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Epilogue: Concert of a Lifetime

September 2014

Their wives had herded the kids out of the room to give the guys about an hour to themselves. So far all they had really done was stretch out on the couches and chat and it was now thirty minutes before show time.

Chris reached into his pocket and pulled out a hackey sack. He tossed it onto the coffee table and got a few looks from some of the guys.

"What? My boys like to play," He explained with a shrug.

"Let's go," Justin stood up quickly and reached for the hackey sack. Chris got up too and started to follow Justin to the door.

"It is tradition guys. Get up." Chris grinned. Justin opened the door and laughed hearing the three other guys groan but stand up anyway. They walked out the door behind Justin and Chris.

They moved out into the relatively empty hallway and stood around. Justin dropped the small sack and kicked it towards Lance. Lance just barely missed it, but it went in the direction of Joey who did miss it.

"We still suck," JC laughed. They stood in the hallway for another twenty minutes before the small bag got around the circle. The group of guys moved towards the side of the stage where Janie was waiting for them.

Chris gave her a kiss right away and kept his arms around her.

"Are you ready to introduce us?" He asked.

"Yes," Janie smiled. "I want to watch, but I think I am just going to hang out back here incase Jenna needs help with Micah." She said concerned about their one-month old.

"I think he'll be fine," Chris let go of her when the sound-guy handed him his microphone and in-ears.

"I don't want to take a chance," Janie started. "And if you guys are going to pull us onstage …" Chris waved her off with a laugh and got himself all hooked up as did the other guys.

"Two minutes Janie."

"Okay," She nodded towards the stage hand that was near them. "You guys will be awesome. I peaked and it looks like a great crowd." Janie smiled at the five.

"Well that's always good," Justin said.

"Good luck guys," She gave them all hugs and a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her microphone and walking out onstage.

"Good evening," Janie started and smiled out at the audience. The crowed clapped and cheered. The guys had voted her to introduce them since she had been their PR at one point in time. "I am just going to introduce myself quickly, I'm Janie Kirkpatrick, and at one point was *N Sync's PR person and now I am married to Chris." There were some cheers.

"I want to give you ladies … and gentlemen a fair warning. They are older, so don't expect the same moves or anything," Janie laughed along with the crowd. "It is still going to be a great show and I hope that you all enjoy it. As much as I know the guys will. So let's go ahead and bring them out now, here's *N Sync; Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance and JC."

The crowd got to their feet as the lights went down and the opening to Pop started. Janie clapped and walked off to the opposite side that the guys would be coming from. The lights came back on as Justin started singing the first verse.

Sick and tired of hearin' all these people talk about
What's the deal with this pop life
and when is it gonna fade out?
The thing you got to realize is
What we're doing is not a trend
We got the gift of melody
We gonna bring it 'til the end
Come on now...

"Evening everybody," Joey yelled into his mike after the song had ended. "Well welcome to the …" He scratched his head as if he had forgotten what the concert was called.

"The Reunion Concert," Justin filled in for him and rolled his eyes. There were a few screams in the audience and Justin laughed. "Well thanks … I guess it's good to know that some of us still look good and remember things …"

Joey shook his head and playfully punched Justin in the arm.

"We aren't as old as you'd like to think," Chris started.

"All right guys let's move on," Lance turned to the band and signaled for them to start playing again.

It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you
But when we are apart, I feel it too
And no matter what I do, I feel the pain
with or without you
Baby I don't understand
Just why we can't be lovers
Things are getting out of hand
Trying too much, but baby we can't win

They immediately went into I Want You Back after Tearin' Up My Heart and were happy with the response they got from the crowd for that one. No Strings Attached followed.

"All right we are going to slow it down for a second," JC said. "We are glad you could make it out tonight." The crowd cheered. The other four guys grabbed the five stools that were back by the band and set them up at the front of the stage.

"We are also going to see how well this will work out," JC laughed and looked off to the side of the stage. Britney and Janie were standing there with five of the guys kids. Britney straightened Natalie's pigtails.

"Are ya'll ready?" Justin asked and looked off to the side of the stage. He could barely make out Janie's nod. Justin waved them on stage and Janie pointed Andrew in the right direction.

The five kids walked out onto the stage while the audience clapped for them. The got up on the stools that their dads had set out.

"All right what's your name sweetie?" Justin asked Natalie. He moved the microphone that was in her hands up to her mouth.

"Daddy you already know my name," Natalie giggled into the microphone. The people in the crowd snickered too.

"Tell everybody else," He said.

"K," She smiled up at him, "Natalie." She was certainly the more outgoing one of the group of kids.

"Andrew," Chris' boy mumbled into his mike. Chris laughed at his 'enthusiasm.'

McKenna ran out onto the stage before Kelly could stop her. She smiled apologetically when Joey looked up at her. He picked up the little girl and kissed her cheek. "Say your name," Joey had grabbed Michael's microphone real quick.

"McKenna," She giggled.

Joey handed the object back to Michael and he said his name for the crowd.

"Elizabeth," Lance's daughter said quietly. She was the shyest one out of the kids.

"And this is Jacob," JC introduced his son. "He is a little shy." JC had moved to sit down on the stool with Jacob in his lap since the boy wouldn't stay seated.

"So this next song is for our kids, not all of them are out here though," Justin said and looked over at the guys. "Are you ready?" They nodded and he turned to the band. The band started to play the music to God Must Have Spent.

Can this be true?
Tell me, can this be real?
How can I put into words what I feel?
My life was complete
I thought I was whole
Why do I feel like I'm losing control?
I never thought that love could feel like this
and you've changed my world with just one kiss.
How can it be that right here with me
there's an angel?
It's a miracle...

Natalie sang a long with her Dad for most of his parts, and Joey's kids pitched in a little bit too. After the song had ended, the kids were sent backstage and the guys started another slow song, I Drive Myself Crazy. To pick up the pace after that they sang It's Gonna Be Me.

Four more songs followed those three: Just The Two of Us, Girlfriend, Fallen, and Music of My Heart.

"Ladies," Chris looked over to the side of the stage. He waved them on and Janie rolled her eyes as she followed Kelly onto the stage. The cheers grew when Britney came on stage and stood by Justin. JC stepped back by the band, to let the guys sing to their girls.

"These are our girls here," Justin smiled at Britney and kissed her cheek. Joey and Lance introduced Kelly and Alison before Justin spoke again. "And these next two songs are for them. So grab your wife or husband …"

When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength,
I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was standing here all along..

And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

Chris wrapped an arm around Janie's waist. His front was pressed to her back and they swayed back and forth. Joey sang JC's part since he had opted to sit out for these songs. They finished This I Promise You and started to sing For the Girl Who Has Everything.

You drive a pretty car - you know how fine you are
And nobody needs to say it.. no way...
They love the clothes you wear - they compliment you and I
Just love the way you play it...
But the only thing you dream of - money can't buy for you...
And in my dreams I make your wish come true
For the girl who has everything
I bring you love
I bring you love
Cause the girl who has everything can't get enough
Of my love

Justin grabbed Britney's left hand and managed to point at her wedding ring. She laughed at him and rolled her eyes. The guys finished and gave each of the girls a kiss before they walked off of the stage.

The next songs they did included: I'll Be Good For You, Space Cowboy, Up Against the Wall, Digital Get Down, It Makes Me Ill, and Something Like You.

"All right this next song, brings back many memories for us guys," JC stated. "It was the first song we learned to do together and means a lot." The five stood at the front of the stage.

Ohh... Ohh... Ohh...

She was my once in a lifetime
Happy ending come true
Ohhhhh I, guess I should have told her
I thought she knew
She said I took her for granted
That's the last thing I would do
Oh I'll never understand it
I thought she knew

I thought she knew my world revolved around her
My love light burned for her alone
But she couldn't see the flame
Only myself to blame
I should have known
I should have known

A heart full of words left unspoken
Now that we're through
I'd sell my soul to have this silence broken
Oh I thought she knew (I thought she knew)

I thought she knew my world revolved around her
My love light burned for her alone
But she couldn't see the flame
Only myself to blame
I should have known
I should have known

She was my once in a lifetime
Happy ending come true
Woahhh I guess I should have told her

But I thought she knew (I thought she knew)
I thought she knew (I thought she knew)
I thought she knew (I thought she knew)
Ohhhhh I thought that she knew

"We have one more song for you guys," Justin said at the end. "Thank you so much for coming out tonight to our concert. It really means a lot to us even after all these years. You guys were great."

There's a thousand words that I could say
To make you come home
Oh, seems so long ago you walked away
Left me alone
I remember what you said to me
You were acting so strange
and maybe I was too blind to see
That you needed a change

"Thanks for coming out," Joey waved after the song ended. The guys filed off stage and waited for a few minutes while the crowd's cheers got louder for an encore. They came out for their encore and began with Do Your Thing.

"Thanks again," Justin said as the opening cords to Bye Bye Bye began.

(Hey, Hey)
Bye, Bye, Bye
Bye, Bye...
Bye, Bye...
Oh, Oh...

I'm doin' this tonight,
You're probably gonna start a fight.
I know this can't be right.
Hey baby come on,
I loved you endlessly,
When you weren't there for me.
So now it's time to leave and make it alone
I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lie
I wanna see you out that door
Baby, bye, bye, bye...

Bye Bye
Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me but it ain't no lie,
Baby, bye, bye, bye...
Bye Bye
Don't really wanna make it tough,
I just wanna tell you that I had enough.
It might sound crazy,
But it ain't no lie,
Baby, bye, bye, bye

(Oh, Oh)
Just hit me with the truth,
Now, girl you're more than welcome to.
So give me one good reason,
Baby come on
I live for you and me,
And now I really come to see,
That life would be much better once you're gone.

I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lie,
I wanna see you out that door
Baby, bye, bye, bye...
Bye Bye
Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me but it ain't no lie,
Baby Bye, bye, bye...
Bye Bye
Don't really wanna make it tough,
I just wanna tell you that I had enough (ooh ooh)
It might sound crazy,
But it ain't no lie,
Baby, bye, bye, bye

I'm giving up I know for sure
I don't wanna be the reason for your love no more
Bye Bye
I'm checkin' out
I'm signin' off
Don't wanna be the loser and I've had enough

Don't wanna be your fool
In this game for two
So I'm leavin' you behind
Bye, bye, bye...

I don't wanna make it tough (wanna make it tough)
But I had enough
And it ain't no lie (Bye, bye baby...)
Bye, Bye
Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two (I don't wanna be your fool)
But it ain't no lie
Baby bye, bye, bye...

Don't really wanna make it tough (don't really wanna make it tough),
I just wanna tell you that I had enough (that I had enough).
Might sound crazy,
But it ain't no lie,
Bye, bye, bye

The five members of *N Sync took their final bow before running off the stage. They got to the dressing room where their wives and kids were waiting for them. It was a bunch of hugs, kisses, and talking for almost an hour before they even started to unwind.

JC was sitting on the couch with Jacob in his lap and watching the activity around him quietly.

"Thanks guys," he said when the noise level died down.

(POP -Timbelake/Robson, TUMH -Martin/Lundin, GMHS - Sturken/Rogers , TIPY -Richard Marx,
FTGWHE -Renn/Skinner , ITSK - Robin Wiley , GONE -Timberlake/Robson, BBB - Kristian LundinJake/Andreas Carlsson )