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PAGE 2 (cont.)

Disclaimer: Any material, content, image, work, drawing, logo or design in this page is Property of RP Graphics. Therefore, the usage of any of these for other than this page is illegal without proper permission. Copyright (R) ROBY PUIG (RP Graphics).


*This painting was done in Acrylics

*This painting of a Still-Life was done in Oil

*This painting of another Still-Life was also done in Oil

*This painting was done in Oil. It was a gift for my father

*This painting was also done in Oil. It was a gift for my mother. It is also one of my favorite pieces!

*This painting was also done in Oil. It was my parent's anniversary gift.

*This painting is a collage of contruction paper; it makes a crying face!

*This is Living-still is done in Charcol

*This Living-still is also done in Charcol


*This Still-life is done in Pencil (65 hours of work)

*This is done in Pencil, Ink and PrismaColor Pencils

*This drawing is also done in Pencil, Ink and PrismaColor Pencils

*This is also done in Pencil, Ink and PrismaColor Pencils

*This drawing in my sketchbook was done in Pencil & Pen

*This is done in Pencil

*This Graffiti-like drawing was done in Pencil. I drew this drawing to a good friend of mine

*This drawing (also Graffiti-like) is done in Pencil. It represents the world in the present day (War, difference in religions, money-power, and technology within other themes).


*This is a wall (mural) I painted in my old bedroom house in Puerto Rico

*This the other side of the wall of my old bedroom in Puerto Rico

*This is a Sculpture I had to do for a class assignment. It consists of assemblege, in other words, it is made up by materials found in the street. Ex. Stool (chair), broken metal, wood scraps, etc. The title of this sculpture is: SOCCER PLAYER. It is an abstract 6-feet tall soccer player running with the soccer ball.


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