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Wasted Aces News
...what we're doing, what we're drinking, where we're rocking...

K September 11, 2005

The show kicked ass last night, as we tore the roof off the Surly Wench AGAIN! The Johns and ADHD from Los Angeles were awesome, and if you weren't there you suck.

Take a minute today to remember the people who lost their lives 4 years ago when we were attacked by those terrorist bastards.

K August 3, 2005

Thanks to all of y'all who came out to our CD release party with The Earps and Punkture. We have a lot of people to thank: The Wenches for letting us play their kickass bar pretty much whenever we want to, Polly at The Citizen and Stephen at The Weekly for kickass writeups and much pub, Don at KXCI for the airplay and getting the Wasted Aces hype machine in high gear, Harvey and all at Twin Dragon for the faith and love, Rosi for the great photos, Ace Hardware for the support and hard work, GG Tytan for the Marshall Thunder and solos on the CD... the list goes on and on.

Most of all thanks to YOU for giving us a reason to rock.

We've got a bunch of shows booked, we're heading up to the big city (Tempe) to play with the Earps, who just kick merciless ass. Be there.

Lazy Ace

x July 28, 2005


I'm sitting here totally exhausted, the last few days have been crazy as we get ready for the CD release party at Surly Wench. In addition to all the crazyshit in my every day life I've been doing interviews and sending CDs and info out to newspapers, packing up tee-shirts and CDs, booking opening bands, picking prizes to give away at the gig... Gotta say thanks to Stephen at the Weekly and Polly at the Citizen for the amazing reviews and publicity for the CD party!!! You guys kick ass!

I've been playing in rock 'n' roll bands for a lotta years, but I've never been this excited about a show, not even the first New Years Eve show Wasted Aces did at 7 Black Cats a few years back, not even the first Buttzilla show ever in AZ with Earl's Family Bombers at some house party back in '92!

I'm looking forward to seeing you all at the gig tomorrow! Trust me when I tell you it's gonna kick ass.

Lazy Ace

k June 11, 2005

The tee shirts are done!

I'm starting to feel like I'm in a real rock 'n' roll band now... a CD (that somebody else paid for, tee shirts, sold out shows... it's like a dream come true!

We're booking the CD RELEASE PARTY right now, probably in July. It's gonna be awesome so stay tuned.
Lazy Ace

e May 1, 2005


Yes, we all knew this band was just too amazing to go un-noticed forever. The good people at TWIN DRAGON Records - based right here in Tucson, AZ - will be releasing the Wasted Aces debut CD in a few weeks! Check them out at

I promise to remember all the little people I stepped on as I clawed my way to the top...
Lazy Ace

e Feb 24, 2005

I love breaking in a new stage with a kickass rock 'n' roll show. The good people at Sharks were amazed when The World's Greatest Rock 'n' Roll Band, Wasted Aces, blew the roof off their little club last night! Everybody there was really cool, and we'll definitely be back soon. Thanks to the rock 'n' roll animals in INABIND and WORM for playing as well.

The tee shirts are almost done, Stroker sent Downtown Dave (our swag man) the wrong artwork or something, I dunno.... I just don't get these computer geeks. The short version is: we'll have tee shirts up for sale at shows and on this web site soon. And new stickers too!

Swords 'n' Tequila,
Lazy Ace

k February 11, 2005

Happy Valentine's day! I know all you Wasted rockers are romantics at heart.... check out this SPECIAL LINK... just a li'l love letter from my friends at!

Hugs, kisses, and Jagermeister,

M January 29, 2005

Happy New Year! We rocked out 2004 like a hurricane at the Surly Wench, officially our NEW favorite place to play. We got to take the stage at the stroke of midnight and tore the roof off that sucka with our by-now-patented version of Auld Lang Syne, performed Motorhead style of course... The crowd was left in a sweaty, beer soaked pile of happy headbangers in silly hats when we tagged in the Whiskey Bitches to finish 'em off. Thanks to all who came out to ring in the new year with us.

As shocking as it seems , the 12 song CD really is done, it really does kick ass, and you really can buy one at any Wasted Aces show. And, shockingly, we really are getting tee shirts made as we speak- Downtown Dave from W.Bitch is printing 'em up. We're almost like a real band or something! As my main man Tinky Winky would say, bye bye! Lazeeee Ace-hole

K December 26, 2004

I love Christmas! I gotta few gift certificates, so I picked up the new live Supersuckers and the new Jag Panzer CD (old school metalheads will know who they are, the rest of you won't). Plus I got a new metric socket set so I can work on my rice burner. Good news (for us, at least!)- Wasted Aces are finally going to start working on the long awaited incredibly self-indulgent "acoustic set" after New Years Eve. It should be on a par with late 90's era Guns N Roses or early 80's Hanoi Rocks. I'm even gonna play cheesy hand percussion stuff. See you all at the New Years' "Eve Of Destruction" concert with Whiskey Bitch and Sweat Band at the Surly Wench! I'll be the one whackin' his cowbell. Swords N Tequila Forever! Lazeeee Ace-hole

k December 18, 2004

Merry Christmas to all our rock n roll brothers and sisters! Wasted Aces are working on new songs and getting ready for the New Years' "Eve Of Destruction" concert with Whiskey Bitch... should be awesome. Have a safe holiday and don't drink and drive Gawdammit! God Bless Us, Every One, Lazy

j September 26, 2004

Geez, I haven't updated the News in WAYYY too long. Been too busy ROCKING, dumbass! We opened up for STYX last nite at the Desert Diamond Casino, for like 2,000 rockers, it was killer. We kicked ass and had our usual BLAST. Styx was cool, it was a good time for all. The Casino people were way too cool to us, we had a dressing room with leather couches and stuuf, I felt like a true Rawk gawd at last. The CD is done, just waiting for the paycheck from the Styx gig to clear so we can get it duplicated and out there to you all. Keep The Faith and buy me a beer! Lazy

P November 24, 2003

Dude, we ROCKED the Great Cover-Up at Congress. At least, that's what everybody's telling us. Lazy maxed out his credit card buying everybody drinks so we aren't sure WHAT the hell was going on. I am sure we screwed up some pretty damn good Waylon Jennings songs though! Stroker didn'yt know it was a benefit gig so he got all pissed off when we didn't get paid... whatta mess.

X October 29, 2003

I'll tell ya, this Wasted Aces album project is taking on a life of it's own! I feel like we're making Led Zepplin 4 or something, it's taking so long. NOW our recording engineer/producer/spiritual guide Jim Waters is going to Europe to record some French band till December! So hang on kiddies, we'll have our CD done as soon as we can!

N October 6, 2003

Halloween's comin'! We love that Holiday best of all.. We're thinking of doing a Halloween gig as the Misfits.

We been writing new songs like crazy lately... well, "new" if re-hashed Aerosmith and KISS riffs is "new".

We're trying to get in on The Great Cover-up... we wanna cover Waylon Jennings OH HELL YEA! Not much to report other than that, we've been lazy bastards and not gigging much of late, working on new shit mainly. We're booking some shows for The Fall and will be hitting you up for a drink at a dive bar near you SOON!!!

P June 13, 2003

Yee Haw fuckers. Wasted Aces just keeps rocking on and on... The Camarosmith show was awesome, congratulations to the few, the proud, the incredibly drunk, who were there to bear witness to it all. My favorite moment was when singer Ben Devil took the stage chuggin Smirnoff straight from the bottle, kinda reminded me of Baby Troy guzzlin Mama's milk.

Lotsa gigs coming up, plus I am getting my old metal band SONIC TITAN back together! Yes, me and GG from the 440's are going to re-unite and bring some true HEAVEE METTLE to Tucson. Don't worry, like the song says, "Wasted aces are here to stay!" But now you'll have TWO bands to worship and adore. Fasten your chinstraps, kiddies. It's going to be a rockin' summer. xoxo LAZY ACE-hole

X May 5, 2003

HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO! Man, this beer tastes good. We gots a buncha shows coming up, 2 with our old pals the 440's, and 1 with our new pals Camarosmith. Ya gotta see this Camarosmith band live. Kick-ass doesn't even begin to explain it. Plus we have shows with pals we haven't even made yet. And, as always, Wasted Aces are ready, willing, and able to perform at your private events; weddings, bar mitzvahs, circumcisions, you name it. If there's beer, electricity, and beer,we'll play it!

W April 22nd, 2003

WASTED ACES ARE BACK, BABY! Finally, there's a new Ace on the scene. Congrats to Galore and Lazy on the birth of their luv child TROY on April 2nd. He is ten pounds of pure rock fury. Now the band is back to what they do best, raising hell and playing rock n roll shows at dirty little clubs for wasted rock n roll fans. It's good to be back!

A March 23rd, 2003

Sheesh! WHEN is that baby gonna come?!? Looks like the newest Ace will be here any day now. So it's break time for Wasted Aces as Lazy and Galore get busy changing diapers and wiping puke. Once the little Ace is up and running, however, we'll be back in action. We have a new rehearsal space and we're definitely ready to get back to playing. In the meantime, Lazy, Stroker, and Frijole are working on a new side project called The Ray City Bowlers. Check it out!

A January 2nd, 2003(!)

Happy New Year y'all! Hard to believe we started this band just 9 months ago. Yup, April 2002 was the first time the 4 of us got together over a case (or two) of cold beer and started putting this together!

New Year's Eve was amazing- the other bands cancelled at the last minute so we got to rock all night. We did TWO, count 'em TWO sets, and had a blast doing it. We did a few old songs we haven't done in a while, and even played a Molton Leather song ("Evil Runs Free"). 7 Black Cats was full of drunks working on their New Year's Day hangovers and a great time was had by all.

We have a few "New Year's Resolutions" to announce...
LAZY ACE is going to stop getting excited and playing the songs too fast onstage.
ACE FRIJOLE is going to write the greatest beer commercial song of all time.
STROKER ACE is going to get his Long Distance Truckers license just in case...
ACES GALORE is going to have a healthy little Ace and then resume being a Hot Rock Mom, as opposed to a Hot Pregnant Rock Mom.

SPECIAL YEAR END THANKS to C. Belligerent, our awesome Lighting Designer, Director Of Special Effects and all around faithful ROADIE, Bret and Elanor at 7 Black Cats, all the 440's, Rosi, Kim Sin, Jim Waters, and all the bartenders and babysitters that make it possible for us to kick this much ass. Like OZZY says, "God Bless You- We Love You All!"

R November 18th

WOW! There's a ton of stuff going on around here. For those of you who haven't heard yet, Aces Galore and Lazy Ace are having a BABY! Yes, it's true, there's gonna be a little Baby Ace in town March 30th or thereabouts! But never fear, despite her expanding tummy Aces Galore is rocking harder than ever! We keep expecting her to knock the kid right out on stage or something...

We played a surprise show last night at 7 Black Cats with the Won Tons from Austin, TX. Elanor at 7BC called late Friday night to see if we could play Saturday as the band they had scheduled cancelled out at the last minute! It turned out to be a VERY Kick-Ass show for your rock heroes (and heroine)! The Won Tons were cool folks and set stuff on fire and blew stuff up. Excellent!

We still haven't finished the 6 song tape at Waterworks yet but it's very high on our priority list!

D October 16th

All hail Jim Waters! Rock legend and all around metallic guru of audio! The recording session went great, we got basic tracks for 6 tunes done in record time. TOUCH ME WHERE I PEE, ATF, MY NAME IS ACE, LET IT RIDE, GOD MADE LIGHTNING, and THE KID KNOWS HOW TO ROCK all got immortalized on tape, or digital audio or whatever. 3 of Galore's songs and 3 of Frijole's songs... we hafta keep it 50-50 like Gene and Paul do in KISS. Otherwise lawyers get involved...

A September 28th

Aww crap! We had to cancel our gig w/ WORM at Rock'Em Billiards last week... Stroker Ace got himself into a car accident and was still suffering. But we promise to re-book that gig ASAP! We head into Waterworks Studios (with rock n roll legend Jim Waters at the controls) the first week in October to start recording our debut rock classic!! You can even help pick what songs we record in our poll at the main page. Tenative working title: "WASTED ACES ONE". Hey, if it was good enough for Van Halen it's good enough for us...

f Sept 16th

Hey y'all! Lazy Ace here- it feels so good to be back on the warpath after a few weeks off! Our gig at Vaudeville last sunday was a blast, Black Tadpole and Submachine were cool folks, and it was a pretty kickass show for a Sunday in Tucson. Up next we tear the roof off a new venue, Rock'M Billiards! We usually play the dirty downtown dive bars, it'll be cool to drag our stuff out to the East side and kick some new ass. Get out there and check it out- it should be a great show.

Then in October we start recording! it's great to be an Ace!

W August 23rd

Well it's me again people, Not much to say except that things are going well, and we are turning out some really good originals. We're very excited to play the new material for our fans. We have two upcoming shows and then it's off to the studio. Please come out and support local music and your favorite new band WASTED ACES. Stroker....

U August 12th

Club Congress may never be the same again! I know my liver won't... the gig with the Elemenopees and Stroker Ace went great, we rocked some new faces and made some new friends (as well as a few new enemies) !

We're taking some time OFF from our live rock n roll assaults to work on some newer material. We wanna start recording in October, with the eventual goal of having a full length CDs worth of rock classics ready to be in your hot little hands next Summer. These CD projects always take WAY longer than you think they will! So we're getting started NOW. Your next chance to buy us shots will be September 8th at Vaudeville, so save up your pennies.

A August 5th

Hey Kids! I wanted to spout off about how great Saturday was too... Custom Made Scare (check out their NEW LOOK web site at are cool motherfuckers and we had a blast playing with 'em! We'll be doing it again soon, believe me! I got the new CD and it's pretty great stuff.

I'm fairly drunk at the moment so I'll keep this short. I can't wait to blow the roof off at Congress Friday, it should be pretty much amazing. And I'm getting new drum sticks with my name on them soon too. They'll be perfect for deflecting the blizzard of thong panties that come flying up onstage every time we play.

Jeez, I'm an idiot.

Lazy Ace

O August 4th

Well, Well, Well... What did Custom Made Scare say? "The Show Must Go Off", and it did BIG TIME!!! This was definitely a huge step forward for the Aces. Personally speaking, WE KICKED F&*King ASS!! Once again HUGE Thanks to all the ROAD CREW for their help; M.Diddy, Gordon"G.G. Titan"Groves, Kim Sin, Ms. Diddy, etc. We could truly not look or sound half as cool without your help. A very special thanks to all of the 440's, the P.C.J.C.C. Crew and the Dawgs99 posse for representin' (much love). It's truly the reason that we work so hard, and that's to bring the music to the peeps. The Custom Made guys rocked, cut a bit short by Charlie's sore pipes, but great none the less. Do yourselves a favor and go by their new album!! One last thing, Who was it that kept buying our singer the pre-natal shooters?

We've got a great show for ya this Friday at the infamous Club Congress, W/ The Elemenopees and Stroker Ace. Don't Miss it!!!!!!!!!!!

The Wasted Aces........

F July 22nd

Damn! We had a blast last night playing with LED BENDER from San Jose. Those guys were extremely cool, rocked the house, and most importantly, GAVE US BEER IN THE PARKING LOT! we gotta get up to No Cal and drink with them again SOON.

We have a show booked on September 8th at the Vaudeville Cabaret in Tucson with TADPOLE! They're a killer new band with ex-members of BETTY BLOWTORCH! It should be a great gig, I'm looking forward to rocking with them.

A July 17th

Just wanted to take a minute and recognize all the great people that make being a Wasted Aces much easier thru their hard work. It takes more than just the 4 of us in the band to kick that much ass y' know! Our super roadie/ lighting operator/ director of special effects/ emergency drum roadie M. Diddy, his old lady and digital video queen B. Diddy, the amazing photographic skills of Kim Sin of The Sintillators and Rosi of the Bushey Family Circus... these folks go above and beyond to help the Aces do their thing. THANK YOU! we owe you a beer... -Lazy

X July 16th

WASTED ACES RULE!! or so I'm told. Great Show on Sunday in case you missed it. Hightlights included: Lazy's drumset collapsing, Stroker almost getting punched out by the lead singer/guitarist from Solid Donkey, celebrity cameos by the 440's, Sintillators and Solid Donkey, but the "highest" point came when Spaceboy performed the hits, "Island of Cannabis" and "Planet of Pot". So don't miss out again!! This Sunday's show at 7 Black Cats features Wasted Aces w/ Led Bender from S.F. Let me close by saying I am so amped for August 3rd, because we get a chance to share the stage with CUSTOM MADE SCARE!!!! If you have never seen this band, let me just say you'll be hooked. I encourage everyone to go get their CD, "The Greatest Show On Dirt" learn the songs before the show, then come on August 3rd and have the greatest time of your life.

J July 10th

Hello Kiddies! Stroker Ace here...Just thought I'd give the people a quick update on that finely tuned RAWK-N-ROLL machine we call Wasted Aces. The band is all geeked up for this Sunday's gig with Spaceboy. This is a band from San Francisco who is getting ready to start a nationwide tour with Speedealer and Fu Manchu. Our rehearsals have been kickin' serious ass, while Aces Galore and Ace Frijole just keep writing the most incredible original music. One last thing before I sign off; The band has been toying with the idea of doing an event called, "The Great Cover Up" (For those outside Tucson who don't know what this is, it's where local musicians pick famous bands and do a set of their music at this annual show). Anyway, I thought it would be cool to solicit suggestions from you guys, THE FANS!! With the winner receiving some cool swag.(stickers, picks, 8x10, etc.) Well gotta go......Until next time, just remember to get your asses to the shows, so you can tell all your friends that you knew the Aces before they got HUGE :)

T July 3rd

Happy Fourth of July from Wasted Aces! Good News people we just finished a shit load of more pics for your viewing pleasure. They should be posted soon! So keep checking back. We also have a few new original tunes in the works, and they're almost ready for the stage. So make it out to all the shows, because you never know what you might get. Anyway, Y'all have a rockin' holiday and God Bless the Red, White and Blue Ribbon!!!!!!!!!

G June 25th

Happy Birthday Lazy Ace! Your favorite drummer turns 29 today. Again. The gig at Vaudeville rocked! Thanks to all our friends who came to see the Wasted Ones first show. We have another gig coming up July 14th at 7 Black Cats on Congress Street with Spaceboy from SF- this show will be a killer- it's on a Sunday so we will be starting early. Be sure to get there and get off- don't miss any of the fun!

K June 16th

Happy father's Day. We're pretty sure Ace Frijole has a kid or three somewhere out there so... on a sadder note, some scumbag broke into Wasted Aces HQ and ripped off a bunch of our stuff. It sucks. Stolen were Aces Galore's custom Groves Master Blaster guitar - it looks like a Les Paul Jr, double cutaway Gibson style... with "infinity" symbol fret markers. And a "Mann" Flying V, wood finish... says MANN on the headstock. Both guitars are VERY recognizable. If you see either one email us so we can go kick that fucker's ass.

Here's a few of the tunes we're doing Sunday: "Hello There" by Cheap Trick, "Broke Drunk and Stoned" by The Hangmen, and a new original called "Touch Me Where I Pee." This is gonna be GREAT.

N June 11th

Aces Galore is back from Amsterdam!I never knew that brownies could be so much fun. We're really kicking ass in rehearsals now, getting our act together for June 23rd. Wasted Aces promises to never deliver less than 100%. Well, OK, maybe 99%. Or 85 % if we're really drunk. But no matter what, you WILL get rocked at our debut gig June 23rd at the Vaudeville Cabaret with Winelord and Street Gypsy!