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For too long people have thought that there lives were over because of a mistake, financial status or circumstances. But, nothing is further from the truth. People deserve a new start in life and it begins with:


It doesn't matter how old you, what you look like or how many mistakes you made your new life begins here.

God Bless you and thank you for visiting New Destiny Worship Center Bay Area. My name is Pastor Jason Newton Wright and this is my lovely wife and ministry partner Pastor Rhodesia Wright. We are a young spirit filled couple living in Newark, Ca. We have accepted a mandate given to us by God to start a multicultural ministry in a predominatley caucasian middle class community that is surrounded by other upper class caucasian communities.

We are priviliged that God has called us to be a part of something so important. And we are looking for others of a like mind and spirit to partner with us in this ministry venture to change lives forever for the Lord Jesus Christ.

God has gifted us in Preaching, teacher, a diverse praise worhip style and prophetic utterance. Although we have a Pentecostal background we consider ourselves full gospel non-denominational ministers.

Below are some openings we currently have availabe in the ministry. We are a new "work in progress" we come to the table needing all positions filled.

There might be a gift and/or calling that may not be listed below that you think would be beneficial to this ministry. That's why we need you because we can't do it by ourselves and we surely can't do it without you! Please email us at the address below God bless you and we look to hear from you soon!

Volunteer Staff Positons Available at New Destiny!

Site Directory:

Meet the Family!
Pastor J. Newton Wright
Meet Pastor Rose
What We Believe
Getting New Destiny off the Ground!
