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Welcome to PopOne

{All Eyes On Me}(A.T.K)

[Name]: Popy. S (PIMP name)

[Ag8]: 17

[D.O.B]: 4/13/88 (Same day on Lao New Year)

[LoCaTion]: Anahiem near Ralph

[StaTus]: Single

[Sex]: male

[Likez]: Hanging out

[DisLikez]: Failing

[Hobbie]: Guitar, B-ball, Writin story/poem.

[Height]: U don't want to know.


*"Saying i love isn't hard, Saying i love u and meaning it is"*

*"Love comes from the heart, not from the soul."*

*"I love u not because of who u are, but because of who i am when i'm with u"*

*"To the world u may be 1 person, but to 1 person you may be the world"*

*"If u love someone, put there name n a circle

Instead of a heart, because a heart

can break, but circle go on



If u want to chat... mai sn is AznNiceLaoBoy

Please e-mail me and tell me wat u think.

Mai e-mail should be on the bottom of this page.

I'm going to be updating my page soon.

Please make sure u visit my buddie website as well

They r Shadow Realm and Wing-000">

Wen ever i'm near u,

u walk away

but wen ever ur near me,

i always stay.

"It takes a minute to have a crush on someone,

an hour to like someone,

and a day to love someone -

but it takes a lifetime to forget someone."


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Shadow Realm Download
PopOne Christmas
