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Particles and Fractals

Energy exists; if you want something to happen you have to get in the way of it.   Quantum Physics discovered the nucleus was formed by a proton and neuron, subsequently discovering what we thought was an electron revolving around that nucleus.  But a particles True existence is even smaller. Sub-quantum Physics is a science that has attempted to delve into the electron itself to discover its origin.  The further and deeper we dig the more likely we are to find that which holds the blueprint for all things created.  If we were to view a human, study it with our eyes from a few feet away, then move closer and look at a particular section of that human, the skin for example, and then while looking at that section magnify it so we can see the skin itself and its construction; then move in even closer to examine the cells that form the skin, and then again closer to see the atoms that form the cells, we would be moving in the right direction to discover and witness God.  Currently, this is as far as we are able to look into something.  But just as someone living five hundred years ago would tell us that seeing an atom is impossible it is even more possible today that we can look further and further into particles.

What this must mean is that we can see the complexity of something when we enlarge it for the eye and brain to consider it.  Although something may appear fairly simple or complex at first glance, the further we zoom in on that Matter the more complex we will find it truly is.  So by further entering into that realm, the realm of the nuclei, the deeper and deeper we will move into understanding the particles themselves.  By the rule of speculation the particles must go on forever becoming smaller and smaller and smaller.   They must go on forever like a fractal, which proves that we are giants and the planets are monstrous giants in comparison to that which created them.

It is our eyes that keep us from seeing the True existence of all material things.  The eye sees only the end result—the last form: Matter.  It cannot decipher what forms that Matter.  Fortunately, we have learned that there does exist something more than just “what meets the eye”.  If the eye were able to truly see the existence of all particles the brain could no longer function properly and we would cease to exist.  But the further we understand that which makes up Matter, the further we understand God.  What we see when we look at a person is something that appears that way to the human eye only.  It does not appear that way to a fly or a cat, for example.  But most people never consider anything other than the human perspective important, when actually using an objective perspective allows up to get closer to God.

What we are really visualizing when we look at something is a complex system of particles that have been filtered into a material object.  What we see is the image that has been manifested in the brain through the image reflected on the retina, while in reality what exists is a masterful and countless existence of particles swirling, pumping and breathing; therefore, we believe that what we see is the end all of all things and that this end result is more important than its Creator.  Since the Creator cannot be seen, nor can the basic nature of that which He uses to create, it makes it very difficult to accept anything other than what is tangible—the objects and Matter themselves.  But what truly is the illusion here?  It is what we see -- that end result -- which is the "illusion" the Creator wants us to see.

This issue in Chaos—the Koch curve in particular—is very intriguing.  It allows one to see that truly no book can be judged by its cover.  One must look further and further into the complexity of any object in order to understand its composition and existence.  Before this, all things were basically taken at face value and the consideration of an object ended at the atom.  The piece of paper this is written on was just that—a piece of paper.  And the properties of that paper seem to be fairly easily defined.  To most people a piece of paper is essentially a two dimensional object—a plane.  It is something that can record information—like a story or picture.  But if one looks more closely at the piece of paper we can begin to understand its complexity.  It is not two dimensional, but rather it is three dimensional—possibly even more complex than three dimensional.  The closer one looks the more we can see that this piece of paper isn’t just a simple plane that is flat; instead, it is full of bumps, grooves, contours, and the like that make up its existence.  Moreover, the paper isn’t all exactly the same color but minute variations of the same color.  If we study it even further we can see that it is made up of a structure that gives it length, width, and real depth.  It is a structure that is strong and has thickness.  It is made up of millions upon millions of particles. It is much more than a simple two dimensional plane.  If an everyday item like paper is this complex then how complex is a mouse or a fish?  At some point in the future we may have all of the information about each complex existing object.  Finally understanding the complexity of that which created this Matter may draw closer.  It can be concluded then, that from a distance all things may seem rather ordinary or unimportant, but drawing closer and closer on the object and viewing it down to its most basic core, we find that all objects are distinctly complex and complicated.

Koch's Curve

The infinite line length of the Koch curve within a finite area shows us how so much complexity can exist within even the smallest and simplest things.
  That shapes are formed and take place in order to best serve the creation they exist for.  The fractal nature of blood vessels and the ability to fit the huge system of blood, veins, and arteries that exists within our bodies is an example of the Koch curve.  Without the occurrence of this phenomenon there would be no way to fit the huge surface areas that exist in the body—inside the body.  Because of the minute impressions that occur within the body, which act like a concrete sidewalk with millions of small indentations, the surface area increases allowing for the support systems of the body to function at a greater level.  This occurs to support a larger body than it could conceivably support if there wasn’t the necessary surface area analogous to the Koch curve occurring in these organs.  Additionally, DNA structure would not need to hold in its blueprint the necessity of every single blood vessel that existed, but rather it would need only to require that the similar blood cells act in the manner analogous to the Koch curve, replicating itself in self similarity until it is no longer demanded.  Anemones, for example, use self similarity when reproducing.  They split from themselves a direct replica of themselves in a smaller form.  Almost all creatures use self similarity.  It is the process of things.  Men and women produce something that is self similar to the combination of both of them.  Anemone produces something that is self similar to itself.  So these creatures perform this on a material level and relatively large scale, while self similarity goes all the down in size to the smallest of all things.  It is how all things become from the very beginnings of minutiae of forms combining over and over until they form self similarity and then they’ll do it again on the next level, getting larger and larger like blood, cells, snowflakes, honeycombs, or coral.  The self similarity of the Koch curve—like blood cells—is represented also analgous to the atom and the similarity of its structure to that of the solar system, except on a totally different scale. When we realize and see self similarity taking place, suddenly one can witness it occuring naturally in Nature everywhere.  If you cannot see the self similarity and it does not blow your mind then you have not fully understood it.

As we dig further into the notion of a fractal we discover that its greatest power is the power we have been discussing as the basis for all existence: a reflection.  If a fractal enables a shape in a finite area to have an infinite surface area—like the triangle upon triangle Koch curve—it is easy to understand how this relates to everything that exists.   If we simply use the triangle and Koch curve as representative in Nature, not that it is the actual thing that exists since shapes are merely three dimensional tools to understand something more profound, but we can think about the Koch curve and how it relates to all things.  If we can think of God as this great triangle, and the Big Bang as the beginning of this triangle then becoming a Koch curve, we can see the expansion of God taking place within a finite area, but producing and creating itself infinitely.  As the Big Bang begins, all things are scattered in all directions around the triangle—God.  In order for God to Create or produce something it must be a reflection of itself—just like the Koch curve and Fractals.  The repetition of itself over and over begins from the smallest form and goes on infinitely in Nature, but finitely in size.  A truly substantial understanding and revelation!

The formation of Matter is the combination of the particles produced over and over in increasing size through condensation, beginning at the smallest particle—totally invisible to Man—and becoming a reflection of the particle in the largest form: a star or planet.  This reflection of God Himself over and over is produced at a level that cannot be measured by science at this point—it is far too small.  But a fractal shows the nature of this existence occurring.  It is the spiraling reflections of Himself over and over and over, outward until finally it reaches a point at which it can be seen by man, eventually forming Matter through continued combination and condensation.  This activity of what cannot be seen takes place in the God Dimension, where forms combine mathematically at an infinite rate.  They combine and condense with one another as they become infinite reflections of reflections.

Each reflection that exists from the original source goes on forever because it has no end—its existence is infinite.  It is infinite because it exists in a form that can repeat itself unto itself without ever expanding; just like the example of the Koch Curve which has an infinite surface area within a finite area.  It repeats itself like a Fractal, producing a reflection of itself but on a different scale, never changing the nature of the reflection it is reflecting.  It can continue forever, building upon the initial reflection, producing a vast surface area, but never separating from the desire and direction of the initial thing it reflects.

Each particle is therefore a part of God, simply a reflection of God in a different form.  These forms can change “shape” by their formation with other particles, which are in essence the same as the primary particle and the particle they are forming with.  If we were able to reverse the Koch curve and change its direction inward we can clearly see that if a shape begins at an expanding rate it can have an effect that would move an infinite line inward back unto itself.  A form such as God would reflect Himself an infinite number of times becoming larger, or smaller, than His original self after the repetition of Himself over and over.  For example, a concentric circle that moves inward or outward constantly from the original concentric circle, but on a scale so small compared to our understanding of material that it is completely invisible to the naked eye.  Like a kaleidoscope puzzle of particles spinning as reflections upon reflection zillions of times over, all moving in a direction towards the primary particle.  This would ultimately produce a movement of Himself within Himself that moves to a point so small it cannot be understood by Man -- at least not yet.  This point may be the beginning of God as well as the desired end, resulting through the effectual nature of gravity on all existing particles.

If you place a bowl, white in color, filled with water, in the Sun, and quickly poke your index finger into the water and remove it, you can see the reflective nature of movement expanding outward like a particle would.  When that expansion meets its finite existence on that bowl the particle then responds to it.  This is also identical to the nature of what is occurring constantly in the Universe.  Particles spread outwardly to all edges of its existence, and then contracts back inward to a stop, all in a spiral and concentric circle manner.  The repercussions act in a manner which is completely uniform.  This is occurring on the most grand scale: the Universe.  It is also occurring on the most infinitely small scale: particles.  It is also occurring at all places between them in size, constantly and forever.  It is existing everywhere—it is the God Dimension.  It is this letter writer's contention that reflections can only move outward, not inward.  This would lead to the confirmation that creation can only occur in an outward fashion of reflecting particles.  Therefore, it would then be the act of reflecting and expansion that allows for Creation to take place.

In conclusion, God would be the smallest of all things and within that tiny existence all things exist infinitely.  Size as we consider it is only relative.  What we see is only what we see, nothing more.  While our Matter is the end-result of the condensation and reflections of all particles, what we see as size is only basic in nature.  The real beauty exists within things so small that they cannot be seen or understood from the perspective of our size.

By understanding Fractals we can better understand God’s existence.  God goes on forever inward and inward.  All things are created by the outward expansion of particles that create themselves over and over in the God Dimension, forming through combination and condensation in an ever-expanding direction, but within a finite space.  DNA could possibly hold the blueprint for the finite space that we speak of here that directs particles to create themselves through division, combination, and condensation until that finite space is reached.  Within that finite space there is then constant motion and movement that can function within finite space and only within that finite space: our material body.

Our bodies are finite existences that have infinite movement within them.  The infinite movement is powered by energy, the same energy that was powerful enough to begin the Universe, albeit in a far less powerful form.  The activity of these particles acting infinitely within this finite form is life as we know it.  It is the design of the DNA acting out materially as the final reflection.  Within any finite form Matter can exist.  The finite form of our body is simply an end reflection of the zillions of reflections already reflecting.  By designing a finite form, God has designed a form in which life can exist.  He designed a form—Matter—where millions of reflections can take place simultaneously in a finite form like Himself.  The body, the material existence of a finite form, is the last and ending reflection of God Himself as Himself.  The body is a complex combination of infinite existence that can exist, as a reflection of the original form, because it has a finite area that it exists within; therefore, any finite form can sustain life.  The finite form is the shell for which infinite activity spurred by energy can take place within.  Just as a computer has a finite existence, the activity within it can then take place infititely.  Just as a robot would be a finite form, there is an infinite existence that can be controlled within it.  It is the amazing ability for the existence of God to be at a constant motion—like we are in the Universe—without ever passing over the same path, whirling around over and over within Himself like a fractal.  The constant spinning of all things takes place beginning at the furthest reaches of the Universe and spins continuously all the way down to the finest point, which will never be imagined.  This spinning is a motion that spins over and over itself, never repeating itself or tracing itself, but in an infinite manner that all things are based on: a continuous reflection of Himself forever.  Even the smallest point one can imagine in spacetime spins forever inwardly, never repeating its path.

It would make sense that God would be the smallest of all things as opposed to the largest.  If we imagine a colony of ants, it would be very difficult from our perspective to keep track of all the ants and their activities and their constant movement because they exist at a faster time interval than ourselves.  But, even as abstract as it may seem, an ant would be able to have better control of a colony of humans.  Since humans are larger, they move through spacetime slower due to friction.  The ant would have better control of the humans because the acts of the humans would act in Time that was much slower than the ants own "Time" seems to act within, giving the ant better control over their actions.  This is not to say that God controls actions, activity, or existence, but rather an example of how He could better control and Create from the smallest point of view as opposed to the largest.

If God truly is the smallest of all things, encompassing total infinity and all things already occurring, then He would be moving at a Time-pace that would be substantially faster than anything we could imagine (just like the ant compared to humans).  He would be able to perform in a nanosecond of our time what it may take a lifetime for a human to perform.  This would stem from the difference in size and how size would be a factor based on movement, which is based in the speed in which Matter can move through spacetime. This speed is slower for larger matter because it must move more particles which in turn causes more friction. The increased friction retards its movement compared to an existence that would need to move far less particles because of its size in relation to something of a different size.

This constant motion of reflections upon reflections moving outward from the primary particle also falls under one large movement that is simultaneously flowing.  Everything is interconnected and works in both the smallest fashion and largest fashion simultaneously, because all things are based on the same thing and are simply reflections of that original thing.  The particles that swirl and swirl making their own microscopic solar systems over and over, simultaneously acting separately, are actually acting together as a unit, because they are based on the same initial particle.  So if we are to imagine our solar system and the way it acts, it is an example of one of the largest and final reflections these particles form.  It exists at the end of the finite body of the Universe.  If we imagine the solar system and then imagine it minimized within itself zillions of times, repeated over and over on a smaller and smaller basis; then within each solar system realm exists all things that are existing in the solar system as we know it, over and over.  One can imagine how many countless particles there are at work—it is infinite.

But this infinite number of swirling activity, taking place upon itself over and over as a reflection of itself, also carries within it an extremely important factor: rhythm.  This rhythm exists and connects all particles.  It serves as a unifying occurrence that all particles connect to and can understand between one another.  It’s like the rhythm of music that a song is based on.  The rhythm is what the whole song revolves around, but the rhythm is simply noise in the background that keeps all the notes together, not the end result of the song.  Rhythm moves in a fluid and uniform flow through all existing particles as graceful as the most graceful of all things.  There are millions of different rhythms existing constantly, but all these rhythms are within the same frequency and are simply reflection upon reflections of rhythm just like the particles.  So just as a song has the basic rhythm it is based upon, that basic rhythm is based upon a previous existing rhythm that is a reflection itself of an even previous existing rhythm.  All these rhythms existing and expanding outward too are based on the first all encompassing rhythm likely started by the energy of the Big Bang.

The idea of self similarity brought about by the idea of fractals and the Chaos theory further outlined the complexity of this discussion.  The basis for self similarity can be explained by the way in which a coastline is viewed or scaled. A coastline is viewed differently by a satellite, a person in a hot air balloon, a person standing on the ground, and an ant.  Although the coastline is the same in existence, it is only the relativity of perception that changes its existence.  It appears completely different from different views, because each view is a different scale of the same Matter.  What a coastline looks like from a satellite is drastically different from the perspective an ant would have of that same coastline.  The importance of these two differing perspectives show us that it is only in the way we view the world that makes things appear to us in the way they do.  But that does not mean that is the only way the existence of any such thing should be considered.

First Fractal and Self Similarity Example Movie
Second Fractal and Self Similarity Example Movie

Luckily, in the last couple hundred years we have been able to see things like never before; revealing vast amounts of long hidden secrets.  In the idea of self similarity we can accept the fact that there exists all around us activity which we are totally blind to—simply because it is not within our perspective to see it or understand it.  Our size relative to other things—how we are scaled in comparison, and the way the eye and brain have evolved into understanding this scaling and reality, are what cause us to see only what we can see.  But there are many different perspectives that exist, not just ours.  If we were able to fully magnify our perspective of what we see, which let’s say was similar to the satellite’s view of a coastline, and we were to change that to how an ant would view the coastline as it is walking along, our whole perspective of everything in the world would change.  We would have a whole new understanding of the detail that makes up reality because we would be seeing what already currently existed from a different perspective.  The coastline existed the whole time in the exact same way but from the satellite—how we currently view things—we couldn’t see the actual details of its existence.  And if we didn’t know any better we would take it at face value that that view was the only view. It already exists; it is simply a matter of not having the ability to see it from a different perspective.

If we think of Fractals existing all around us, through scaling we can imagine taking that smallest point in spacetime and expanding that pint into a perspective that is relative to how we see the world.  When fully expanded to this new perspective we would see that there exists a swirling and spiraling form that in its minutiae is an extremely wonderful and powerful existence.  We would realize it is what everything is, and that it exists everywhere.  We would realize that what we see in our reality is the end product of this process.  We would understand that we are the end product of something that is infinitely small, and works from our perspective, in a backward reflective manor—that all Matter is a method of reflection that is composed in the God Dimension mathematically.

It begs the question: how grand is the universe and how small is the universe?  If so much can exist in even the smallest form, relative to our own form, then how small is our form in comparison to a much grander form?  If such small structures—those of the tiniest minutiae—are powerful enough to become a redwood, an elephant, or a man, and from such tiny and humble beginnings form such an intricate circuitry of complexity, why then does the resulting form do not much more than just exist?  A lion simply eats, a redwood simply stands, a human simply consumes.  But these forms were all formed by the tiniest of things, how could that tiny thing seem to have so much more complexity and be so much more capable than the end-result of its combination?  How could such a tiny blueprint be more powerful than the final creation it sets out to complete?  Why then, are the end products of these incredibly complex blueprints that act out to completeness not capable of something just as incredible as that which created them, or are they truly, and we are yet to tap into that potential?  Why is a lion not capable of more than procreation and consumption if it is based in such complexity?  Why can’t it do more than exist?  The design that creates it has created something that is overwhelming in complexity, with millions of things occurring at once that allow it to control its body and exist in reality, but beyond the basic existence the only accomplishment from all this complexity is a lion—the king of the jungle, nothing more, just an animal that sleeps most of the day, feeding when hungry, and mating when it gets the urge.  Why would such a complex blueprint that creates such complexity create something that seems so simple in comparison to that which it is created from?  How could the blueprint and all that makes up the final product be so grand and expansive in comparison to the final product as a whole?  It is very confusing and difficult to comprehend such a complicated understanding of an existence, and the path that existence takes in order to become, because its relation and importance to a grander understanding of its Creator and the solution flows in and out of this example like a ghost—unnoticed.  Could it be that just existing is the incredible end result?

But Chaos does affect all things, affecting them in different manners based on the manner in which those things form.  There is the way Chaos affects a human, in that a human is formed the same universally, but the outcome at its maturity—its personality, is based on the initial and constant effects of stimuli in that human’s environment; similarly, a reef will become a reef based on how the environment affects it.  It will take shape and corals will grow in ways that are dependant upon the Nature of that which affects the reef itself.  But the reef is not a predetermined structure based on a DNA blueprint, but it still is just like the human, in that the end result is based on the chaos that affects it. So the reef, the human, and the cloud are all forms that are affected by the initial conditions imposed upon them and there final form is based on how they react to the initial conditions and the conditions thereafter.

If through Koch’s experiment one can design a form that looks absolutely nothing like the original form it is based on then this would be analogous to all things formed.  In that same experiment—the Koch curve—where a triangle has a triangle added to it in the same places over and over, it produces a form that resembles nothing like that of the original triangle.  But by looking closer and closer on the new form one can see that which makes it up is all based on the same forms—or form—self similarity: the original triangle; therefore, a human may be a thoroughly advanced form, but it is based on the most simple basic particle.  That particle has simply added particle upon particle onto it through division and/or combination so many times that the combined end result of those particles doesn’t look anything like that which they were created from: the same initial particle.  It is reflections upon reflections of the original particle continually combined and condensed with only slight differences occurring from this action which allow the formation of different material, but only different towards the end or at the end of the material taking form.  All things no matter how different in the end-resulting form are based on the same initial particle.  In this vain, sophisticated structures can be formed from primitive ones and the smallest and seemingly irrelevant idea or action can create incredible results that change all evolution.  Just like a group of business executives would convene to discuss a topic, beginning with a simple idea, and then brainstorming that simple idea into a complex and evolved idea, but it is still based on that original idea.  It could be said then that order comes out of chaos, or that the act of chaos itself produces the end result: order.

Order is the state of existence a group must be in in order for it to exist properly.  In a linear way, one could say that the amount of effort one puts into achieving a goal will result an equal amount of the goal.  But the stimuli that occur when attempting to achieve that goal certainly affects the situation.  If one hundred women want to become actresses and all of them put in the same amount of effort to achieve the goal, there must exist something to prevent them from all making it as an actress.  The reason this is is because that which they endeavor to become—actresses—cannot support countless actresses.  It is the randomness, based on chaos, that exists in the world, as God's design, so that it only allows for 1 in 1000 to become an actress.

If this letter writer may be so bold...Everything is Shape.  Look around you and be astonished that all things are shapes.  It is shapes that rule the world and that which all things are based upon.  These shapes are based out of that which formed originally, blind to the naked eye, in the God Dimension.  Euclid’s insight and intuitive thought that created geometry—which changed the world forever—may have only been scratching the surface when it comes to thinking about shape.  Geometry has definitive angles and shapes which may have been at the time the only way for man to understand fractals and the God Dimension.  Geometry served to represent the end-product of Matter and structure, but it did not reflect the nature of what was producing these shapes.  Euclid may have seen in his Mind and understood vaguely the existence of fractals, but in filtering them through his Mind and the effect on him by material stimuli he gave the shapes definitive structure.  Although the shapes in the God Dimension are devised of structure, they are fluid and flowing—the most advanced form of structure—where they are definitive, infinite in possibility, exact, and ever changing and conforming.

Most objects created by Man are based on Euclidean geometry, because it is this resulting form of the God Dimension that we have based our existence on for the last two thousand years.  This is an understandable first step towards the point at which we must now enter.  Euclidean geometry was merely a reflection of three-dimensional objects already existing: circle for sun and moon, triangle for mountain or hill, cylinders based on trees, etc.  If it wasn't brought about by Euclid it no doubt would have been brought about by the next person.  It is now time to cross over these end-resulting mathematical structures by understanding that which forces them to become what they are.  It is in this new understanding of the God Dimension which should be our next step, where things are fluid but have definitive structure and can combine in order to form Matter.  It is the way to understanding the particles which form things and how from the end-result they can be viewed in reverse, spiraling infinitely inward into the minutest structures.

It is these structures that were exposed to the general public through the discovery of fractals.  Fractals show us that there is a dimension that exists that is far more complex than geometry; geometry is merely a result of these complicated structures.  And existing in these complicated structures are the answers to how particles form into three-dimensional objects.  So it is apparent that now, after going through two thousand years of simply understanding the end result—Euclidean geometry—we have finally crossed over into understanding what geometry is based upon, rather its initial Nature before it becomes Matter.  It is geometry which is rigid, because its form is three-dimensional in nature; whereas, fractals and particles are what rigidity is based upon and their existence is fluid like water.  It is in this fluidity that also is one of the first steps of the God Dimension becoming three-dimensional.  It is by gas, then by water, then by land that particles form, hard matter being the last and most ending state.  It is the last state of particles that was our first understanding of spatiality.  This make sense to us because it is what our eyes can see and witness, it is what our hands can feel that allow us to exist.  But we are now at the stage where we can begin to understand what lies beneath these rigid forms.  It is now time to understand what forms this Matter.  It will be a new math that we will, and can, base on our existence on.  It will be a far more advanced form of geometry.  It will be a better understanding of the God Dimension.  And it would not be surprising for it to have the same impact that Euclid’s geometry had on the evolution of the thinking man.

All things we discuss always come back to reflections.  It is again here where geometry was simply a way to reflect what already existed—geometry was the end reflection of the God Dimension, just as Matter is interchangeable in understanding geometry.  The letters on this page are nothing more than shapes, mathematical ones that already exist in the God Dimension.  They have been given representational sounds so that they become a reflection upon a reflection.  The first reflection is the shape and the next reflection is the sound of the shape.  Considering that there are many different languages, both present and past, there are countless shapes that exist.  These shapes have come to represent something, to categorize something which is actually a reflection.

The shape that is placed on this paper is placed there to represent an image in the brain, to be used as a reference point for the reader to recognize, and then be able to transfer the shape into their own Mind so they can understand the invisible thoughts in my Mind through the original reflection that existed in my Mind.  My thoughts are only available to me and I must represent them with a reflection of themselves, through a representative shape, in order for another Mind to be able to see what I see.  This simple sounding concept is actually a very complex and advanced stage of the Mind, a way to share inner and invisible thoughts.  And by using expressive ways to show my thought it gives more meaning to both the Self and the Mind, because it proves that what I am thinking can be shared, and those thoughts can be shared similarly with someone else, outside the Self, and within another person’s Mind!

This is what differentiates humans from other animals.  The power to accomplish this transformation from representative images of thought recorded by symbols that can be transformed back into similar representative images in another person’s Mind; it transformed all Mankind.  Mankind then was able to show a record of his thoughts and in producing a record, Time was suddenly added to the equation.  Past, present, future suddenly became an issue because there were ways to track these features of Time.  When Mankind was able to record his own thoughts in a different type of existence, other than his own—a recorded existence—of thoughts, as opposed to merely fleeting sounds like the animals of today, suddenly the perspective that this made available to the Mind prompted the Mind to have a reference point.  This reference point spurred the consideration of the future and likely began the first great leap of evolution, because Man was no longer a simple animal that depended on only sounds to communicate, but also on records of the thoughts in his head which led to planning for the future.

Fractals are reflections, just like everything in life is a reflection.  Life occurrences, life forms, are all fractals over and over and over and over forming things.  Action, existence, and Matter are all fractals.  They are each reflections of a reflection in a smaller and larger simultaneous reflection.  It is so beautiful and rhythmic, pulsating over and over out of smaller and larger simulataneousnous.  Things are large to the Mind, but it can conceive anything.  The Mind is a force that can adapt and understand and do anything that is called upon it.  It is a tool.

Fractals prove to us that everything is a reflection of itself.  That everything already exists.  Everything already existed in order to exist.  Are we shadows of ourselves?  Is a shadow the same as a reflection?  It must have existed in order for it to exist.  The fractal and self similarity produced by God results in an occurrence that has already been pre-determined by the self similarity occurring prior to that desired end-result.  In order to travel through time one must exist in the fractal that has occurred before the occurrence of something happens.  If something has existed, it must have already existed since everything is a reflection of what has already occurred.  It just goes on and on forever, spiraling over and over producing something further and further out while alive.  When you are alive you are constantly creating, spiraling outwardly, because you are acting on Energy.  The spiraling would reverse course when you die because you are no longer acting on Energy.  And the Energy that is within you spirals inwardly back to the primary particle from which all things began.

Creation occurs by the spiraling out of reflections like a fractal and we follow that same type of spiraling back inward—fractals and reflections—when we die. Everything we do as an act is a repetition of what occurs in this spiral dimension.  It occurs in this spiraling God Dimension and then that spurs a reflection that makes it occur in the material world as we see it.  The God Dimension is just as much material as this world, but we cannot see it or comprehend it because of its size.  It is so small and vast it has not yet been considered or discovered by Mankind.

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