Goodnight all!

It's been real, it's been fun. It's been real fun. But now it's time to say good-bye for good this time.

I'm not even leaving anything open for a number of reasons. Primarily, Angelfire is decreasing their free space by over half. I have too big of a site to mess with redistributing everything, especially since I'm not maintaining this anyway. Also, some people still think my concert pics are up for grabs to do with as they please. I'm tired of playing the game. So, hope you saw all you's gone. For those that have laughed with me this past year and a half, I can't thank you enough. And to the Backstreet Boys (since I know they visit here...HA!) there are no words to express my gratitude.

I'll still be writing fic, showing up at shows and supporting the guys just as I have been from the moment I bought Millennium in 1999. I hope you all will too.

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