Chapter 5

“Hello ladies,” Zac said smiling wide and flirtatiously, which made Claire and I blush.

“Girls, leave for one second, we got to talk about guy stuff- you understand,” Mike said.

“Ok whatever,” Claire and I said getting out of the tree house.

“DUDE! How do you do that?!” Chris said looking at Zac when Claire and I had left.

“Do what?” Zac asked.

“You say hi and they blush- they are like ALL OVER YOU man!” Mike said slapping Zac jokingly on the back.

“So what?” Zac asked.

“Don’t you think they are hot?” Chris said.

Zac was ready to say ‘ew girls!’ but then figured his friends might think he was a dork if he did.

“Whatever.” Zac said rolling his eyes.

“I can never figure out which one I like more,” Mike said shaking his head.

“Ashly is pretty cool, but so is Claire!” Chris said.

“How about you?” Mike asked looking at Zac.

“Well, I don’t know them AS well as you but they are both pretty cool,” Zac said smiling looking down at us.

“CAN WE COME UP YET?!” Claire yelled seeing Zac peer over the tree house.

“Sure!” Mike said.

Claire and I made it up to the tree house and Claire sat next to Zac and I sat in between Chris and Mike.

“So are you guys out of school?” Zac asked us.

“YEAH!” Mike said.

“Middle school here I come!” Chris said sarcastically.

“Cool, we’re all going into 6th grade!!” Claire laughed.

“I’m glad we’re all friends,” Zac smiled.

“Yeah this is cool- it’s finally summer so we don’t have to worry about school.” I said.

Chris put his hand in the middle and we all did the same.

“Let’s make a pack…” Chris said looking around.

“Best friends forever.” I said satisfied.

“ASHLY! BRANDON!” I heard my mom called. “COMING!” I yelled, “Maybe we can play flashlight tag or something tonight?” I suggested before I left the tree house.

Brandon and I grabbed our stuff and ran next door to our house.

Chapter 6