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Simple Laws

Disclaimer: We do NOT think that ANY of BSB are gay. (Well...I have my doubts about Howeird. Kidding. Much love, Howeird the Latin Burrito Man! *cough* Ok...on with the disclaimer.) This is for giggles and grins and is meant to be taken lightly. Everything said here is a JOKE and completely FICTIONAL. If you can’t handle it, don’t say that we didn’t warn you.

|**| AJ |**|

Having orgasms when a male puts his arm around a female is not illegal but thoroughly encouraged.

It is considered illegal to hump any inanimate object in the presence of a pre-pubescent girl, while screaming "You can get all inside me, I can get all inside you too...". Hell. The whole song "Lay Down Beside Me" is illegal to sing EVER.

|**| Nick |**|

Mountain serenity music is banned throughout the country just because I wanna arrest Kevin and do things to him with my handcuffs.

It is no longer referred to as 'failing'; it is now referred to as 'advancing inhibited'.

It is considered illegal to hire a stripper for your Mini-Me, then take them out on your boat and get so wasted that you land in a bed of seagrass. It is also illegal, in this situation, to smoke the seagrass.

You are to be honored as 'gifted' if you can have sex and play playstation 2 at the same time...Also if you can walk and breathe at the same time.

|**| Kevin |**|

It is illegal to talk about ANYONE'S masturbating/farting habits.

It is required that you mention the name of your cousin at LEAST 20 times a day, also stating how long you have known them. You must also say this very, very slowly.

|**| Howie |**|

If any person within any 2 consecutive hours winks more than 4 times, it is a federal offense and is punishable by law.

|**| Brian |**|

Making faces at rat dogs is punishable by a life sentence in prison with lonely men, or, NSYNC.

All bible carriers must have an extra pocket for their rat dog.

|**| Kevn & Brian |**|

'Hicks are cool' will be present on federal currency, and it shall have Kevin and Brian’s faces on it.

|** Nick & AJ |**|

"Ghetto Fabulous" will be present on federal currency, and it shall have Nick and AJ’s faces on it.

|**| Howie & Lance |**|

"Respect my diversity" will be present on federal currency, and it shall have Lance and Howie’s faces on it. (I know, I know, Lance is an NSYNCer...but...Howard needed a partner and Lance is so fitting. *flips hair*)

|**| All |**|

If anyone spends a lengthy amount of time with someone of the same gender behind closed doors, and any death occurs, they will be charged on a low account of involuntary manslaughter, or, they may be dismissed on account of the‘make my day law’in qualifying states.

Public arousal is illegal throughout the country just 'cause I want to get Kevin in one of those prison cells...alone.
