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Growing Up As Chris Kirkpatrick's Daughter
All Done

Daddy went with me to freshman orientation at UCF, which was where I was going to attend school. He wanted me to be able to live at home. Plus he was paying for my schooling.

"So where should we head to next?" Daddy asked. We had already walked around the campus about one hundred times.

"They have that reception in the auditorium right now."

"Okay. We can go check that out." Daddy said. He looked at the map, and we went towards the auditorium.

I was nervous about starting college. Daddy always has a way of making me feel comfortable when I start new things.

Not much went on during those four years. Conner and I grew closer, considering he was gone a lot. Daddy adjusted to that more. I was still his little girl.

My second year of college Conner proposed to me. We had been going out for five years, when he asked. I was still living at home, but didn't tell Mom or Dad until we went out for dinner one night. It was Dad, Mom, Conner, Justin, and Justin's wife, Laura.

"Um . . . Dakota and I have some news." Conner said. Dad's eyes just about popped out of his head. I just smiled at him, and Conner continued, "Dakota and I are engaged."

"Congratulations you guys." Mom said, along with Justin and Laura.

"Daddy?" I asked. He kissed me cheek and gave me a hug.

"Yeah sweetie." Daddy nodded his head to let me know that he was happy, "You're getting to old 'Kota Belle. I love you and congrats."

That night, when we went home, Daddy and I stayed up talking about everything. He was happy about me and Conner, and I told him we were going to wait a few years.

Daddy knew I was growing up, and didn't want me to. He's always been here for me and my brothers, and I appreciate it. Daddy will always be 'My Daddy.'

Daddy's watching me write this right now. Tonight's my last night in his house. I'm getting married tomorrow, and I know Daddy's upset. But I don't think he's too worried. I'm marrying Conner, who's a year older then me. I am worried about the PRESS coming, not only because of who our Dad's are, but because Conner is the latest 'Teen Idol.' Daddy's reassured me that everything's going to be okay. I think he booked enough security for the entire United States. Daddy's bugging me to let him read this, so I will. I've enjoyed every minute of being his daughter, and always will. Daddy's the best, and I've enjoyed growing up as CHRIS KIRKPATRICK'S DAUGHTER.