Chapter 7

“Oh good they are going roller blading!” Eve said glad that her brother was leaving.

“They can be so annoying!” Jen said agreeing with Eve, “Don’t you think Tay?” Jen asked.

Taylor was watching Carolyn play football.

“TAYLOR?! HELLO?! EARTH TO TAY!” Jen yelled.

“Oh sorry,” Taylor said putting some of his long blond hair that had fallen out of his ponytail behind his ear.

“You like her don’t you?” Eve said catching on.

“Like who?” Taylor said.

“Carolyn.” Jen frowned.

Eve and Jen both LOVED Taylor to death- the thought of him liking some one else broke there hearts.

“No way! I’m just watching at how close her and Ike are…they are like attached at the hip!” Taylor said.

“Taylor – they are playing football…” Eve said.

Jen just laughed.

“Sorry, I know- do you guys wanna come inside?” Taylor asked them.

“Sure.” Jen and Eve said smiling.

They walked in the door and Zac was coming down the steps at full speed on his roller blades just as Mrs. Hanson came in.

“ZACHARY WALKER HANSON! What did I tell you about roller blading down those steps?!” Mrs. Hanson shouted.

“Sorry Mom! I’ll be back in an hour!” Zac said blading out the front door.

“What am I going to do with him?” Mrs. Hanson said shaking her head.

“Mom, Jen and Eve are going to hang out here- is that okay?” Taylor asked.

“Oh Taylor! I didn’t even notice you all there!” Mrs. Hanson said.

“Obviously…” Taylor muttered.

“Jennifer! Eve! How are you?” Mrs. Hanson said ignoring Taylor’s comment.

“We’re great!” Eve said, “No more school!”

“How are you?” Jen asked Mrs. Hanson trying to be polite.

“I’m fine thank you, well- you kids go have fun.” Mrs. Hanson said going back to the kitchen.

“Okay, Bye Mrs. Hanson,” Jen and Eve said.

“Come on,” Taylor said going upstairs.

“You have such a cool family,” Eve said.

“Whatever…” Taylor said disagreeing TOTALLY.


“AH! Jason save me!” Carolyn yelled jokingly to Jace.

“No way!” He said laughing at Brandon and Carolyn. Brandon had tackled Carolyn and the rest of them dog piled onto her.

Then they all saw Zac roller blading out of the driveway and all got off of each of each other.

“Where are you going little man?” Jace asked.

“Roller blading,” Zac said.

“Cool, have fun sweets!” Lindsay said.

Isaac made gagging noises.

“Oh shut up! Your little brother is adorable!” Lindsay said.

“It’s in the genes!” Ike said.

“Don’t flatter yourself!” Brandon said.

They all laughed and continued their football game.

Chapter 8