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Welcome!- I'm actually quite surprised that you stumbled onto this site. You see, I made it a rather long time ago while I was only in 5th grade, and it's a bit...well, very, messed up. So feel free to browse if you wish to see the kind of obsessive eleven year old I was! Enjoy?

First, a little about me. My favorite colors - my least favorite colors - my favorite animals:

Cool web-sites

Create your own web page-FREE! (seriously)
An extra special game Bonus!
Calling all Harry Potter fans!

Feel free to explore! Hey! Do you know what your zodiac sign is? Go to my ZodiacaMatch Want to learn more about the creater of this website? (me)Go to: All about me Not to brag or anything, but I must say, I am pretty good at poetry! Go to Poetry for all poetry fans! You can also send me some of your poetry back If you'd like. My e-mail is in All About Me. Do you like scary stories? I do! Here's the latest scary story I heard. I don't know i it's true or not. Some say it is. Some say it's not. It probably isn't, but it's fun to tell anyways! Here it is. Are you a cheater? Click here for all the answers to your homework!HERE! How about a story about a girl who had a HUGE embarrassing moment! I've got a brand NEW new contest! From now on, all contests end at 9:50 on the night of the deadline so that I can get an early start on the next contest. Ok, here's the part where we try and get you to buy stuff, but it's not that bad! Just try it! How about a riddle? Now here's a cool trick to play on a friend, brother, sister, etc. Here's another cool trick for YOU to try! (no it isn't pointless and won't take you around in circles)trust me! [an error occurred while processing this directive]TRY OUR GAME! [an error occurred while processing this directive] TRY OUR OTHER GAME! That's all for now! Check in later, I'm always adding new things! If you have an idea for something I could add, just send me an e-mail.