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Nowhere To Run (unfinished)

Cay’s view: “I’m selling it!” Nick said. “And moving to California.”

Across the country, I would never see him.

“Oh, Nick, I know all this is bad, but, don’t sell the house!” I cried.

Nick Carter was my close friend, as were all of the Backstreet Boys. But, none were as close to me as Nick. I wouldn’t be able to stand him moving from me, just to be away from Tiffany. Tiffany cheated on him. Seven times. And she happened to be an all around bitch.

“That way, she won’t be close to me anymore. I don’t want to live in the same state as that woman!”

“Nick, isn’t moving away a bit drastic?” I asked.

“Too drastic? NO WAY!” He threw a plate down ant the shards spread over the floor.

“But, Nick, you’ll be moving from me.” I cried, dodging the slivers of glass.

“You can visit.” He said flatly.

“Nick, you know that this can blow over. Just calm down. Take some time off. You can get over it.”

“I really loved her, she broke me.” He said, tears in his eyes.

“Maybe you just thought you loved her.” I said.

Nick’s view:

She got me. Wow.

I thought to myself all of the things I felt for her…and Cay. Tiffany is hot; I never got past physical attraction. Cailey is attractive and we know each other. Cay and I have been in deep conversation. Tiffany and I, we never had deep conversation, I never knew her. She publicly humiliated me by teasing, not bad teasing, but calling me “porker” or something. She knows about me and how I felt about my weight…or maybe she didn’t, maybe she didn’t know me at all. Cay knows. Cay would never tease me; She is the best girl I have ever known. I feel so strongly for her. But still, I have to get away. I‘m ready for a new house anyway. I need to be alone. But what about Cay? Does she know? Does she need to know what I am realizing?


She would only turn away like the others.

“Nick,” She whispered. “Don’t leave.” She was so sincere, but I had made up my mind.

“I am leaving, I am selling the house and I am gonna get he hell out of here. I need to be away for a while.” I explained.

“But you’ll—never mind. Do what pleases you, Nick.” She said.

You would please me… I was looking for a realtor in the phone book. I found one. We set it all up; I was selling my house.

“It’s done.” I said, turning around. Cay was in tears. She was on the floor rocking with her hands shielding her face.

“What, baby?” I asked. I always called her baby because of how young she was…only 16.

“Don’t go.” She said through muffled sobs.

Cay’s view:

If he leaves, I will never see him. I have to tell him my reason. This can ruin everything. I don’t want him to go. He can’t sell the house. I knew that Tiffany wasn’t good for him. I never should have told him that I have seen Tiffany with other men.

“Baby, just give me a reason to stay. I will turn this all around.” He said, rocking with me. “Just a reason.” He repeated. “Why shouldn’t I leave, babe?”

Tell him.


What if he leaves? You will be without him for MONTHS at a time. You won’t survive!


I cut myself off before I could think

anymore. “Because I love you. I want to be with you. I cant live without you by my side. I want you to take care of me and be my everything. You’re my everything now, everything except my lover.”

Nick’s view:

Oh my God. She loves me. I want her to know. She needs to know how I feel.

But, I just realized it, what if I just think that I should love her? What if I don’t really love her?

Just say it!

She loves you and--

I cut myself off with my answer. A kiss.

Chapter Two

Cay’s View:

“I won’t leave baby, I won’t leave. I love you, too.” He said.

“You do?” I asked.

“Yes. I just realized it after me and Tiff broke it off. Baby, I love you. You’re my everything” I knew he called me “baby” for a different reason now. Now he called me baby as a pet name, to show affection.

We kissed again. I never thought that such a romantic thing could happen on a kitchen floor covered with glass, but it did. We were in love.

I knew what Nick wanted to do. He was just like that. That is the way he got himself into bad relationships. He was going much too fast. Just as he reached for the top button of my shirt, I spoke up- “Nick, no.”

“Why not?” He asked more startled than angry. “Well, Nick, I am 16 and you are 24. If anyone found out…my parents. You would be charged with rape, and if they didn’t charge you….they would most definitely hate you. My parents wouldn’t care if I wanted it or not. But, most of all, I can’t, I’m not emotionally prepared for something like this. Give me time.” I explained, while getting up.

He looks so sad. Should I give in?

“I understand.” He said, rising to his feet. “I love you, I understand.”


Thank God, I couldn’t have handled that.

“I think I should leave now.” I said. “Take me home?” “Sure,” he said. He was smiling at me. I had never seen him smile like that to anybody before. He really loves me.

We got in his car and dove off to my house. We arrived and Nick didn’t get out as I expected him to. He must have really respected my decision. I leaned over to kiss him. He kissed me back.

“I love you.” He said.

“I love you, too.” Then, I walked into my house.

Nick’s view

Should I have said that? I asked myself as I drove off towards Brian’s place. I’m not sure about this-but come to think of it-I’m not sure of a lot of things. So far, this seems right. But then there is that giant age gap. I think I need a second opinion. I do love her though. Ok, I need to talk to Bri about it, and then I can get myself together.

I arrived at Brian’s house and rang the doorbell. Leigh answered.

“Hey Nick! How are you doing? What are you doing here?” Leigh said as she motioned to have me come in.

“Well, as you know—wait, can you get Bri down here? You know, I’m gonna have to have some opinions on this. I’m kind of confused right now.” I explained.

“What are you confused about, buddy?” Brian asked, he had overheard the conversation from the kitchen.

“Well, you both know about Tiff-you know. But I decided to move today-“

“WHAT?” Leigh and Bri asked in unison.

“No, wait, let me finish. So, Cailey was over and I set it all up to move and she didn’t want me to go. I asked her for one reason for me to stay. I said that I would turn the whole situation around if she gave me a reason. She did”

“Well, what was the reason?” Leigh asked, she was overly excited.

“She said she loves me. I said it back.”

“FINALLY” Brian said. “Why did you come to me?”

“Whaddya say that for? ‘Finally?’ What do you mean?” I said, I was completely puzzled. He said it like he knew something I didn’t.

“Well, we all know that you have been totally in love with each other long before you and Tiffany started dating. You are perfect for each other, Cay knew it, you just had to realize it. Now you have gotten it through your thick head that you two are meant to be.” Brian explained.

“Wait, how did you know that Cay knew?” I asked, I knew that they definitely knew something I didn’t.

“Nick, if you haven’t realized, Cay has told us all about her feelings for you. But, of course-we already knew that she loved you She just didn’t say it in detail-so we weren’t certain if we should tell you. You know, it’s a whole middle school ordeal.” Leigh said.

“Why did you come to us?” Brian asked again-I had completely forgot that he asked me that before.

“Well, dude, I wanted your opinion, you know. But I can tell what you guys think…so, you think I should do this? Wait, how many people know that Cailey loves me and all that shit?”

“Yeah, our opinion is to go for it. And like…everybody knows.” Leigh said.

“Whaddya mean by ‘everybody’ who EXACTLY is everybody?”

“Well, us…AJ, Howie, Kev, all your siblings except Aaron, cause, you know about his crush, your mom knows too and I wouldn’t be surprised if your dad knew. Oh, Sarah and Kristin know.” Leigh answered. The phone rang. Brian answered.

“AJ, he is like psychic or something. I bet he knows about all this”

Cay’s View

AJ, I will call him for his opinion. Yeah, I need to know what he and Sarah think. I do love him though. But I need to get myself all in one piece again so I will call him. I picked up the phone.


“Cailey! What are you doing babe?” AJ asked (caller ID)

“I’m not currently DOING anything, but you know, I’m downloading some songs and stuff. But I have to talk to you.” AJ laughed.

“Ok, now I am concerned, what is bothering you?”

“Nick was gonna move today-and he asked me why I wanted him to stay.”

“Any what did you tell him? WAIT, HOLD UP, Nick is moving?”

“Nah, he’s not moving. Not after I told him.” AJ knew exactly what I meant.

“Did he say it back?” He asked.


“AW! We all knew it would happen! You two are in love! Wait till I tell Bri!” He said, I could hear that he was grinning.

“If I know Nick, he is at Brian’s right now, waiting for you to call. So, you think it is good? That is what I called for-your opinion.”

“Of course! You two were put on this earth for each other! Go for it!”

“Thank you, you can go call Bri now. I think I’m gonna call Bri after I tell Kev and Howie is in Sweden, I will wait for him to call me to tell him. Bye AJ, Thank you.”

“Right, bye babe” AJ said and we hung up. I called Kev, he told me the same thing.

Nick’s View

“Yo, AJ. You want to talk to nick…if I’m thinking that she called you.” There was a pause and he directed to me: “he says yeah, Cay called him.” And he handed the phone to me.

“CONGRATS! It’s about TIME that you two hooked up!”

“Thanks. I don’t know how the hell everyone knew.”

“Dude, you know girls, they tell everyone everything-ack, no, not you Sarah, you don’t-I love you!”

“Shouldn’t diss the girls dude. They are everywhere.” Leigh glared at me. “Sorry, Leigh.”

“Nick, did you screw yourself over…you know-by screwing her over.”

“No, no, dude, no. I was gonna, and I tried. She backed off. And you know-I respect the decision and all. But now I know, I know I wanna wait with her, she is something different.” I explained.

“You know you should wait. I know you should. We all know you should, and we all want you to. You fuck up all of your relationships with that. Promise me you will wait…not only is it wrong, but you could get in trouble for that-she is young, you know that, but you need to understand it.”

I hate these lectures.

“Yeah, well, look, I expect everyone knows now- if I know her, she called Kevin-“ AJ cut me off.

“She did and she will wait-“ He said, I cut him off.

“For Howie to call her because-“ I continued.

“He is in Sweden.” He finished.

“We know her too well, look, I’m gonna call her when I go home Kev should call here soon. See you.”

“Bye dude, don’t forget to tell Aaron, I’m thinking he will be a bit crushed, you know with his little thing for her and all.”

“He will be fucking furious. He is obsessed with her. I will hold off telling him as long as I can.” He got my drift; we hung up.


“Its Kev…” Brian said.

“Hello? Yeah, uh huh… yeah, but he, no…no…yeah, ok…yeah I understand…I’ll tell him…. Ok, bye”

“He says congratulations. He was on a tight schedule, you know with the TRL thing, he had to go, he wanted to talk to you, Nick, but he just couldn’t.”

“Yeah, Bri, I need your help. I have never been in a relationship where we hadn’t had sex the first date…What do I do now? Should I go over to her house and say hi or something? Of should I go home and call her? Or should I wait until tomorrow when I call her? If I call her tomorrow, do I ask for her to come over or for a date? What do I do?” I asked, I was frantic.

“Nick, just pace yourself. Call her tomorrow and see if she wants to do anything. Don’t be so desperate. Just pace yourself” Leigh said.

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