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[ full name ] Jamie L. Robson (JaLyRo)
[ nick names ] Woman, JaLyRo, Jamie/Mrs. Robson, Jamie J, J-Rob, Jamie Angel, Jamie Blue, Ms. Blue, Bunny, Jamie/Mrs. Salvucci
[ gender ] female all the way!
[ location ] Orlando, FL
[ birthday ] February 11
[ age ] 16
[ height ]
about 5'7"
[ hair ]
[ eye color ]
they change colors sometimes, mostly they're blue tho
[ school ] DPHS aka Gucci High!
[ grade ] 11
[ boyfriend ]
Jake *mwah*
[ email ]

[ Favorites ]
[ color ]
baby blue!
[ animal ]
 kittens... dolphins... monkeys!
[ car ]
[ soda ]
[ sport ]
basketball baby!
[ movie ]
 Bring It On and Legally Blonde
[ song ]
"As If" by Blaque f/ Joey Fat One... and ever since Jackie sang "All Star", I've loved that song lol
[ singer/band ]
 *NSYNC, Jackie and Vanessa Salvucci
[ radio station ]
XL 106.7 and 95.3 party!
[ tv show ]
Passions, Popstars, and Reba
[ food ] tacos, oreo o's, and cap'n crunch
[ instrument ]
guitar & piano
[ shoes ]
Skechers and East Side
[ celebrity ]
Wade.... Justin... Vanessa... and of course Jackie!!
[ flowers ]
roses and sunflowers
[ phrase ]
"I'm a supah stahhhhhh!"