
1999 - Smash Hits
No, Not The Biscuit Tin, Justin!

No, Not The Biscuit Tin, Justin!

In the Smash Hits Biscuit Tin [cookie jar] there are 100 envelopes. Each contains a horribly difficult question. You, Justin 'N Sync, must open 20 enveloped at random and answer the questions inside. Among the 20 questions, you must choose...
One TOUGH COOKIE- a truly personal only asked my Smash Hits
One JAMMY DODGER- a question of a saucy nature

1. Why do all babies look the same?
(Laughing) That's true, all babies do look like lizards when they're first born. That question makes a good point actually-we all come out looking exactly the same. It's kind of awful that as people grow up they're thought of as outcasts because they may grow up to look different. We may be a different shade, but people make the world go round.

2. What are you like when you're drunk?
I wouldn't know. (Laughs) I always go straight to sleep. What you're a younger person, you wanna be rebellious and try all that stuff out, but now I'm older, I've found out that it's not for me.

3. When are you planning on getting married?
I have no plans to get married-that's never even crossed my mind. I'm sure people have fantasies about having a lovely wife and lovely children, but I've never seriously thought about getting married. I have to find the right person. To me marriage it the next step you take when you're totally in love with someone you can call your soul mate.

4. Do you believe in life after death?
I'm a Christian, so I believe in heaven, and a life with Jesus Christ after death. I don't believe in reincarnation.

5. Have you ever loved anyone who didn't love you back?

Err, yeah. Once I don't know whether it was that she didn't love me back, she just didn't love me in the right way. It was a very immature kind of relationship and it just didn't work out. She said she loved me and I'm sure she did, but I don't think she understood the whole concept of love, so I don't think she could have possibly loved my. But that's a whole 'nother lifetime

6. How much is too much?
Everybody's different. (Somewhat cryptically) Some people get offended by things that other people do, but if they're comfortable about it, that's fine. How much it too much money? Well, I've bought myself some nice things, but I've also saved my money and put it away and that's going to my kid's kids. I'm just looking out for my family down the road. Money should be a support not a toy.

7. When was the last time you fell over?
I think it was during our last tour. We have a big stage for the show and all around the stage are huge ramps that go all the way up to a big screen. And these ramps are really steep-I wasn't looking where I was going and I tripped over one and almost busted my butt on the stage. I made a recovery because we have rails on the side of the ramps, so I just climbed up to the rail and waited until I got my balance back. Then as soon as I was oriented I took off again. We just laughed about it.

8.Whats the perviest item of clothing you own?
What, like the sexiest? I've been trademarked in America because I always wear a white vest, well we call them wife beaters (laughs) -under my clothing. I usually get so hot on stage that I take it off and just wear the vest. It's very fitted, so I suppose that would be it.

9.Do you know where it's at?
(In All Saints style) A-ha-ha-ha-ha. Ironically, we just saw the All Saints yesterday. They were on their way to a show in London. (Changing the subject). Where its at is, I think, with your family and your spirituality. That's where it all starts.

10. Who's the sexiest woman on the planet?
The sexiest woman... (thinks.) That's a good one. Everybody's so different, it would be hard to pick the sexiest. As far as movies go, I'm totally in love with Halle Berry. I think she's, like, incredibly perfect. But I've always though Janet Jackson has nothing but sex appeal, so I'd probably say her.

11. Do you tidy up when you know you have visitors coming around?
(Immediately) Yes, I'm really conscious of that. If it's my best mates coming over, I don't care-I'm like "Excuse the house, its messy, sorry, I didn't clean it up." But if there's a girl coming round to my house that I want to impress, I'll definitely clean it up.

12. What's the worst thing in the world?
Racism. To be judged or persecuted because of something like that you have no control over-like the colour of your skin or your religion-and to be outcast...Racism is something that really, really bugs me. And it's so sad because racism is getting worse and worse over in the States. But I think one day people are gonna realize how unimportant the clolour of your skin is.

13.Would you rather be a bee or a wasp?
Well, that's tough. I'd probably rather be a bee. At least they're busy. And I'd attract people with my honey.

14. Have you ever snogged another famous person?
(Chuckles) Umm, no comment. Definitely no comment.

15. Why does your nose run?
(After careful thought) Yeah, it runs when your sinuses buildup...(trails off) I have no idea.

16. Why is the grass always greener on the other side?
(Straightaway) People always want what they can't have. And then when they get it, they find out that they wanted what they had in the first place. That's how its always been.

17. Do you believe in angels like Robbie Williams does?
Yeah, I believe in angels. Seriously. That goes back to my religion. I believe there are signs everywhere. You can choose to deal with them or you can just ignore them, but I think they're always there. You can find out where your place in the world is, because I believe that everybody has the potential to make something happen in this world-to make a difference. I think angels are always there, watching over us. We picture them in a human form, but it's a spirit thing. I imagine them as a haze-type thing.

18. Have you ever had a dream about someone famous?
Sure. Janet Jackson. But I can't tell you what happened in it!

19. Do you have a special pair of pulling pants [tear-aways]?
(After a lengthy explanation) No, I don't have a certain pair. It's not about the underpants, huh?

20. What fantasy flavour ice cream would you invent?
Hmmm lets see. My favourite right now is mint chocolate chip, so maybe it would be a flavour along those lines.

YOUR SELECTION (sent in by Gemma Asford, Worthington)
Have you picked your nose in public?
I've picked my nose on purpose. (laughs) Sure, everybody's been caught picking their nose. I wouldn't recommend it in public, but if you get a little build-up, you've got to get it out. That's kind of nasty, but sorry.