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Welcome to my ninomiya 's world .  This homepage is made for people who love Arashi $ Johnny's Jr. If anyone have suggestion or comment feel free to tell me ne~~ oh!! i want to say thanks you for my friends who teach me how to make homepage and support me about information ne~~ bebeQ & nana from j-selection ... sanae who gave me info ... nata from aibachan's world [ my baka sister who crazy about my lovely aibachan ] ... and thanks you " All of You " who visiting my homepage  ... matane~~ 


  Special Gallery   Special Song

Song : Re-upload 1 songs  (28.07.2001)

Song : upload 2 songs from Arashi " Jidai , La tormenta "  (29.07.2001)

Gallery : Matsumoto Jun (21.08.2001)

Song : Arashi in Hippare (24.08.2001)





mail me :

ICQ : 16515798


Don't used my picture or my file in any homepage without my permission.

This homepage is only make for my enjoyment

No business involved

Copyright for Johnny's entertainment