
This site belongs to my friend Sean. It's gots lots of sweet poetry on it, and since *I* picked his icon, that's why it is how it is!
This is my friend's Jynx's site. He's a major HTML whizz, not to mention he has a lotta good links over there!
This is Curt's site. His site has a lot to do with Final Fantasy and Role-Playing, and it's pretty darn cool so...clickies!
This is my funkie friends Greg's site! I've never actually looked a the whole thing yet ¬¬ but the first pages pretty cool!
Mah friend oscar's site, he's been wanting it back on mah links page so i put it on for him ^_^. It's sorta random...
Dididi....This is Jordan's site. Go visit. ^.^.
Dis is mon amie's Marc's site. It's pretty darn cute ^.^
Best. Webcomic. EVER.
Best. Webcomic. Ever.'s artists sketchbook thingy. I love his style ^.^
Site that has lotsa html tutorials and schtuff.
Can Can Can I go BACK now?