoot! That's me!