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2003 Year in Review
2003 was quite a year. Here are the Stickers that chronicled the people and events that made it... um... interesting (starting at the top in January). And just think, this year we get a Presidential election!
Buckeyes Strom, you just had to live to 100, didn't you?! NO WAR It could preempt American Idol!
Proud citizen of Old Europe Buccaneers Columbia 02/01/03
Attack Iraq Don't Attack Iraq You're a liar!
Homeland Security Advisory System Mr. Rogers FRANCE always there when they need you
Welcome home, Elizabeth Peter Arnett Iraqi Minister of Propaganda Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordian
Give peace a chance Give war a chance 1st Marine Division, Return home safely
Syracuse This Web site is S.A.R.S FREE No facemash required Please, God, let there be one more Bull Market
I #$%&ing HATE the Osbournes I #$%&ing LOVE the Osbournes War! What is it good for? Television Ratings!
The Scoobies have left the dale
NJ Devils
Sticky Site!
Telemarketers: the crackwhores of commerce Hang up on telemarketers
Forget Martha Stewart, go after the real corporate criminals Spurs
Reformed Digital Music Pirate Pave the Middle East Hey George, where's Osama?
Lance Armstrong 2003 Bob Hope Power to the People. Offer may not apply in northeastern U.S.
Iraq spelled backwards is Vietnam Make love not war. Bring back Clinton
John Ritter Brisbane Lions U.S. Energy Policy: Create crisis, raise prices
Johhny Cash Dissent is not disloyalty I was blown by Isabel
When Clinton lied nobody died Ironic, isn't it? I've been high the whole time Being a drug addict is a moral failing deserving of prison, unless it's a blowhard talkshow host, then it deserves your prayers
Arnold for Governor
Total Recall 2003
The only thing laughable about the California recall Vote for me for California governor Hasta la vista baby
Greetings from Southern California Marlins If I plead guilty, can I do my time in Juvenile Hall?
No retreat in Iraq Waah! If I can't be pwesident, won't let Howie be either! Avoid the Flu. Wash your hands
What, you never seen a dictator on a bad hair day? C'mon, those WMDs must be in there somewhere
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