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matt mendo: Enough Already! How Many Web Pages and Sites Do I Have???

So I'm sick of uploading pictures, but I do love taking them, and more importantly, showing them off to people I haven't seen in a long time (ie: most of my friends, sadly enough) or even to people I'm chatting with or who are friends of friends that don't know me so well.

I've gotten lazy with some of my other pages, because most of those don't have captions (which leads to boredom and confusion) and also, most of us don't even really look like all of those pics anymore. Hence, the need for this one...

This is me. This is, more or less, what I look like all the time, though my hair gets insubstantially shorter or longer and darker or lighter...but seriously, this is ME...

Here's me, my parents, my grandma, and my sister Lindsay is on my loft...I don't have any pics of my brothers, Ricky and Joey (as I call them, though they prefer "Rich" and "Joe") as of yet, but sooner or later they'll get on here,'s hard to coordinate schedules between all of us when we are so close in age and so far apart in priorities...

The pic above is from when my fam helped me move into Fisher, where I am seen here relaxing in my dorm. It's not usually this neat and clean, because let's face it--I'm an 18 year-old guy and so is my roommate...Though I love all the friends I have made here at Fisher (and am working on getting pics of them on this page, soon, too, Fisher is really not the place for me, and so while this is my first year here, it is also my last.

You might be able to tell by the tone of my captions so far that I (obviously) love my fam very much, and am quite close with them...This here is a not-so-great yet in the moment and realistic pic of me and my mom. I am blessed with the most fantastic and understanding family, and great ties to my siblings, parents, and grandma, who all do so much for me that I could never repay them enough in this lifetime. Thanks guys!

Like I said, my family are my friends, too, and my lil sis Linds is as good of a friend as I can ask for (awwww...)

Mom and Dad Mendo, they rock!

Here's Dad walking the dog, Austin, since none of us are around enough to do it, and because the minute Dad comes or goes anywhere near the door, Austin is jumping and waiting to go for his nightly stroll.

Speaking of Austin, he's the most adorable baby puppy ever, and he will always be--even when he's making his mad face.

Going hand in hand with my family of things I miss so much from home is Tops Friendly Markets, where I am a cashier and go-to guy for like every department, but perhaps best known for leading the U-Scan Hotties!

Of course, part of the reason I love Tops is because I get to work with awesome people, most of which have gone, like Jenn, Lauren and Gabrielle...Nick here is one of the few remaining, a wannabe U-Scan Hottie and very capable manager...but I still miss Kris Ponzi and even Tiffany hehe...

Nothing like coming home from a day of work (usually 9 excrutiating hours ugh) with my best friend Jacquie, who's basically my other sister! I miss spending Jacquie/Matt days with her, and just hanging out, we have a bond noone could break--not even Superman!

Of course, my other *sisters* are Jacquie C and Christina, who are, like my brothers, also Missing In Action on this page--but that doesn't mean I love 'em any less!!!

You never know what might happen with my friends, and as this WHOA NELLY look on Jacquie's face says, We LOVEthe craziness!

Aside from Jacquie, rounding out my girls for the past 8 years are Suzanne, Sara, and Kim, all of who have been with me for so long it's impossible to forget all of our crazy moments...Suzanne's been in my group since 5th grade, Kim since 6th, and Sara since 8th...these chicks have got a lot of history with me!

The amazing thing is, no matter how long we all go without seeing one another, we can pick up right where we left off...

The most drama that comes to mind when talking about our history, of course, is the tumultuous relationship I have had with the amazing chica who happens to be my first love--Sara. It's hard to describe the strange and befuddling bond we hold...

Pictured here with Jacquie is Matt Strawbrich and Jenna, two more of my closest confidantes...Matt went with me and Jacquie to the first-ever movie night (a term that is legendary for us high-school family members) and has always shown support and a good laugh, and Jenna is my blonde buddy, even though these days we aren't even as blond as we once were...She's the greatest, always there to rescue me when I'm frustrated or to party with me when we need to...

If we are now moving on to the guys that have been there for me for some time, and have shown to be true friends no matter what, how, or when, then I really must give it to Phill--he is a sure sign that God works through the friendships we hold.

Right up there, too, is Ben: Benny, you are the definition of friendship, and you astound me with your quiet, and sometimes bizarre, wisdom...hehe You may sometimes worry us by laying face down on the carpet, but I dunno, you're definately never as out of the loop as you think you are...

Katie and Nikki are the two new faces in this one...They are old friends as well, who give me more and more reason to believe that "old" doesn't mean former, since they're always willing to listen, hug, or tell me their hilarious stories! I wish I had some better pics of Claire and Erica, Laura and Andrea, and Greg and Jen to put on here, since they all fit this category, too...

Chilling with me and my women here are two of my bestest buddies, and most incredible guy friends: Mike Tyrpak and Eric Croston. Tyrpak, you are like part of my brain sometimes, though we often wonder how and why...Eric, though I don't get to see as much of you as I used to, I still count on you for those late night drives around the city to just reflect about everything and anything, and you two are so significant to me because you helped me really come into terms with a lot of personal stuff, and I feel very comfortable with who I am today as a result of the amazing things that you guys said to me, did for me, and helped me to laugh at...

Sarah Walgate and Devlin Winklestein--two more members of this insane crew! Sarah, she just fits in so well with us and as nutty as it all gets, I'm glad she was with me for some crucial moments, like when I got my first piercings (in my ears guys!) and was really coming into my own with stuff...

And Dinky, he is one guy that I definitely have had some great chats with, but not necessarily long ones...I respect him immensely and think that he's one of the most sincere and wonderful people I know...reminds me a lot of Mark, who, shockingly, will not appear on this page right now, but deserves to, since he is one of my heroes--one of the best guys around, and the most genuine.

It was sad when everyone started going off to college, especially as Dev left so early for West Point, but of course we were all there to mock him and say goodbye, and then later did the same for each of us, which is very characteristic of the way we all get along when we get togther even now, months later...

Here we see one of the most unusual friendships, but undoubtedly one of the most valuable--Luigi, I have learned so much from our relationship, and though it's had its share of ups, downs, and curves to the left, I am truly glad to count him as a close bud of mine...

*SIGH* I'm lucky, and the friends that I get to see more often make time for me, and we don't miss a beat...The new face in this one is Adam, who has a special place in my life as well...

What's that saying? Caught between a rock and a hard place? One of the strangest times in my life came when I was torn between new and old and what I knew I wanted and didn't want...funny thing is, it changed every day...Luckily, I have such an amazing base of friends and family to depend on and grow from.

Adam is relatively new to the universe, though, as he was introduced by Dani (pictured above) and Sara, and was quickly adopted since he just clicked right's not that we are a hard crew to get in with, you just have to face certain scrutiny from me and Jacquie, cuz otherwise you're just not part of the Group...but I think we're pretty lenient hehe

Another cute character in this whole shebang is Joelle, brought in by Ben and Luigi, who happens to live next door to Greg...though the pic is small, her wild and magical personality more than makes up for it, and exudes itself even on this page!

Now I would be remiss to not mention and show off Aleasa, one of my many prom dates (I also accompanied Jacquie twice, Suzanne, and Sara) and one of the most darling girlies EVER! Michnik, WE ROCK!

Aleasa doesn't usually travel far without her other awesome companions, the always jazzy Jan, Scintillating Cyndi, Delicious Dave, and Charming, they are attempting to allure all of us in...

Speaking of alluring, another Dave is here trying to mischievously beckon someone, and it's just great the kind of funny moments we all have...Dave there is a fun one, and brought to us by the lovely and talented Nora, shown with me below

Yep, Ben's sister Nora is definitely a keeper...

The day wouldn't be complete unless I tried my hand at nuttiness as well, so there we are, and here we bid adieu until next time, when I get more pics to add...sadly I haven't even been able to talk about Meghen, SirLickMe hehe, who is the most marvelous addition in a long time--she is sunshine!!!

Soon, Ed, Tom, Jake and many others will certainly need exposure on this page, cuz not putting them on yet is really one of the seven deadly sins--they are some of the most interesting people the world has ever seen.

That's all he wrote, folks, IM me on one of my many names, MattMendo, YesMEMendo, or Divaman90210...Sometimes, even ArgSnuggleThis is caught online...Hope You Enjoyed the Trip Through Mendoland!!!

Links to My Other Pages

the update page (which isnt updated)
Matt's Humble Abode
Nora's Tribute to MDIM
