This was previously Jenn's fuck-up page...but it no longer has been re-configured and now it is just some surveys we both took for the guys...and yeah, they might be a little..."mean" at some points, but if you don't like that, you can go bite Jenn's ass. =)

I'll bite yer ass Jenn! *winks* and I LIKE this page! *drools*

|**| Howeird |**|

1. What's your name? Howard

2. What color pants are you wearing? The pink ones from the "Backstreet's Back" tour *twitches*

3. What are you listening to right now? Something on Lifetime

4. What are the last 4 digits of your phone? 1-800-ben-dover

5. Last thing you ate? Umm...candy and stuff like that *twitches*

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Umm...purple...''s my favorite color *flips hair, drools*

7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? It's like, against the law for like...same sex marriages to like...happen in the U S of don't think I will be going on a honeymoon....

8. How is the weather right now? Like, I don't know, I don't get out much.

9. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mommy

10. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? If like...they at expensive places, then like, I can get that cool pink shirt that that one girl had...

11. Do you like the person who sent you this? Nobody sent this to me, I made it up...*sniffs* I have no friends

12. How are you today? I was like, fine, till ,like, Nicky told me to stop holding his hand in public...and then I was like, bummed.

13. What is your favorite drink? Like...hmmm, i like...iced tea, and like...cosmopolitans...(don't tell my friends, but they are VIRGIN)

14. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? mommy doesn't let me drink alcohol; I keep trying to tell her that I'm like, almost 30, but she won't listen...

16. Favorite sport to watch? I like Mud Wrestling with guys *winks*

17. What's the next CD you plan on buying? I totally want to buy Yanni's next CD

18. Hair color? Naturally: Like...brown...

19. Eye color? Brown

20. Do you wear contacts? Only when I want to look sexy and Puerto Rican MUCHO for Nicky *giggles*

21. Favorite Month? Like, the month that the new women's clothes come out in Center For The Dull!

22. Which month is it? Now? Like...January...

22. Favorite food? I like the classic Puerto Rican dishes that my mommy makes *drools*

23. What book had the most influence on your thinking? "Chicken Soup for the Puerto Rican's Soul"; It's not out yet...I'm writing it...*winks*

24. Best job you ever had? Like...I liked flipping burgers but like...this singing and stuff like that is fun too, and stuff like that...

25. Do the dishes right away or leave them in the sink? Like...what kind of American family does the dishes? My saucy Mexican *coughmalecough* maid does that for me....and...other stuff not like that...

26. Is there extraterrestrial life? the flesh!

27. Summer or Winter? I like the winter line at Center For The Dull.

28. Hugs or kisses? I like to kiss male admirers *winks, drools* and stuff like that...

29. Chocolate or vanilla? cream isn't hot and spicy like my (wo) I ain't down with it.

30. Do you want your friends to write back? Like...totally for sure...

31. Who is the least likely to respond back? I think most of them...because there are Restraining Orders that haven't been followed by me sending this to them...*winks*

|**| Nicky |**|

1. What's your name? Nicky Gene

2. What color pants are you wearing? I don't wear pants at home...I go naked...except in hotel rooms...cause ya know...I might...ya in the hallway naked, or some shit like that...ya know?

3. What are you listening to right now? This ROCKIN' song by this band called Journey...

4. What are the last 4 digits of your phone? *scratches head* Dude...Do I even have a phone?*looks*...I think I have to call Kevin...when I find my ask him if I have a phone...*ponders*

5. Last thing you ate? Alligator Balls...AND DUDE...that was like, the NASTIEST shit I've ever eaten in my ENTIRE LIFE, ya know?

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Why the fuck would I wanna be a fuckin CRAYON, dude? I'd rather be somethin' more, ya know...a magic marker, or some shit like that, ya know?

7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? The ocean...somewhere. Fuck, I might just like...take the girl on a boat or somethin'...but yeah, like...I'm stayin' away from that seagrass shit...damn, that shit's ANNOYING as HELL...

8. How is the weather right now? The pugs only piss on the floor when it rains, so's like a fuckin monsoon up in here, yo...damn dogs...

9. Last person you talked to on the phone? I FUCKIN TOLD YOU...I don't even know if I have a damn phone...fuckin stalker...damn.

10. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? The boobs, definitely...*looks around* change my answer...personality...definitely the personality...*cough*

11. Do you like the person who sent you this? Shit man...Howeird...damn. That man sends me some weird ass crazy I like him? Can I like...plead the fifth, ya know? Naw,'s fucked up...he's always trying to hold my hand and shit...My branch just don't wanna be goin' up on no foreign trees, ya heard?

12. How are you today? Well, I got some pretty damn good ass last night, so I'm just fuckin peachy kin...*cough* I mean...keen...DAMMIT...I'm always gettin' those two mixed up, ya know?

13. What is your favorite drink? Mountain Dew, baby...

14. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Shit, I'm usually so fuckin drunk I don't remember what in fuck I drank, so hell...I just say ALL alcohol, ya know??

16. Favorite sport to watch? Boat Racing, man...that shit is fuckin exciting...But my dad won't let me race...somethin about "seagrass might be on the course"...fuckin smartass

17. What's the next CD you plan on buying? DUDE...I'm so gonna buy "JFRO Timbahlake's" solo CD...fuckin see what I'm up against, ya know?

18. Hair color? Blonde, dude...

19. Eye color? Blue

20. Do you wear contacts? What's up with all the dumbass fuckin questions?

21. Favorite Month? October...halloween, baby...scare the fuckin shit out of times, ya know? 22. Which month is it? I don't even fuckin know...somewhere near my birthday, dude...

22. Favorite food? DUDE...junk food is da BOMB, yo...

23. What book had the most influence on your thinking? "Little Red Riding Hood"...cause DUDE...that little girl was just tryin to get to her fuckin Grandma, and this fuckin wolf fucks it all up for everyone...ya know??

24. Best job you ever had? DUDE...being a singer is of the only jobs I've had, ya know?

25. Do the dishes right away or leave them in the sink? Why the fuck would I have dishes? Damn...I eat out or get Taco Bell or some shit everyfuckinday...

26. Is there extraterrestrial life? Yeah,, and my dawgs, Brent and Tony, will just go out late at night and just like...look for aliens, ya know?

27. Summer or Winter? Summer's da BOMB, and hot ass chicks all at once...

28. Hugs or kisses? Hugs for guys, dude...kisses for girls...I don't swing my bat that way, dude, ya know?

29. Chocolate or vanilla? ice cream? *confused*

30. Do you want your friends to write back? No, not really...Cause, ya know, I'll just be like..."Fuck this shit!", and I won't even read the damn I give a flyin' fuck...

31. Who is the least likely to respond back? Uhh...the people who I don't send it to, ya know?

|**| B-Rok |**|

1. What's your name? Brian

2. What color pants are you wearing? Those nasty ass plaid pants my wife made me wear. (shh! Don't tell!)

3. What are you listening to right now? The tranquil sounds of a waterfall.

4. What are the last 4 digits of your phone? I have to consult Leighanne for the answer to that question

5. Last thing you ate? Some nice...Leighanne home cookin!

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Whatever color turns Leighanne on

7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? I already went on my honeymoon; I dont remember where, because, ya know , we were like, inside most of the time...

8. How is the weather right now? I don't know...Leighanne doesnt let me get out much

9. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mother; After all, mother knows best!

10. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? I don't go for looks; The fact that my wife is a mother fuckin Barbie has nothing to do with 'fuck' in the Bible? Shit dude, I haven't read that shit for years...I don't fuckin' remember.

11. Do you like the person who sent you this? Nick? That dude's a freak...a big, basketball/video game lovin' FREAK.

12. How are you today? Me and Leighanne just got done...doing stuff, so my day is going pretty damn well.

13. What is your favorite drink? Holy Water...that is some good shit

14. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? My Mommy and Leighanne don't approve of me drinking alcoholic beverages...

16. Favorite sport to watch? Does 'Baywatch' count?

17. What's the next CD you plan on buying? I think that...Norah Jones girl has nice boobs...OOPS...I mean, a nice voice.

18. Hair color? You mean in real life? I don't remember, like brown or something...I forgot once they dyed it in the LTL video.

19. Eye color? Blue

20. Do you wear contacts? When the camera people want to make me hunky instead of like a monkey...yeah.

21. Favorite Month? Uhh...the good one

22. Which month is it? I don't know...hmmm...

22. Favorite food? Anything with...cheese...or what Leighanne makes me

23. What book had the most influence on your thinking? The Bible, but I stopped reading that fuckin thing once Lou Pearlman stepped into my life, shit dude...God couldn't have made something like that, and if he did, why send him my way?

24. Best job you ever had? I liked making hushpuppies...cause, ya know...I make good hushpupies

25. Do the dishes right away or leave them in the sink? I have to do them or Leighanne won' stuff for me...

26. Is there extraterrestrial life? I know Howie, dont I?

27. Summer or Winter? I like Leighanne's swimming suit...I mean...winter, because of the...snow...

28. Hugs or kisses? Is there an alternative sex?

29. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla tastes good on Leigh...I mean...vanilla is good...

30. Do you want your friends to write back? No....Leighanne doesn't like me to have friends....

31. Who is the least likely to respond back? Ummm that would be the ones that...I don't send it to...

|**| Kevvy-Kev |**|

1. What's your name? Kevin...Mr. Body Beautiful...Sexy Man...I answer to 'em all...

2. What color pants are you wearing? These...jeans...I...think.

3. What are you listening to right now?"Airplanes in Action"...its...the sound...of airplanes...80...full minutes.

4. What are the last 4 digits of your phone? 7569...For some...odd...reason...Kristin said...she picked...out numbers...that spelled...SLOW...?? I don't....get it.

5. Last thing you ate? Some...Kentucky...Fried...Chicken...*nods slowly*

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Maybe...brown...or...something....earthy...

7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? Been there...done...that...Me...and..............Kris...wentto...the Mountains...

8. How is the weather right now?

9. Last person you talked to on the phone? Brian...he' know...I've...known him...all MY life...

10. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? If me

11. Do you like the person who sent you this? Yeah, Ilove...Rok...he''ve...known...him life...

12. How are you today? I'm good...I saw Brian...he' cousin...I've...known him...all my life...

13. What is your favorite drink? Nature.

14. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? I...don' doesn't...come...from nature...and...even...if it did...I still...couldn''ve...known life, Brian,

16. Favorite sport to watch? Horse...back...riding...

17. What's the next CD you plan on buying? I...think...I that..."The Best of Beethoven" CD...that...comes out...tomor..row.

18. Hair color? was dark brown...but

19. Eye color?'s nature...isn'

20. Do you wear contacts?'s...not...natural...

21. Favorite Month? Nature...Month...I'm

22. Which month is it? *shrugs slowly* cousin...whom...I've...known...all'

22. Favorite food? Anything...completely...natural...

23. What book had the most influence on your thinking? "Religion...for Dummies"...I cousin, whom...I've life...

24. Best job you ever had? Nature.

25. Do the dishes right away or leave them in the sink? Do them...right...away...dirty...water...isnt...good...

26. Is there extraterrestrial life? I...agree...with...Brian, my cousin...whom...I've...known of...strange.

27. Summer or Winter? Summer...two...words...Nature...hikes...

28. Hugs or kisses? Hugs...kisses...might...spread...germs...

29. Chocolate or vanilla?

30. Do you want your friends to write back? What...friends? I only...sent AJ...

31. Who is the least likely to respond back? Kristin...I...didn't...send her.

|**| Alex |**|

1. What's your name? AJ...Bone.....*cough'er'cough*

2. What color pants are you wearing? no pants man...skivvies!

3. What are you listening to right now? I'm overhearing the porn in the other room

4. What are the last 4 digits of your phone? 6699, 'cause it's the shit, man! That number is fuckin' sexual innuendos what-so-ever *looks around*

5. Last thing you ate? Um...something...kinda fishy...*coughpussycough*

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? I don't long as there is a damn fine woman and a comfy bed...

8. How is the weather right now? I uhh, stay inside most of the time...I have a few 'obligations' to my fiance

9. Last person you talked to on the phone? I called a hotline...and dude...I hung up on that mofo REAL is Howie doing answering the "You Want it Hot? We GOT IT HOT!" hotline??

10. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? The ASS, baby...

11. Do you like the person who sent you this? Kev? That dude is a freak, man...all that mountain serenity shit...

12. How are you today? I just...uh...ate...Sarah tastes good *cough*

13. What is your favorite drink? I like...the tase of certain lubes...

14. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? I...have been sober for a MAD long time... 16. Favorite sport to watch? Twister with naked porn stars

17. What's the next CD you plan on buying? Some of that mountain serenity's fuckin awesome when you're...high......on life

18. Hair color? dyed...

19. Eye color? I have never seen myself without sunglasses, so I wouldn't really know...

20. Do you wear contacts? No, I wear...sunglasses...

21. Favorite Month? Any month, as long at it's not...that time of the month for my flava of the month...

22. Which month is it? Let's see...Sarah is my flava, so it must be January...

22. Favorite food? Does pussy count?

23. What book had the most influence on your thinking? Everything you need to know about *NSYNC...that book was fuckin' moving...

24. Best job you ever had? Pimp

25. Do the dishes right away or leave them in the sink? I don't have dishes...its all about Mickey D's

26. Is there extraterrestrial life? Dude...Howie is kinda out there man...I don't wanna fuckin' know where that shit comes from...

27. Summer or Winter? Summer...less clothing on women...

28. Hugs or kisses? What about sex?

29. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate

30. Do you want your friends to write back? I don't...have any more friends...

31. Who is the least likely to respond back? Mother fucker...see the fucking answer above...shit, dude...

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