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Karen's Kuilts

My Quilts

Other Projects

About Me

Contact Me

News for Thursday, March 27, 2003

After about 3 months, I finished another quilt. There's a little bit of a story behind it. There are three apple applique's on the right of the quilt to cover up holes that were in the fabric. Apples weren't part of the plan, but it was the best way to cover the little holes I found. Next time, I'll check the fabric before beginning. :-)

News for Saturday, December 21, 2002

The holidays have really kept me busy. I've added one project to each section.

News for Tuesday, October 8, 2002

I added Hayley's Quilt to the quilts section today. I will try to put a better picture up soon, the color is off.

News for Sunday, September 15, 2002

Today, I added Hayley's Doll to the Other Projects page

News for Thursday, August 29, 2002

The site is really starting to grow. I now have an area for my quilts and another new one for any other projects I make. I also added an about me page so you can learn a little bit about me and my hobbies. Like what you see on this site (or maybe not), email me using the link in the navigation. This site will always be under construction, so stay tuned for new stuff.

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